It's not so bad when the storms come at night or race through and are gone in a couple of hours. At least we see the sun and it has a chance to dry things out a bit and help things grow.
Karma enjoys those early morning rays.
The Goulet order arrived yesterday and I have lots of pictures to show you! One of their lovely little personal touches is that either Brian or Rachel writes a note on the invoice and tells you what brand and color ink they wrote it in. big item...that I have been looking at for some time but hesitated to buy because it was $25.00...the Brause Calligraphy Lettering Guide.
Here's the back side of the large packet.
A sheet of self-advertising of nibs...

...and a sample page of what you're supposed to be able to accomplish with some practice using this kit, right? (Remember you can click on pictures to enlarge them.)
All these different alphabets on large pieces of what looks like tag board. Therefore, very sturdy...and I like that they are large so you can see the stroke arrows clearly, but for that price I would have liked them laminated...more of them (there are ten)...maybe some instructions!!
Here they are two at a time.

That's it. No instruction booklet...nothing. I have already had classes, but if you knew nothing and bought this kit...I think I'd be a little lost. Especially since they even show copperplate! With all the thin and thick strokes...and you need special flexible nibs for that...ah, nibs...
I went back and looked at the advertising of the nibs page again and that is all the instruction you get. Use this nib (picture and the nib number) for this alphabet.
Well, it's mine now.
My 60 year old bi-focaled eyes will appreciate the larger print...and I have already had classes in the italic alphabet...but I wouldn't really recommend this kit unless you already have basic knowledge under your belt. And even then, you'd probably be better off to go online and watch youtube videos and search for alphabet images for free...or buy an actual book on calligraphy. And don't expect any help in learning copperplate script. Just my opinion. ;)
Anywhoo...I ordered some more ink samples. I'll play with them later and show you the colors, of course.
And I got the Clairefontaine Triomphe writing tablets! The lined page comes with the tablet, but I'll use one I made myself because I like a narrower rule when I can get it.

I have to confess that I immediately wrote a letter I owed (Bonnie), warned her she was going to be a guinea pig, and used a different FP ink color every couple of lines. This french paper is fabulous!!! I will do a regular ink test on the tablet and on...the journal!!!
This is the Clairefontaine journal in red.
I do like that the elastic band is easily removable. If it fits into a leather holder as a refill you wouldn't want the elastic band on there.

There's a white sheet and a lined sheet...

...that are both attached to the covers.

So, while Karma slept on the packaging...
...I got out my magic cutter...
...and it turned out I only had to remove the lined sheet. The white one next to the cover stays out of the way quite nicely.
So, I have journal sheets to ink test, too! And new ink colors to play with! Kind of reached my back and shoulder limit yesterday and need a good long break...but soon! Maybe even tonight? Time will tell. :):)
If the writing tablet is any indication, I am probably going to love this journal, too! Awesome! I wish it came unlined. Goulets only carry lined. I haven't snooped around to see if they even make a blank version. (Goulets do special orders.) I wish Clairefontaine sold blank 8 1/2 X 11 inch paper...hummm...may have to do some internet searching, eh? ;)
Anyways, Caroline comes today...Dagan and Leah come tomorrow...and I go to the eye doctor on Thursday. For me, a busy week--LOL! Have a great day! :)
(I live in my sacred space!!)
"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again..."
Joseph Campbell
I know I will never be able to write those alphabets - and for $25 I would have been crushed... thinking that;s a "rip off".
Can you do "copperplate?" My hands hurt just looking at the "stroke guides".
I love love love journals... even if theyre blank. Just the journals... something special about them!
MORE fun goodies!! How wonderful! Isn't mail the bestest??? Have fun!
I got two packages myself and I'm sooooooo thrilled!
More puffy white clouds. :) I took a picture today of some puffy white clouds above the mountain beyond the feed mill as I was driving back to the office from the bank. (should have gotten my camera out sooner tho)
Karma looks very content...whether laying in the sun or laying on your mail packaging. :)
I think that's a wonderful, personal touch for the Goulets to sign their invoices and include the ink color. Very unique idea.
Calligraphy looks so difficult, and with the way my hands cramp up when writing now, I doubt I could do it. (i'd certainly be lost with that kit) My niece took a class in calligraphy a long time ago, and she can write beautifully with it. Have fun with your papers,your inks, and your journals.
I love that quote. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Wow, you're right. With no instructions if I had received this in the mail, I would have had to call someone. Like you, Rita! But I'll just watch and see what you do with all this wonderful stuff. Very cool indeed!
Goodies are always great; though it's a shame the one item didn't quite live up to your expectations. Hope you have fun with it anyway! :)
LOL @ Karma sleeping on the packaging (again)!
Love the quote!
Iggy--Yes. I felt like a rip off. Especially coming from a well respected nib company. Big :( No, I don't know how to do copperplate or spencerian, I think it's called. I have always wanted to attempt to learn and even got as far as buying an oblique nib holder many years ago, but was kind of overwhelmed. I bet I could find more youtube videos on it. I have run across one or two, but they seldom post anything new. Looks hard! But I'll probably have to take a stab at it one day. ;)
Nikki--Me. too! I am such a sucker for journals! I used to always go for the lined ones, but some of them have such wide lines. That is why I made up my own writing guides and now actually prefer the blank ones. :)
Jeannie--Have fun with your new stuff, too!! It's such fun getting new goodies in the mail!! :)
AliceKay--Yup! Can't get over the fluffy cloud days! They left today, tho. :(
It was one of Goulet's notes written in Apache Sunset that got me to try a sample and later buy a bottle. Orange! My most unfavorite color. Never thought I'd see the day--LOL!
That's a sweet thing to say. Thank you for sharing your life, too. :):)
Djan--I couldn't believe it didn't come with an instruction booklet of some kind. I can sort out some of them okay, I think. And I have some actual calligraphy books, so I can look things up. Coming from a company that sells nibs--pretty disappointing. But these old eyes will appreciate the large print--ROFL!! ;)
Tori--I'll try and use the giant calligraphy cards (that's kind of what they are). It will still be fun to try new alphabets.
Karma just has to lay on packaging--she is such a goumba! :):)
I love all the letter there and I bet you can do those just perfect too :o) Karma is funny sleeping on the packaging lol
Lynn--With lots and lots of practice I might get close on a couple of them, but never perfect. My calligraphy teacher would attest to that! ;)
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