Okay--technology hasn't exactly been my BFF lately--LOL!
First the laptop wouldn't recognize my wireless printer, you may recall. Well, last Wednesday it decided it didn't recognize the wireless internet, either. My backup laptop--well, Dagan took that with him to update last time they were here. My TV still had internet, so I knew it wasn't that the internet was down. My phone screen is so small...but--remember how I had forgotten all about about the TV being a computer last time the laptop had issues?
Well, with my poor vision, I decided to just grab a folding table and pull up a chair. Set myself up right smack in front of the big screen with my keyboard and mouse--and emailed Dagan and Leah on my TV. When I wasn't using the keyboard I just pulled the chair around next to the table to get it out of the way. Well, the change in furniture was immediately intriguing to you-know-who!
Karma claimed the chair as soon as I left it...
...and she used the bottom of the table to rub and scratch her own head. Always thinking, she is.
Now, the TV computer is Microsoft, a different system than I'm used to now, and not set up with all the tabs that I am used to (Leah sets them up for me). It doesn't even have the tool bar with edit and such...so I was at a loss how to do some things. So I just used it to read my gmail and answer emails. At least I kept up with something the last four days--LOL!
Dagan called me yesterday afternoon and talked me thru what to do. Had to shut down the laptop, disconnect the internet, and restart them. I figured it would be something pretty easy--just didn't know what to do. Since then, I have been catching up with youtube and blogger friends and my old yahoo mail account. Whew!
Meanwhile, the TV has also been acting up. Well, the TV computer and/or the TV. Been crashing itself, rebooting, and then the screen has moved on me. Crashed about four times I think in the last 10 days and the screen went goofy two different ways. The last time it crashed it went back to normal--knock on wood! Which was another reason I didn't do as much online on the TV.
So--there you have it. Why I have been gone for a little while. :) Not that I'm not gone for four days sometimes, but I usually keep up with comments on other blogs. Not really a big deal. I wasn't totally cut off from the outside world when I had email, right? :)
Other than that, it has been about the same around here. A bit cooler lately (80s) but, even when it is in the 60s or low 70s at night, been 75-90% humidity. So, I am still inside with the AC on. Seems a shame when the temps are so nice at night, but I am sore enough without the humidity added into the mix--LOL!
We've had a little sun here and there, but a lot of this!
Clouds and rain.
I watched Source Code and Winter in Wartime. Both of them were really good! Winter in Wartime is Dutch with subtitles, but was riveting. Worth "reading" this movie, in my opinion. I don't want to say too much about either of them. Wouldn't want to ruin anything. But I think they both have trailers you can watch.
Karma cracked me up! I suppose because she'd never been able to be that close to the big TV she became entranced with watching movies with me that first night. The one she is watching here was on instant Netflix. That's Keira Knightly in The Edge of Love--which was so boring to me that I quit watching it. Normally, if I can't be interested in half an hour (sometimes less) I don't want to waste my time and just try something else. Especially when it comes to the instant movies.

Sorry Keira. Karma was much more into the movie than I was.

Meanwhile...the herbs have all made an appearance now!
Including the catnip!! (Fingers crossed.)
Yesterday was another grey day. A storm rolled thru in the morning and there was a crack of thunder so loud that sleeping Karma leapt up and ran across the room! Was right over our heads, I think.
Today the sun has been out all morning. Yes, I have been back on days this weekend!! Tada! Nice! :):)
The latest weird thing they are doing in the building is unhooking the magnets on random fire doors. Even the ones that close off the elevator. The frustrating thing to me is that I am too dang short to reach way up there to hook those magnets back together to keep the door open again. Sometimes I do wish I was taller. Not often--but lately with the goofy door shenanigans a few more inches would be just the ticket. Not that I can't open them and get through--but I feel badly that I can't fix it for the next person, you know? At least they have not done much at all to the metal sheeting on the elevator door, though...knock on wood. Maybe soaking the elevator floor and the fire doors are enough entertainment for now--ROFL! ;)
Anyways, I am back online. [Knock on wood! Have really become quite superstitious about making statements like that lately--LOL!] Let's just say...hope to be back soon. ;)
"A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."
Arabian Proverb
Well, if you don't like the movies and Karma does, it's no big deal, I guess. You pay the same amount every month no matter how many you download, right?
