Monday, September 16, 2024

September 16, 2024 Monday--5am

Good morning!
Leah took pictures of the mismatched doors that arrived.  All were supposed to be the style on the left.
Here's a picture of the storage area under the entryway all trimmed out and with a door.
A better shot of my front door.
I didn't make it over this past week, so I didn't get pictures of the pocket doors.  Wasn't feeling that great.  I was feeling better for a while, then worse, and now I think better.  If I get worse again I will go to the clinic.

They went to the kids' day at Home Depot.

This time it was football goalposts!  Just never know what they will be making.
Leah had some pictures of Ian...riding his bike to the park.
They have so many nice parks in West Fargo!
Ian on top of the rope wall.
Ian climbing the angled walls.
I don't know what else to call these.
High up on a platform.
Climbing a rope to the top.
I forgot to ask her if there were only pictures of Ian because Liam was at an appointment (speech or orthodontist).  Likely.

Leah stopped by Friday after work to test how heavy the empty planters are.  Yup!  Somebody is supposed to come to pick them up this evening! Dagan and Leah have a big flat cart over at Arron's, so they will pick that up.  Much easier to wheel them down the sidewalk.  End of an era, eh?  Good thing I just cleaned them out from stray weeds and dead plants.
Has been a really ordinary, quiet week.  Always do love those, actually.  Was extra achy and such, so took it pretty easy.  Just have those times, so it is hard to tell sometimes when you are actually sick-sick--lol!  

Been warmer.  AC days.  Sometimes have had the door cracked open in the mornings for a while or late at night when it is cooler.  Allie will be right there by the patio door, if I do.  One thing that will be nice after I move is they I'll have central air!  Even temps!  In a small apartment with a wall AC unit you can't turn it on till it is chilly and then turn it off till it is too warm.  When I try to lower the temp--it just doesn't come on at all.  It used to work better, but it is ten years old now.  Acts more like a typical AC wall unit I've had in many apartments.  Except when this one is on it does actually get it almost cold in here.  I've been in many apartments where you had to run your AC on high 24/7 and it was still never below 80 degrees in your apartment...or higher!  Especially when I lived on top floor apartments.  So, I can't complain.  I may not be able to adjust it, but when it is on it IS still cooling well.  Win-win.

I am currently re-watching The Old Man on Hulu with Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow.  Came out in 2022.  I was heavy into the cancer treatments at that time so I know I have probably forgotten a lot of season one.  Season two is just now coming out.  I do remember I really, really liked the show and hoped they would continue after covid and all.  Wasn't sure they would.  First episode...totally remembered why I became absolutely hooked.  Yes, there is violence...but the characters and the acting--wow!   

Miss Allie would say Hi, but she's snoozing at the moment.
Well, I hope the planters are picked up tonight.  I can never complain about ordinary days, that's for sure.  Best to you for a really sweet week of ordinary days.  Till next time... :) :)


DJan said...

Things are definitely moving now, Rita. I had a strong reaction to my last covid booster and spent the day yesterday feeling achy and under the weather. Much better today. Ian sure looks active!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks like a Ninja course for kids...lots of great strength building activities! Hope you feel better this week:)

Sandra said...

It makes my heart happy to see a kid playing independently and happily. It looks like you are on the cusp of moving to your new abode. Exciting! Miss Allie looks completely unconcerned. Hopefully you are on the mend.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yeah the door on the left looks nicer then the one on the right
They boys look like the enjoyed the time at home depot's kids day, as well as their time at the park.
Central air isn't a common thing here in Australia

Janie Junebug said...

I'm happy to see Ian wearing a helmet while he rides his bike. The goal posts at Home Depot were cute. Did Leah sell the planters or are they being moved to Dagan and Leah's house for use there? If you already said what happened, somehow I didn't get it. Every little addition to your apartment is progress. I trust the issue with the mismatched doors has been worked out.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Rita. You have such fun pictures of your grandsons this week. Those pictures from Home Depot remind me of when we took out boys over to Home Depot on Saturday mornings to make something like that. Fun memories. Ordinary weeks can be nice. I hope you are feeling better soon. I love to see how much progress is being made on your new home! Have a good week. See you again soon!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad things are moving along and that you will have central AC soon. And hope you're feeling good soon.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Grandchildren are quite wonderful - especially at that age! Enjoy them while you may.

Divers and Sundry said...

I haven't seen The Old Man. I should check it out. I kinda like the mismatched doors🤣

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

You are only weeks away from moving into your new place, how exciting!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog