Good morning!
It looks much like this again right now, but a bit more solid gray with some drizzly rain. More substantial downpour is on the way shortly according to my trusty phone radar.
I have been cloud watching this past week. Some were colorful displays...
...and some so dramatic I had to step outside... try to capture the contrasts...
...and activity. :)
While I was out there I thought I'd show you the state of the flowers this fall.
I have some blank spots where marigolds drowned. But a couple of the eight plants survived.
Everyone else is doing fine as the weather cools.
Our young bunny friend visits.
Annie enjoys the morning sun...
...but didn't want to be disturbed and covered her face.
Me--I am about the same. Thank goodness! Between all the different topical creams and gels...CBD oil and Aleve...and all the various supplements Leah and I have researched...
...all that has been keeping the KT (knuckle and toe) situation about the same. It hasn't gotten any worse, at least. So that's good! I've just added KT to the rest of the issues I have to work around, have adjusted quite a bit to the new pain level, and adapted to more limitations. Life goes on.
I have something fun to share. Something I have been fascinated by for quite a long time. Have you ever heard of acrylic paint pouring art? People have different techniques. If you're interested, here's some examples. But if you're not as mesmerized as myself--skip or just pick one and you'll get the idea. ;)
Anyways, I finally succumbed to the temptation of a future messy endeavor. Or am in the midst of succumbing, I guess would be more accurate.
I made an order from Amazon of cheapest canvases I could find, pouring cups (8 oz still coming), and some stirring sticks.
I have a Dick Blick order coming with pouring medium and silicone oil. I still will need some larger bottles of black and white acrylic paint. I already have disposable gloves, palette knives, straws, and a variety of acrylic paints. Yes, I do believe a very messy adventure is in my future!!
Meanwhile, Ian and I had that Gramma Day last Monday. First we watched some PJMasks and then we decorated a sheet of packing paper so I could wrap Liam's birthday presents. I forgot to take a picture of when it was all one sheet, but the two presents on the right were wrapped in the new sheet we did with markers and crayons. The one on the left was the last piece I had from the marathon painting session Ian, Daddy, and I did quite a long time ago.
Ian was in the mood for me to draw and for him to do the coloring...except for this tree with the mourning dove on top that Gramma couldn't bear to use for wrapping paper.

I scribbled the grass but Ian drew the tree and then decided it needed a bird on top when he saw one of our porch visitors.
Ian also asked me to draw a really big table with presents on that he could color.

I scribbled the grass but Ian drew the tree and then decided it needed a bird on top when he saw one of our porch visitors.
Ian also asked me to draw a really big table with presents on that he could color.
I know you can't tell but we outlined four of the presents with glow-in-the-dark glitter glue. Since he wanted to show Liam how they glowed...well, I just managed to cut the packing paper and avoid this piece, too. Now it will be easier for them to bring this up to their room at night. (Yes, Liam has moved into Ian's room so it is now officially "the boy's room", Ian told me.)
Anyways, Gramma is keeping the tree and dove drawing on the frig. Not willing to part with it. ;)
Leah was here Thursday night for Craft Nite. She needed to make disposable gift tags for when Ian has presents for kid's parties from school. Otherwise, we family members have reusable gift tags and packaging. Hence the folded scarf-like present you see above on the presents table. ;)
Leah and I also discussed how we are going to put together my set of birthday cards. I had pre-cut some birthday paper a long time ago but never figured out how I wanted to construct the cards. Now we have a plan. Nice that Leah offered to help me with my birthday cards, too.
This weekend McFamily was very busy so I suggested we skip Gramma Day rather than try to squeeze in a couple hours in a hectic weekend. I've been taking it easy all week. Watched the two seasons on Acorn TV of London Kills and the second season on Netflix DVDs of Shetland. I've been enjoying so much shows where eventually the bad guys get caught and pay consequences.
Very satisfying.
Oh, and even after calling, the lady locating my new blood pressure pills at the other pharmacy, saying she'd have that pharmacy mail them, and that she'd cancel my old prescription...the new pills never arrived again AND YET a new month's worth of my old prescription arrived! Good grief! So I had to call again. This time she straightened it out, I hope. I just told her I'd keep the old prescription since I don't know if I'll have any problems with this new one. So, only been taking them since they (finally) came on Friday.
Generally, I have to say that I am as happy as can be. I can do what I need to do (mostly). I'm blessed with the help I do need. I embrace the cooler--even chilly--weather! Absolutely love the fall...well, and the winter, too. I will soon have a new art to experiment with. (Hopefully by October I'll have all the supplies.) I am adapting to the KT situation--LOL! I have chosen not to let the new limitations get me down. I choose gratitude and happiness. It could always be worse, right? May take me a while sometimes, but that is what I have always chosen and hope I always will. Life is good. :)
While I have been chatting with you it has poured and thundered for a while. Annie disappeared instantly, of course. Now it is down to a steady patter on the air conditioner. Right now it's 57 degrees or almost 14 C. I love it! Definitely have northern blood--LOL! :)
So, have a wonderful week, everyone.
Till next time.
