Monday, March 04, 2019

3-4-2019 Monday-11am

Good morning!
This is really going to be as quick as I can go because I think I either pulled a muscle in my back or twisted the crumbly bones the wrong way and have had a painful time of it since yesterday.  As soon as I am done here I finally worked up to getting down the heating pad this morning and am heading for my chair.  (I guess having the heating pad way up on a top shelf in the bathroom wasn't the smartest idea--LOL!)
I did take a few pictures this week, of course.
Can you tell the jackrabbits have figured out I'm no threat?
The only time they run off is when I go to open the patio door the 4-5 inches I can still open it. 
So there's no way I can sweep or shovel away the rabbit poops.  Everybody seems used to eating around them, though--ROFL! 
Look at that fur!  I wonder if it is as thick and soft as it looks?
Jackrabbits hang around to either rest after filling their bellies... 
...or to wait their turn on the patio.  :) 
I can only get closer to the grouse when their backs are turned--LOL!
The many girls (I'm feeding 16-17 now, I think) seem to love the mountain of snow from that parking lot across the way.
 The nooks and crannies provide shelter...
 ...from the wind.
My new humidifiers arrived!!   
After testing them out on low I am even running them on high.  The old ones would shut themselves off if I tried to run them on high.  I don't have as many bloody noses.  Getting to feel better in here every day.  Nice!
On Wednesday my mom turned 90 years old!  Happy birthday, Mom!
For my Artist's Date last week, I actually got out the pointed dip pen supplies, organized them into a box... 
...and practiced a bit of a free fancy alphabet sample from The Postman's Knock.  Used tracing paper so I can practice over and over with the same sheets I printed off. There was a video to go with this introductory practice session.
Man!  I am NOT used to trying to move my entire hand to write instead of my wrist!  Shaky and definitely not straight lines.  Will need a lot of practice with that.  Or...find a way to do it comfortably "my own way"?  LOL!
Worked on the memoir questions--and finished another week from the book.  No links to stories.  (Didn't double check the stories blog, but I don't think I have anything in particular specific to that time period--and in too much pain to go look.) 
Thursday Angie came for my yearly home visit (for Caroline's cleaning and shopping).  Friday Caroline brought groceries.  Leah warned me that Ian had been feeling punkish and warm and went to bed early, so I didn't know if we would have Gramma Day or not.  
Ian still wanted to come over so we planned for a really lazy, hangin' out day.  After lunch (he didn't have much of an appetite, even for snacks) we just cuddled in the chair and watched his new favorite show on Netflix called PJ Masks.  I made an attempt at selfie-type pictures of us in the chair--LOL!
As the afternoon wore on he was dragging...flushed and hot. 
  So Mama came earlier to pick him up to go home for some Ibuprofen and an early night again.   
He was feeling better yesterday and went to school today.  Temp went away, but he's still coughing.  That darn cold that's going around just doesn't want to let go.  Leah was still coughing, too.  ;(
Then yesterday I did something to my back.  It had been a bit more sore for a few days, but I think I pulled a muscle or twisted wrong when I lifted a heavy trash bag around to get it on the cart, etc.  No, I didn't take it out to the dumpster and try to lift it over my head to get it in there.  It will all sit on the cart till my back is better or somebody comes by to help me out.  Dagan is planning to get more seed at Fleet Farm for me on Friday--or sooner if I run out before Friday.  But I hope I can deal with it before then.  We'll see.  I won't push it.  Having a crumbly spine can be a quite literal pain sometimes--LOL!
Anyways, hurts to cough or blow my nose...or to sit here in the kitchen chair...didn't sleep my big comfy recliner and the heating pad await me on this cold gray pajama day.  May be an excellent day for a chair nap.  ;)
Well, I made it to the end!!  Whoohoo!  I do hope you have a fine day and a great week.  Till next Monday.   :) :)
"Between the dark sky and the dark earth
we hang a light in a dark tree
and sing of our wonder together."
Pir Elias Amidon


Rita said...

Comment to get comments before the heating pad--LOL! ;)

Lady Fi said...

Hope you feel better - and Ian too! Cute rabbit shots.

pearshapedcrafting said...

So sorry to hear about your aching body! I have a recurring problem with my knee - I put it down to my 'Judo years' - I was forever getting fluid on my knee in my early 20's! I hope the heat pad and some rest does the trick, at least with your new humidifiers you can relax more! You got some great shots of the rabbits! Poor Ian he doesn't look at all well in the second pic - glad to know he is a bit better now. Your writing practice sheet looks great! Take care of yourself and hope your week improves! Hugs, Chrisx

DJan said...

I do love those rabbit closeups, Rita. And I hope, really hope, you don't get Ian's cold. He does look miserable, and the beginning of an illness is when we're most contagious. Or have you already had it? Anyway, I'm hoping you can get some rest and let your back stop hurting. If it's not one thing... :-)

Bonnie said...