Love your sky pictures, they are always exciting. And the proverb is one to keep in mind always. :-)
Rita, phew you and technology girl! I just dunno! I am thankful to be fluent in being able to fix most things, as is my husband since he messes things up sometimes, lol. :)
I would love to see a little bit of clouds, with no rain and a breeze, it has been horrid lately! And since I start my new day time job, I dread being out in it so early, BUT thank heavens for an office with air conditioning! :D
I will b checking out Source Code eventually, hope I like it too. I watched Beastly last night and enjoyed it.I think next on my list is Season of the Witch. I love me some Nicholas Cage!
Yay for the little blooms coming along!
Be safe! ((hugs))
Djan--Yes, you pay one fee for the streaming instant movies no matter how many you watch. I actually watched it longer because Karma was so fascinated--LOL!!
The sky is dull grey today. :( I have become quite a sky watcher since I moved here and can see such an expanse. :)
Friends are such a comfort in life. Now we are able to have blog-friends, too. Makes life even better. :):)
Desi--I know. Dagan and Leah just shake their heads with me and technology. I am nearly techie-illiterate--LOL! And I consistently have things happen to my "stuff" that Dagan has never heard of--and he works with computer networking for a living!
Best of luck on your new job tomorrow!!! Exciting! I hope in just a short time you will know this new job like the back of your hand. :)
I just got Season of The Witch yesterday in the mail! Going to watch it tonight. I am a Nick Cage fan, too! Something about him. Like Johnny Depp--he's close to the edge. Johnny is generally lighter and Nick is generally darker--LOL! ;)
Sleep well and I hope you have a good day at the new job!
Sorry to hear you've been having so many technology issues. I wondered where you were... Was going to send out a search party if you didn't show up soon. LOL! (OK, I was just going to e-mail you and check you were OK, but... Well, it's kind of the same, lol!) Good luck catching up on things. I'm afraid I didn't make it easy for you with all my recent posts. LOL!
Silly Karma! LOL!
I'm the same. If I don't get interested after a bit - usually 20 minutes or less, being honest - I turn the movie off and watch something else. I only watch the whole thing if I've gone to the cinema, but since I only go to the cinema to watch something if I've been dying to see it (like Harry Potter) then that's not usually an issue.
That's weird about the doors. Wonder why they did that?
Love the quote (or proverb).
Goodness, what a right schamozzle you've had with the computer, TV, laptop etc. Hope they behave themselves now.
I just laughed out loud at those pics of Karma in the chair and then watching TV. She's such a sweetie!
I wish I'd stopped half-way through a book I read recently....it was SO boring and I had to force myself to the end in the hope that it may have improved. Well it didn't and I regretted wasting my time.
Fingers AND toes are crossed for the catnip! ;)
Those clouds look quite ominous...nice pics tho.
What a beautiful proverb....beautiful!
Love and hugs,
Serena xo
Technology drives me nuts sometimes, but we do the best we can with what we have. It's the only way to keep in touch in some instances, so I wouldn't want to lose it. I hope yours behaves well now.
Loved the pics of Karma. She was really into that TV, wasn't she?
I read your whole blog but I'm having trouble keeping my eyes focused and my fingers on the right keys tonight so will close up my comment here. (blame it on a very long day and xanax tonight)
I hope you have a good day tomorrow. Good night and sleep well. *hugs*
Ah yay! I hope you enjoy Season of the Witch! Yes I love dark yummieness, lol! :D And Depp is good too!
Thanks for the well wishes! :D
Tori--LOL! Yes--a blog search party is a personal email--hehe!
I don't think I've ever walked out at an actual movie theater and it takes a lot for me to not watch all of a movie that comes in the mail--but that's because, like you, I have usually chosen more carefully with those. ;)
The doors? Bored, I suppose. Just have to find something to annoy the office. But they are really annoying the residents. *sigh*
Serena--"schamozzle"--now that's one I never hear. Did they say that in the Laverne and Shirley theme song?
