Good afternoon.
Yes, as of a few days ago, I have seen jackrabbits for the first time this winter!! :)
This guy was here with the girls.
The girls are here at least once a day...
...and, if the temperatures are blow freezing, several times.
The sparrows come and go every day--more frequntly when it is colder, also.
Thanks to three generous people this Christmas (you all know who you are) I ordered the new Vagabond 2 that came out this past summer!!! I haven't even opened the box yet. Leah couldn't make it Monday night because of the ice storm we had over Christmas Day and into Monday, so she's coming over tonight. I desperately need some happy play time. :)
We're both very excited to have an electric die cutting and embossing machine!! Will show you more later.
And Karma loved the box and packing paper. Yes, she was inside there.
You may notice a trash bag I didn't bring out (saved for Caroline who came to clean this afternoon). I was afraid to try to skate out to the dumpster on all the glare ice after falling inside the house already on Friday before Christmas.
Yup! Klutzy me! I am very short (5' 1") and my bed is extra high because I have a 4-inch memory foam mattress pad on the bed to help with pain/sleeping. So in order to sit on the bed I have to back up to it and jump--LOL! Not a pretty picture, I know. Well, I was going to put on some socks and backed up to jump on to the corner of the bed...and next thing I knew I was falling and twisting in the air so as not to hit my head on the dresser...and landed flat on my back! Couldn't move for a little bit there--whew!
Apparently I hit tailbone first, because that hurt like hell for about four days. I twisted/hurt hips, knees, ankles, wrists, elbows, neck, shoulders...not sure how I did all that at once, but I am talented--LOL! I spent Christmas in my recliner with a heating pad (which I am sooooo glad I finally replaced in November--old one burned out a couple years ago). Karma loved it--LOL! I am still not moving in any agile fashion.
Meanehile...I had been back to the eye doctor for part two of my exam--still absorbing those new facts. I am seeing the specialist on the 18th of January. I smack myself up good. We have an ice storm. I cut my hand yesterday--not bad, but annoying, nonetheless. And now Nazar finally showed up (unannounced) at the door this afternoon with another maintenance man to look at the flooring. They blamed my rolly chairs for the damage (of course, even though it is only on one side of where my chair is). Once again I was told they will look for matching linoleum or glue it down...and the older maintenance guy told me I should get a floor mat. (Which Dagan and Leah were already planning to pick up at IKEA when they go to Minneapolis for Dagan's heart/pacemaker check beginning of January.) This guy told me because of my chairs this will just continue to spread and damage the floor. I told him it has been in the same area for the last five months...on only one side of where my chair is. Didn't matter to them. It's the rolly chairs. (Not improperly installed or cheap linoleum, of course--LOL!)
Then, as they were about to leave...
Nazar drops the bomb.
"You have to remove that bird feeder."
Of course I tried to persuade him...only five small eye screws are involved...only going to be up in the winter...
Has to come down.
I told him I would have to wait until son & DIL can do it.
I hope that after the bird feeder is gone and they realize I am putting food out on the ground and it isn't just falling out of the feeder that they don't tell me I can't put any food out at all...
I was going to wait to blog until I had something more cheery to say, but...well, at this rate who knows when that will be.
I've been having internet issues (which means I have troubles watching some shows online) and still having laptop issues. [Mr. Rusty is not working right and freezing, etc--Dagan hasn't had time to look at McLap yet--even the tablet isn't cooperating all the time with Chromecast.] YouTube won't let me comment most of the time. Sometimes Blogger won't let me, either. :( Is it something in the stars? Has bad mojo descended?
Man! I sure hope 2017 starts to turn around.
When I could sit for any length of time again I gathered all my weather stamps that I might use in the 5-year diary. Thought that might be a fun way to add to recording the weather.
I printed them all out on to some card stock so I could see them (some are quite small)...
...and practiced with different ink pads to see what bled through the worst.
They all tend to bleed through the Leuchttrum paper, but the distress inks seemed to do it the least. So now I have them all in one box...just want to get some small distress cubes that would fit in the box, too. :)
I printed off some freebies from Boho Berry's website. Just fun stuff she drew for people to color. I added these to my 2017 Bullet...framed them with washi tape There's a Hello 2017 and a gratitude sun diagram...
...follow your arrow... is going to be awesome...
...and a different follow your arrow.
I also tested out every fountain pen and ink I have going at the moment on tomoe river paper so I know which ones I can use in my new writing journal and which ones to avoid.

I'm always changing up inks so I will keep this extra paper tucked into the journal cover to have handy as a reference and to use for testing any new inks.
So--anyways--the year has not been ending on the best note, shall we say. Hopefully 2017 will shape up here before too long. I foresee more arts and crafts in my future. [I hope! Don't want to jinx myself.] And now things are not working right and freezing up on Mr. Rusty so I hope I can post this. Man! I am too tired and sore for all of this. The Girls are here for a dusk feeding and I should see jackrabbits pretty soon. Leah is coming and we will play! :)
Happy New Year!! :) :)
No quote--reached the end of my uncooperative computer patience--LOL!
Happy New Year! What a great gift you have. I bet you can't wait to play! I love seeing those jack rabbits-we don't have much in the rabbit family around me, too many coyotes I think. Fun to see. And glad Miss Karma has a new play toy. Why they invented cat toys when boxes are a cats best friend is beyond me. Hugs-Erika
Love the bullet journal idea and your weather stamps, wish we could find those stamps here but Alaska I have discovered that we are quite deprived in Australia lol
oh my, you have had quite a week! Get feeling better soon. Your new "toy" will be a lot of fun. Let's hope things look up for all of us in 2017! Love and prayers from AZ!
