Been lovin' these white clouds against the blue-blue sky we've had lately.

These were the kind of clouds we loved to try to find images in when I was a kid.
Well, my Ink Drop order arrived! They said it was going to be something different and is this ever cool!
We always get a card with it and this was the theme for July--"Flashlight Tag".
I never actually played flashlight tag as we were not allowed to touch Dad's flashlight when we were kids. I don't remember anybody in the neighborhood with flashlights at night. (Back then, flashlights were the dad's domain.) Would have been fun! And less dangerous! Instead we played very physical tag and "Wild Horses" where we used a rope lasso on the ground to catch people's feet as they fake galloped by. I'm surprised somebody didn't get their teeth knocked out or something. You'd come home black and blue...and with bloody scraped knees! Moms were more concerned with the grass stains on your clothes--ROFL!
Anyways, this time we got three different highlighter inks and Blue invisible ink!!

Immediately tore into the invisible ink! Grabbed a sheet of scratch paper and wrote away. Couldn't see a thing! Barely even a momentary wet streak. Far out, as we used to say in the 60s!
You need a black light to read it. We had a lot of those back then, too. Where's a good black light when you need one?
That is what the odd contraption was in the package that has a little rubber strap to hold it on your finger.
I think this is also to help you see what you are actually writing--LOL! But I was too dang excited to write with it and didn't bother.
I would have LOVED this when I was a kid! We used lemon juice and heated the paper on light bulbs--which burned the lemon juice brown so you could read it. In theory. Was a hit or miss proposition, if you ask me. But this...!!!
Oh, Dagan...Dagan...Dagan! You would absolutely, positively have had some of this when you were a boy if it was around then and I had known about it. I wonder when Nathan (Noodler's) came up with this ink? This little light will burn out and I already heard that the batteries are super expensive....I wonder where you can buy ultraviolet lights? I wonder if there is such a thing as a black light flashlight...hummm?
And...they gave us a highlighter pen! Since the one they gave me was pink, I filled it with the Dragon Catfish Pink ink. Has a nice hard chiseled tip on it.
Here I tried it out on scratch paper and a Levenger catalog. Didn't bleed through at all and dried quickly. I think I might need another highlighter pen--LOL! (Also very cheap--made by the Preppy Pen folks.) Normally, I prefer the yellow and green.
And--my second sample package of paper arrived, too. They come like this in a stiff envelope. Here's both the first and second batch. Cardboard protection on both front and back, too.
On the right is the first order and on the left is the second order.
They are each individually labeled like this. Wrapped with a paper strip and the detailed information attached to the strip with an embossed metallic sticker.
Now that is some fancy paper, eh? I've never had this quality of writing paper before. And I am almost positive there will be a winner from this next batch.
I do have some more regular business paper coming from Office Max, too. One I have used before that I know is serviceable for fountain pens, a parchment that I haven't, and a couple other small items. There are many ways I could use parchment paper so I wasn't worried. I am low on paper in general around here. Cardstock is on the shopping list this year, too.
And I have small Jet Pens and Goulet Pens orders coming, too. Like Christmas in July around here! :):)
Well, I guess I have some more sheets to write on with all my various fountain pens.
Test! Test! Test!
Fun! Fun! Fun!
I'm hoping to order some awesome fountain pen paper from Neenah's in August!
Oh--and this is my 1,500th post--tada! Now that's a minor tongue twister in itself.
Dagan and Leah are planning on coming by tonight. At least, I haven't heard any different--LOL! Leah is going to transplant the porch philodendron for me. As far as I know, it's not supposed to rain again until Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I wouldn't be the least surprised to hear somebody is building an ark up here. Probably why I have been quite exceptionally mesmerized by the big beautiful blue skies when they do appear. ;)
Wait till I show Dagan and Leah the invisible ink!!
Well, truth be told, they probably won't be as thrilled as I am--ROFL! I'm sure they'd tell you that I am like a little kid about these things...well, about a lot of things--LOLOL!! But other people's lack of enthusiasm never seems to dampen mine. ;)
Happy, happy Wednesday!! :)
"A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love."
Mother Teresa
yes, what a happy and fun-filled Wednesday you have. Lots better than mine, I get to go to the dentist and pay them lots of money for a crown. Yayy! :-)
Love the clouds, BTW. And the pens and paper sure do look like fun.
Sounds like an awesome package... Have fun with it!