LOL@Karma--yes, and it was the using the wooden arm of the chair as a pillow, too, that makes me chuckle. ;)
With books it takes a lot for me not to finish once I start, but if it is still boring after spending quite a bit of time with it I will pass. Doesn't happen too often. And then there are the few that I bookmark and think that maybe I'll be more in the mood for it or something if I deal with it later...and it sits on the shelf with the bookmark--LOL! ;) Love and hugs back, lady. :):)
AliceKay--Yes, I hope I am over the techno-glitches for a good long while now. Yes, Karma was glued. Those two pics of her watching TV were taken a couple minutes apart and she hadn't moved a muscle, I don't think--LOL!
I hope you got some sleep and have a really better start to this week. :):)
Desi--It was okay. Not as good as I was hoping, but okay. Always fun looking into Nick's eyes--LOL! Be sure and post about the new job soon! :)
Yes... They don't think about that do they? The fact it annoys residents too, I mean. Well, there's also the times when they think it but don't care. Some people!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Karma is a hoot!
Love the pictures of her commandeering the chair and especially watching the movie. I'm with you - but I think I give it less time - if it doesn't catch me in the first few minutes - I'm done.
You've been so patient!! I get very irritated when my internet/electronics get all goofy!! And we lose power about 4 times a month here too (ugh!). I love your attitude!
Karma is terrific and I love seeing her! Sorry she had such a scare with that thunder though.
I have Source Code, but haven't taken the time to watch many movies, so they are all piling up (I have Thomas download many for me). I've been crafting or reading instead.
I hope your troubles and storms are over for good!!
Technology drives me nuts all the time. :) Usually (knock on wood) my stuff works and I'm trying to help someone else with theirs... and its a struggle sometimes to talk someone through things by "remote control" and on the blind.
I await Karma's movie review. She has good taste in the women she enjoys watching (or is she listening to her lovely voice?)
Hope the storms have left you alone - maybe the weather is keeping the werewolves that live in your apartment quiet with their ears pinned down...
Tori--Probably not great thinkers--LOL! ;)
Donna--Karma makes me laugh every day. She is a hoot! Yes, I figure if I give it a fair chance and it has nothing to hook me in--I'm gone. Better things to do with my time. ;)
Jeannie--I've become more patient since my body took over my life--LOL!
I was fascinated by the whole premise of The Source Code. I knew little so I didn't know what was going on and it was interesting to discover it as I went along, so I didn't want to say anything about it. Let me know if you like it. Not one to watch with Bella. ;)
Iggy--I admire the people who have enough patience to talk us un-savvy computer folk thru the paces, I tell you. That's why normally Dagan would rather do it himself--LOL! ;)
Well, the next movie I had on was another foreign film with subtitles and Karma left--hehe! I liked that one and she had liked the Kiera Knightly one. We do not agree at all on movies. ;)
Hope you're having a great day!
Tori--Probably not great thinkers--LOL! ;)
Donna--Karma makes me laugh every day. She is a hoot! Yes, I figure if I give it a fair chance and it has nothing to hook me in--I'm gone. Better things to do with my time. ;)
Jeannie--I've become more patient since my body took over my life--LOL!
I was fascinated by the whole premise of The Source Code. I knew little so I didn't know what was going on and it was interesting to discover it as I went along, so I didn't want to say anything about it. Let me know if you like it. Not one to watch with Bella. ;)
Iggy--I admire the people who have enough patience to talk us un-savvy computer folk thru the paces, I tell you. That's why normally Dagan would rather do it himself--LOL! ;)
Well, the next movie I had on was another foreign film with subtitles and Karma left--hehe! I liked that one and she had liked the Kiera Knightly one. We do not agree at all on movies. ;)
Hope you're having a great day!
Oh!! I thought Karma was going to sneak up to the keyboard so she could write her very own blog post! Bugger!!
Nikki--She probably could have, but she basically doesn't like talking to anybody but me. I'm the only human she likes, and there are times she barely tolerates me--LOL! She has been known to comment on other people's blogs when their animals post--if she's in the mood. Cats! ;)
I'm not really sure where 'schamozzle' comes from but I've used it on and off over the years....I picked it up from my older sis but not sure where she picked it up from.
Serena--I found a link telling about the Laverne and Shirley theme song--LOL! I hope it works for you. Otherwise google it. What crazy words put together! I never knew that third one at all...not after all the years I heard that song. Shows you how my mind works--I thought they were saying "posi-self incorporated"! Like positive self--LOLOL!!
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