[I'm a sucker for Rumi quotes. :)]
"Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
Anyways, Gramma is keeping the tree and dove drawing on the frig. Not willing to part with it. ;)
Leah was here Thursday night for Craft Nite. She needed to make disposable gift tags for when Ian has presents for kid's parties from school. Otherwise, we family members have reusable gift tags and packaging. Hence the folded scarf-like present you see above on the presents table. ;)
Leah and I also discussed how we are going to put together my set of birthday cards. I had pre-cut some birthday paper a long time ago but never figured out how I wanted to construct the cards. Now we have a plan. Nice that Leah offered to help me with my birthday cards, too.
This weekend McFamily was very busy so I suggested we skip Gramma Day rather than try to squeeze in a couple hours in a hectic weekend. I've been taking it easy all week. Watched the two seasons on Acorn TV of London Kills and the second season on Netflix DVDs of Shetland. I've been enjoying so much shows where eventually the bad guys get caught and pay consequences.
Very satisfying.
Oh, and even after calling, the lady locating my new blood pressure pills at the other pharmacy, saying she'd have that pharmacy mail them, and that she'd cancel my old prescription...the new pills never arrived again AND YET a new month's worth of my old prescription arrived! Good grief! So I had to call again. This time she straightened it out, I hope. I just told her I'd keep the old prescription since I don't know if I'll have any problems with this new one. So, only been taking them since they (finally) came on Friday.
Generally, I have to say that I am as happy as can be. I can do what I need to do (mostly). I'm blessed with the help I do need. I embrace the cooler--even chilly--weather! Absolutely love the fall...well, and the winter, too. I will soon have a new art to experiment with. (Hopefully by October I'll have all the supplies.) I am adapting to the KT situation--LOL! I have chosen not to let the new limitations get me down. I choose gratitude and happiness. It could always be worse, right? May take me a while sometimes, but that is what I have always chosen and hope I always will. Life is good. :)
While I have been chatting with you it has poured and thundered for a while. Annie disappeared instantly, of course. Now it is down to a steady patter on the air conditioner. Right now it's 57 degrees or almost 14 C. I love it! Definitely have northern blood--LOL! :)
So, have a wonderful week, everyone.
Till next time.
[I'm a sucker for Rumi quotes. :)]
"Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
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Yeah for being a bit busy! You are a trooper making due! I have seen the alcohol/ pour done with a special paper and the Artist Group in town did some kind of pour on all looks very interesting:)
Annie looks comfy. Saturday morning the sky was so pink...I was too lazy to get in the car and go down to the lake...but I heard it was awesome. Raining here too...headed for a nap:)
The project you are planning looks like fun! Will be interesting to see how yours turns out. Still hot here, wishing for some cooler weather for sure. Yet, today there is a breeze and it's just like something changed and there is a hint of Fall. Maybe it is all in my head (wishing)
We're having hot, sunny, dry weather here. You can tell Autumn is coming but not by the temps lol Your patio flowers are still looking great! Mine are so faded.
I've actually seen some paint pouring videos, this channel: in particular, and the results are gorgeous! I look forward to seeing what you do :)
We love Shetland! It's good to have enjoyable things to watch :) Yes, it could always be worse, and I'm right there with you on that attitude. Enjoy!
Sorry sweetie but what is KT?? I'm a little slow... Glad to hear though that if things have not gotten better at least they haven't gotten worse.. I can't wait to see your little experiment! NOT cooler here .. yet.. but i still have hope that cooler weather will arrive.. sooner or later.. Hugss! deb
When I saw the drawings used as wrapping paper, I smiled because I have done that in the past.
I look forward to seeing what kind of elegant messes you'll be making with those paints, Rita. Glad to hear you aren't any worse but I sure do wish the KT would decide to visit someone else for awhile! :-)
It is so interesting to watch the sky. I heard that there is even a society of people who like to do this, not quite sure why they need a society to do it but perhaps it ensures that they remember to look at the sky every single day. The acrylic pouring reminds me of the endpapers and bindings I have seen in old fashioned Victorian books occasionally. It always fascinated me. I think it is nicest if the colours are not too contrasty with each other. Ian is certainly a good colourer, those are great blocks of neat colour and he looks as if he is going to be taking after his grandma.
I can't believe how far behind I am visiting. Your sky pics are wonderful. Some very dramatic. And your flowers are in far, far better shape than mine.
Lots of my friends are making those pours. I can't get into it, but partly because I can't afford to buy all those supplies you need before you can even begin. I saw a kit about five months ago at Joann's that was about $40.00 and it was on sale! Not in my budget, I fear.
Ian is getting good at drawing and coloring. He will definitely be artistic.
Dear Rita, the acrylic flow art is truly absolutely mesmerizing. I'm not ready to try it yet, I'll wait to read what you write about it when you begin, that will help me decide to start. And I can truly see why you have Ian's bird and tree art on your frig! Peace.
My granddaughters have done the paint pouring on canvas using different techniques. And I agree, it's fascinating to see all the variations they ended up with! // I take loads of sky photos . . . my cellphone won't hold them all LOL! Have to use that Google storage thingy. Some day I want to put all my Kansas sky photos in a scrapbook. // So sorry I've been absent the past couple, uh three, weeks. I've missed visiting you here but am catching up. Keeping you in prayers as always for your health.
I'm looking forward to seeing how acrylic pouring goes for you. I've wanted to learn how to do that and signed up for a class. Unfortunately, it filled up right away. Enjoyed watching the videos you picked. Ian is quite the artist! I can see why you didn't want to use his drawing for gift wrap. It deserves a place on the refrigerator!
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