...and as always, regards to Karma and McFamily!
I'm not surprised they want the feeder removed. I've been expecting this for awhile. Don't know what reasons they gave, but in general it's not a good idea to entice critters to come so close to a building. Not sure you knew, but hubby and I owed a pest management business for 25 years. So we're well aware of the damage birds and critters can cause. I'll be surprised if they don't make you stop putting out feed on the patio too. Sorry friend. I know how much pleasure the wildlife brings you. A lot of people can't wait for this year to end, but it was wonderful for our family. And I'm hoping 2017 will be just as good, if not better, for us and you. Happy New Year!
It's too bad the maintenance people can't see the problem isn't yours. Maybe you could move the chairs to another area and when the linoleum continues to deteriorate, see what they blame it on then. And what was the reason why you had to remove the feeder? Why not read your contract and see if it states anything about hanging things outside. Are you allowed to hang pictures in your home? Just a thought.
I have to say, I wouldn't need the McLap or watching the videos on YouTube if I had that new Vagabond. Any die cutter would be a great deal for me! You have some truly awesomely awesome friends.
Hope by now all your bruises are healed. Happy New Year and I am sure things will get better. After all, you have that new Vagabond!
Oh gosh - so sorry to hear about your fall! Here's wishing you good health and happiness in the coming year.
You sure did a number on yourself with that fall, Rita. I'm glad you are on the mend, though, and was sad to hear the feeder has to come down. :-(
Hugs you gently. Heal soonest.
Fight the battle with the bird feeder later.
We don't have jackrabbits here, so what a treat it was to see your photos! Thx :)
I'm sorry (though not surprised) about your bird feeder and hope you're allowed to put some seed on the ground for your girls. Honestly, if you're only putting out enough to last the day I'm not sure what objection there could be to that. We live in a townhouse community with HOA rules, but our rules are a lot more lenient than yours. I spend a _lot_ of time bird watching, so I know how much that means to you :(
The fall sounds scary! Have you considered one of those little step-ups made to go next to tall beds? I'm glad the heating pad helped.
Happy New Year! May the rule-enforcers be gentler with you.
May I suggest a little step to place beside your bed? ;)) Unless hurling your self off the bed is some kind of aerobics I never heard of....LOL! Please do be careful!
I am so jealous you got a Vagabond die/embossing machine. Please let me know how well it works. My Big Shot is almost "shot"and I lost the set screw in the handle, so form time to time it falls off! Since my hands don't work quite as well as they used to, I've been looking at the Vagabond.
Like E said, take a look at your contract and see if it states anything about hanging things on your little patio. I sold flooring for a couple of years........and a rolling chair will NOT cause any problems, unless the flooring has come loose, or was not properly installed. A mat will make everyone happy and ease your life too.
Happy New Year.!
Faw down, go boom?
At 5'1" you are taller then me I am only 4'11" my bed isn't high but it isn't near the ground either my brother and sister in-law have a bad that is near the ground and it drives me crazy when I house sit, I really don't like it. All that said falling over isn't nice, hurting your tailbone isn't nice and is as painful as...............I wouldn't trust myself walking on ice because I would fall without fail I would fall.
Too bad about the bird feeder, i know you have enjoyed feeding them. Hopefully you can keep on feeding them on the ground.
Of course they think it is the chair instead of bad linoleum or workmanship. I am sure you are not the only one with a rolling chair.
I hope you are having fun with the crafts and that new thingamajiggy looks interesting!! :) Hi to Karma! :)
I am so sorry for you Rita. Sounds like you have had your fair share of crap. Feel better and get playing with that new toy!!! I can't believe they would make you take down the bird feeder. Probably a complaining neighbor. My MIL had the same problem at her place. I send good wishes your way and hope that 2017 is the best year yet for you!
Bummer that it has been such a bad time for your!! I enjoy feeding my birdie friends in the winter too so I know your frustration. Hubby complains about the mess and the damage the cause to to deck but I keep on doing it and clean it up every spring and repair the damage as I need to. Hoping things are better for you soon!!! Happy New Year!!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your recent fall, but it's a relief to know it wasn't worse. I fell down a flight of stairs twenty years ago and injured my spine - - then I fell on the ice last winter and re-injured the old injury (!).
All I can say is be VERY careful!!
I love the photos of the jackrabbit. I haven't seen one since I lived in Texas. Take care, keep cozy, and hugs to Karma. Happy New Year!
YAY on seeing the Jackrabbits! Great to see the wildlife visiting you daily. :)
WHOO HOO on the Vagabond die-cutter!! I'm sure you will put it to good use. How lovely that you were able to get it because of three generous, I assume, readers of your blog.
Sorry you hurt your tailbone. OUCH!!
Of course, they would look for something else to blame other than crappy linoleum. I am so sad to hear the bird-feeder has to come down. :( I pray they don't tell you to stop feeding the critters.
The stamps are cute!
The print-outs from Boho Berry look great!
I'm praying that 2017 will be a better year despite all of the indications that may point to troubles ahead.
I'm off to read your latest post now....
My sister is your height and has a high bed. She has a little stepstool she uses to get in and out of bed. I'm wondering if something like that may be helpful so you don't have to jump and potentially reinjure yourself. It sounded like you were in a lot of pain.
Sorry to hear about all the challenges. It seems like they all come at once.
Let's hope 2017 is much better!
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