Monday, July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024 Monday--5am

Good morning!
It was a very quiet week.  McFamily was gone and I was not feeling well (ongoing fibro flare) so only all the basic stuff was taken care of.  Had a couple of naps even.  It's been warm with occasional rain...which has been kind of been the usual lately.  I mainly was making up food...just something every day for I am set for food and I got the laundry done...that was about all she wrote for me this week.
But it was a good week.  When I ache all over and have the other issues...if I settle into my chair and don't move much...well, I can feel pretty decent actually.  So, I did what I needed to do (in baby steps) during the day and was pretty much very low key in the evenings.  

Oh, I figured that since I had gotten myself things for the new home early...well, Miss Allie deserved something new and special, too. 
Yup!  A Laurel Burch cat bowl!  I had been thinking Allie could use a smaller food bowl ever since I had borrowed that small white bowl of Leah's for her when I moved her food and water because of the ants.  I think she actually eats less because her bowl seems full all the time--lol!  There's even a little scooped out spot at the bottom on one side for your fingers so it is super easy to pick up--cool!
All my few spoons every day were taken up by making food and doing laundry and cleaning.  Nothing extra for the studio.  But that's okay.  It is still there waiting for me.  
As you can see, I did get the cheap art boards.  Haven't tried them out yet.  I may start out with something simpler like abstract art or tangles or doodling...doesn't matter, just so I get back in there pretty soon.

If I am busy at the table and I don't stop to pet her...
...Allie will pet herself--lol!

Well, I told you this was one quiet week.  Was a busy household-duties type of week, so that was good.  I got more than I expected to get done on that score with how cruddy I felt off and on.  :)  I just have to adjust my expectations, priorities, and my pace.  Just is a part of my normal old normal life.  Nothing new, thank goodness. ;)  For so very many years my body has been the boss of me.  I have to just go with the flow, slow down even more, and be patient.  The last couple weeks have just been the annoyingly familiar fibro antics--lol!  I have learned how to do well through this stuff, though.  Life is still good.  Very good.

I know McFamily drove home Friday, but I haven't heard more than that.  They did have a great time, Leah said.  I hope to have some pictures next week.'s another beautiful, hot day.  No laundry to do or food to make this with any extra spoons I have I hope to play a little in the studio.  :)

So, from this contented (but achy) Fargo lady and her cat...may you have a week filled with blessed moments and simple joys.  Till next week...