I had invisible ink once. I didn't use it much, but then I found a really neat use for it... If you mix it with fake blood (which I did just to see what would happen) it made the blood fade away after just a short time. It was like having cuts that magically healed up quickly (only without the pain of having a real cut).
Oh how cool!! Invisible ink! They used to make blacklight bulbs - I used to have one (and maybe still do...)
now you need to write a secret message to Dagan!!
Djan--The dentist! I get queasy just thinking about going to the dentist. I hope all went well and you were in and out of there without much pain at all.
You practically walk in the clouds up on those mountains! LOL! ;)
Tori--I am surprised that the fake blood would disappear just because you combined it with invisible ink! That's weirdly fascinating--hehe! :)
Iggy--OMG!! I have to go check that out! Hey--you better go look to see if you still have that black light! If you do I'll send you an invisible letter! No lie!! I will! Let me know! :):)
OH, lots of goodies again!!
YES, a secret message would be fun! You know, I don't think I've ever played with invisible ink but I imagine what fun it would have been as a child. Never heard of the lemon juice and heat method either. COOL!
"Far out!" used to be one of our favourite sayings back in high school so it stayed around here well into the 70's too. It sure brings back memories.
Yes, those skies/clouds are lovely so I sure hope the rain stays away for you.
It's just after 6am on Thursday morning and it's cold, cold, COLD!! I'm off to make myself a warm coffee or tea.
Have a lovely evening,
Serena xo
Love the cotton candy clouds! I want some invisible ink....looks fun. :) That's some neat stuff you got. How long do your pens last? I don't buy the fancy ones you do but I do notice that when I buy permanent markers or dry erase, they dry out rather quick even if I don't use them. Maybe it's due to the heat.
I'm stuck in my room right now, contracter is here and there is dust everywhere. They keep bugging me asking when Russell is coming home to see if he can pay them for 2 rooms they did so far. I think not!.....they put in a bid for a job and it's not done. Uggghhh.
Congratulations on your 1500th post! :)
Some nice looking clouds against the pretty blue sky up there. As Ryan would say, they look like Thomas smoke. :)
Christmas in July for sure! LOL Have fun with your inks and your special papers. That little blacklight is really cool, too. (i have a blacklight bulb that looks like a regular light bulb and fits into regular lamps)
Hope you have a nice night with Dagan and Leah. I can tell you're a wee bit excited to show them your goodies. :)
What a great quote by Mother Teresa.
That is so super cool!!! A black light flash light would be awesome too! You might have just stumbled on the next infomercial product!
Love the new ink - you have such pretty handwriting - mine is best kept invisible!
I was surprised too. Like I said, I did it just to see what happened. I don't know if it was the ink to blood ratio or what, but that's what happened.
It's also possible it only happens with certain brands of both things; I never thought to test that out. Would be a fun experiment!
Serena--Yup! Lots of goodies this month! The lemon juice and light bulb thing will work, but it takes quite a while to heat the lemon juice--hehe! It was something fairly safe for kids to do when I was young.
Ha! Far out! That's groovy! ;)
Stay warm down there, sweetie! :):)
Barb--That's a good description--cotton candy clouds.
Do you mean how long do my highlighter pens last? I have one set that is bordering on absolutely miraculous! I bought the set in 1998 and not one of them has dried out!! I used it constantly in the office I worked in color coding, same for my calendar the whole five years I was in college, and have used it less frequently to color code in my calendar ever since! They're absolutely magical--and I almost hate to say it out loud for fear I will have broken the spell.
Other highlighters and markers have been hit or miss for me. Some dry up in months where others last for a few years. I've never had a refillable highlighter. This is my first one. But, at least it is refillable. ;)
I hope everything went okay with the contractors? I'd make sure they finished before they get paid off!! Good luck! I'll look for a post from you on your blog. :)
AliceKay--Yes! I can't believe I have this many posts already. Goodness! :)
LOL@Thomas smoke!
Leah was telling me they had blacklight bulbs you could screw in a regular lamp. Cool! Well, if you get a blank note in the mail....LOL!
Donna--Yes! Iggy directed me to find them on Amazon! Amazon has practically everything these days, doesn't it?
LOL@mine is best kept invisible. I'd have to see it to believe that. And I probably wouldn't agree with you--LOL! ;)
Tori--That would be a most strange experiment--LOL! ;)
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