Monday, June 03, 2024

June 3, 2024 Monday--5am

Good morning!  

Lots of pictures this week!  We had some pretty blue sky/white cloud days...and rainy days.

The mallards were leaving their calling cards...a hundred times bigger than the partridges--lol!  I'll spare you the build up over the week--hehe!
Besides Leah bringing me for my CTscans on Friday (no results yet), doing laundry, cooking, baking, and puttering about...I was using my trimmer for a couple of days.
Cut up a pad of watercolor paper into 4 X 6 inch rectangles.  I plan to join in ICAD this year.  It's been going for something like 12-14 years, I think, but I have never even tried to participate.  ICAD stands for an Index Card A Day--and goes all of June and July (61 days).  I will post what I manage to do--lol!  
I didn't want to be trying to paint on index cards (had my fill of cheap paper already--lol!) so I am using hot press watercolor paper--Arches.  I am not used to hot press (smooth) so that is actually new for me.

I was surprised Allie slept through me chopping away for two days--lol!
Was reorganizing some writing paraphernalia and came across a stack of full size writing guide papers I had printed off maybe last year.  I cut them down to both the A5 (half US sheet size) and the European size writing tablets and paper (wider and shorter).
In the midst of that project there was this notice on my door.  Looked like everybody on first floor had a notice hanging on their door clips.
What is so sad for me is when I thought about moving I knew other people here feed the birds, too, you know?  No more.  None of us.  No more Critter Cafe.  Done.  Gone.  The End.

I have watched for voles or mice or any kind of "pests".  I guess I don't consider the birds and rabbits pests.  (Maybe the mallards--lol!)  We've all been feeding the critters here since the place opened over nine years ago.  We did get voles a few years ago when they ran rampant all over the city.  Leah had them bad, too, over there.  But the owners had pest control come out and put traps against the building and they have been gone for years.  The thirteen-striped ground squirrels were never pests in my book, but they trapped and killed them off several years ago.  :(  Never once did they say we couldn't put out bird seed.

Yet another reason why I am glad I am leaving here.  Leah and I remember being told the owners had ten years of tax credits if they had a percentage of low-income apartments.  I've mentioned here in the past year or so that I suspect they are getting ready to sell the place or possibly get rid of the low-income renters.  They've been doing a lot of weird stuff.  For example--they had a "casino night" they have never had (or since) and told us that if we attended we automatically were agreeing to being photographed for advertising.  Who knows...I may have been driven out eventually, regardless.

Anyways, the Critter Cafe is closed.  They are coming around today to check all the patios.  Notice they didn't say balconies.  They're mostly after those of us who feed the birds...which has been mostly us on ground floor.  They really know how to suck the joy out of life.

Anyways...deep breath.

The reason I was reorganizing and going through my letter writing stuff is that these folders I have been using to set up letters...well, a couple of them have split right in half.  
They're plastic and inexpensive, but they have lasted me for five years now.

I wanted to try something else.  Came up with the idea of using some zippered envelopes.  Even cheaper than the clipboard folders and for many more of them.  So that is the new method I'm using for setting up letters I owe.  So far, so good. :)
Okay--on to Leah's photos.  

Liam's class (he's second from left in the first row--blue shirt and arms raised) was in a class performance of many songs.  (Gramma has lots of videos!)
Ian got to watch, too.  They were making a hand heart together.  Nice!
The boys on their front step before the last day of school this year.  (Yes, Liam has two different socks on--lol!)
And now...hold on to your hats!  
The amazing transformation of the basement!  

First Dagan and Leah had to finish up a few framing things and then get all the insulation in the walls and ceiling over Memorial weekend before the drywallers came on Tuesday.
On Saturday their friends and their two boys came to help them.
The insulation was a little bit narrow.  Worked fine in the walls but would fall down out of the ceiling!  They had to tape it up there.
And re-tape a few that fell down every day--lol!
Tuesday the drywallers came and covered all the floors.

Wednesday was the day they were delivering the sheetrock panels and all the other supplies.  But--surprise!  They started hanging the sheetrock!  This is looking from my front door straight into my living room.
From the front door looking to the left you can see where the pocket doors will be for my studio (right hand with light from the window) and bathroom.
Now this is standing in the living room area.  From left to right--can see where my front door will be and beyond that will be a long narrow storage room with a door; the door to the maintenance room where my laundry room will be, too; the bathroom and studio will have pocket doors.  The others noted will be regular doors.
My studio--from the third pocket door between my studio and the bathroom.
My bathroom.
This is where my front loading washer and dryer will go under the stairs.
From this angle you can see where they will cut a hole for the cats to go back and forth from my apartment to the rest of the house.  They'll have to go through a cat tunnel under that lower white pipe against the far wall.
Will Allie be willing to do that?  Will she even fit?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  If she doesn't go for it--have to adapt for her--lol!  