I hope your back feels better soon! So sorry it's hurting you. I have some bad discs and when my back starts acting up the heating pad is the first thing I go for. And do you know what - I keep mine on the top shelf of the bathroom closet too! What are we thinking? Those close-ups of the rabbits are really good pictures. You have all kinds of animal entertainment! Ian looks sick in that second picture, poor guy. I remember that look my kids used to get when sick. Glad your humidifiers arrived. I get nosebleeds from dry air too and the moist air does make a difference. I sure hope you back improves soon Rita!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Sorry Ian wasn't feeling well, sucks to be sick.
Leo loved the close up shots of the rabbits and said to tell you that rabbits are soft and cuddly

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Sweet Ian - hope he is feeling better now. Great rabbit photos - they have different expressions! Glad you can sleep in your recliner when you back is so sore - so sorry it is hurting you. Where are you going to store that heat pad - somewhere with no stretching I bet. Good that your new humidifiers have arrived. Hugs.

Jenny Woolf said...

Oh, Rita, I'm sorry to hear about your back, to add to the other pain. It's good that you have comfy furniture. I maybe said last time that some of those little souls outside are probably only alive because you've been feeding them. You have some wonderful photos of them! Poor little Ian. I hope he's better soon. But that's a wonderful bright smile in the first photo! what a lovely kid he is. Both of you need to send healing thoughts to the other, I suppose - I hope by your next post that you'll be feeling better.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Happy 90th Birthday to you MOM.

Janie Junebug said...

So sorry about your back. You know I understand back pain. Poor Ian. He did look as if he were coming down with something. Are the big piles of snow in places where it drifts or snow that has been piled up by plows? About how tall are they? After a lot of rain over the weekend it was beautiful here today. High of about 65 and a lovely breeze. I love it when I don't need heat or air conditioning. It really brings down the electric bill.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I wish you felt better. I think it is definitely pajama day. I hope your back appreciates the rest and lets you move a bit better soon.

Poor Ian. I think he must have really wanted to visit, because at the end, he looked ready for bed.

LOVE the photos of the rabbits. They are lucky to have you.

Friko said...

Poor Rita, after my recent back experience I know how utterly painful that can be. Get well soon and take care.

TammyVitale said...

BAcks are funny things even without crumbly bones. One wrong move and they're tweaked for several days (I just did that and all I did was turn around from the waist). Sending hugs for that. Must be awful. Hope you are feeling better!

We have that humidifier! Hubby needs one these days. Funny it keeps you from nose bleeds, it messes my nose up. We are a mess: me with my fan in my face, him with his humidifier going. The dog doesn't care, she snores all night no matter what.

Hope Ian is feeling better too.

Finally - the rabbit pictures are amazing. So cool to have them so close! And the birds - we are having feeder wars. The mockingbird has discovered the feeder and wants it to be only his. So this morning we moved one feeder and some suet across the yard and plan to buy some more hangers and feeders for the other side of the yard. That way the little birds can feed - they'll figure it out. He has scared the woodpeckers tho, which makes hubby unhappy. I have to say we do get a kick out of watching them. Better than any tv show.

Take care of yourself!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope you feel better soon. Great photos of the Bunnies:)

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm so sorry about your back! I hope propping up with the heating pad helps. You've gotten such great nature photos. All that snow. And the rabbits do look so soft, don't they :) I've never needed a humidifier here except for the heated ones when someone has a bad cough. We've used a _DE_humidifier, though lol Happy 90th to your mom :) I do hope your back gets sorted. I can sympathize with muscle and bone distress :( I'll send you warm, healing, positive thoughts :)

Serena Lewis said...

So sorry to read that you are dealing with bad back pain at the moment, Rita. Yes, do rest. I hope the heat pad helps. I find it gives me temporary relief on those bad days. Hope it eases soon.

Loved the close ups of the Jackrabbits!

Glad to hear the humidifiers are working out well.

Belated 90th birthday wishes to your Mum. How is she liking winter in her apartment? Has she done any socialising yet?

Seeing your calligraphy pics makes me want to get into The Postman's Knock class. I need to get a few supplies first. Your calligraphy practise looks great!

Poor Ian...he does look sick. I could see it in his eyes. I hope the bug clears off fully. These things can have a habit of doubling back for another bout.

Stay well, my friend. xo

Dee said...

Dear Rita, I do so hope that you are feeling better. One of the things about aging is that a person can move her body a fraction the wrong way---which in former years wasn't a "wrong" way and resulted in no pain--and discover a new area of pain. I so hope yours heals quickly. Is it, do you think, related to the fibromyalgia? Peace.

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

I hope your back is in less pain and you are feeling better. Ian does look under the weather. Hope he's feeling better too. Looks like the grouse love the snow mounds. You got some incredibly beautiful close-up photos of the jackrabbits! They have such lovely eyes and fur.