That was Wednesday and Thursday.  Then on Friday they started taping and mudding!  
Looking into the livingroom.
Looking back toward the maintenance, bathroom, and studio doors.  You can see where the third pocket door will go between the studio and my bathroom.
On that back wall between the front door and the maintenance door---that is where my kitchenette will be! 
My studio.
My bathroom.
It is really starting to look like a real home!  The drywallers expect to be painting the walls by Wednesday!  This is such huge progress!!  

Saturday McFamily was planting.  
A crabapple tree in the front yard.
They did more planting, too.
Then they came over in the late afternoon to help with cleaning my patio and planters.  Leah brought a leaf blower instead of a hose.  She and Liam blew the heck out of my patio.  She took pictures--for selling the cedar planters.

After they left...
...hard for me to see Limpy and friend come for dinner.  
No more Critter Cafe.  We will all see less and less birds (and rabbits) around as the summer goes on.  Limpy and friend waited around for a long time thinking I'd be tossing out some fresh seed.  Breaks my heart.

It is going to take me a while to adjust, too.  Thank goodness McFamily brought the flowers over in the big planter so there will be something cheerful to look at out there.

I haven't made it over to McFamily's yet.  Leah said it was too chaotic.  Told me I couldn't even get to the lounge chair I use that's in the corner because they have things stacked all over the living room--like sinks and such--lol!  But I will be over for a little while today because Dagan is picking me up at 11am so that I can watch the boys while he has his eye doctor appointment (glaucoma).  So, I may get to go down to see the apartment myself if the drywallers leave for lunch.  

So...busy week!  Changes and things happening...both happy and sad.  Mostly happy, exciting things, though.  Even...well, let's just say I have always loved the stories where the criminals get caught and pay consequences.  I know it is far from over yet, but it made me hopeful for an eventual satisfying ending. ;)  Till next week, my friends.  :)


DJan said...

That's so sad about the critter cafe being shut down. I think you are right that they are getting ready to sell and probably evict all the low income people. But so exciting to see the progress in your new home, Rita. Thanks to you and Leah for all the great pictures.

jinxxxygirl said...

Oh i know i would be so sad if they took away feeding the critters... I KNOW how much joy they bring you... Your new place is coming along fantastic!! That must feel so good! You'll have to let me know if the cats use that tunnel.. i would be surprised if they did... Hugs! deb

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm delighted to read you are doing ICADs. This will be my 13th year. I didn't know about them the first year Tammy started them. I plan to show mine every Wednesday.

No more critter cafe. I like what you said about how they know how to suck the joy out of life. It makes me sad for the birds and rabbits you always fed. If it was me, I'd throw seed on the lawn for the critters.

Your new "home" is really taking shape. Great to see as it occurs, Rita.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

So sorry about the critter cafe closing! People just need to chill out and let others live their lives.
It is great news about the sheetrock though! That is some great progress.

Divers and Sundry said...

We're allowed to feed birds here, but some other complexes prohibit it. Around here the problem is rats. I have a friend who puts out a small dish with seed in it while she's sitting outside and then takes it in with her. That's been allowed. It's a shame for you, though. I'm glad your move is coming along nicely.

Sandra said...

How bout you throe the seed into the grass, then they won't see it on your patio. You will have a beautiful new home, it's impressive!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I would put bird seed out in the grass...they just said they wanted the patio free of seeds? Right! Oh the progress will have fast now with the drywallers in there!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Lots of damn nice photos.
Sounds like you got a bit done during the week.
Some people like to suck the joy out of 5things like feeding birds.

Rosie said...

Great photos of your new place which looks perfect for you. Its very exciting to see your plan come together.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I saw your comment on my ICADs. I'm not using any prompts. I have a bunch of "junk" and am determined to use at least some of it this year. When I see two things I think will go together, that's what I'll use. I tried using prompts the first year and I found it stifled my creativity.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You are right, Rita, in that this post was full of lots of good things and the one not so good update, but it's much better, as you well know, to look on the positive side. Your future home is coming along and you may be able to be there sooner than you know. By then, youi certainly will not be concerned about what happens at your old place. I too wonder if Allie will use a cat tunnel.

Janie Junebug said...

Seeing your apartment come together is so exciting. It's already beautiful. I know losing the Critter Cafe is sad. Your diner has been open for a long time. The boys look so cute.


Jenny Woolf said...

That mean, bossy little note would be one single thing that would make me want to move out of that place. There is so much beauty and interest in nature, breaks my heart that people like that are so opposed It's exciting seeing your apartment starting to take shape. It's going to be wonderful!!!!!! So glad.