Monday, October 28, 2024

October 28, 2024 Monday--5am

Good morning!

I do wonder sometimes if I am ever going to feel like I did before cancer invaded my life--lol!  One step forward, two steps laid plans and all that...

I wasn't feeling very good on Monday.  Even got so nauseous I really thought I was going to start throwing up.  Carrying a small bucket with me everywhere I went.  (Never did but felt like it for almost three days.)  Had to let Dagan and Leah know so they could ask her brother, Aaron, if he could watch the boys Tuesday night.  He said yes.

All week I slowly worked on making food of some kind every day.  I had used everything up after being out of commission in a different way previously--lol!  I really need pre-made things I can heat and eat or I live on toast and cheese sticks--lol!  By Friday I finally felt good enough to catch up with laundry and make the final food beef stew.  (Perfect chilly weather for it!)  

Saturday I worked on the card front coloring...and FINISHED!  Good grief!  I don't know that it has ever taken me this long to make a set of 50-some cards.  And I am not done yet.  Life keeps getting in the way--lol!

I keep putting out seed.  Might have enough to last me till I move if the partridges don't show up.  These little ones with black and white stripes on their heads are so cute!  But skittish.  Just passing through, I think.  There were a bunch of them out there, but they'd come in one at a time from either side of the patio, grab some seed and run back out of sight.  They were sitting in the bushes on the sides of the patio, I think.  Really cute little birds. 
Anyways, I was soooo glad to finally be finished with the coloring of the crazy cat cards.
Now I need to crease the card bases and fold them all.
Then attach the card fronts to the base.
Using my preferred method of double-sided tape would take sooo much more time.  I decided to dig out all the old tape runners I have and use them up first.  So much easier and quicker.  But I'm not sure they will stick as well.  Sorry if any of you get a card next year that is coming apart--lol!  I'll do my best to double-check before I mail them.
Here's Allie getting a drink one day after a very long nap.
So, it was a setback week on the one hand, but I still managed to stock up on meals and get the laundry done and finish coloring the crazy cats.  :)  This week Dagan is out of town for work Monday through Wednesday.  I plan to go over every afternoon to stay with the boys...and finally check out the new chair!  Leah worried it would be too much for me, but soon I will be there all the time, right?  And if the boys want to just play video games (which they do often after school when they are tired), I bring with things to work on (cards/letters) and my laptop so I can keep busy.  I'll have Henry Winkler's book to read to them and I will get to go see the apartment myself.  

The plumbers were there Monday and Tuesday.  Parts are needed so they will be back to finish up with everything, but I haven't heard when.  Leah may not have heard from them yet, either.  Since I was mystery-sick she sent me videos!  I was so curious about my new sinks with the sprayers.  

Kitchen sink with spray and super-spray--lol! 

Bathroom sink.  YouTube won't let me pick the thumbnail like it used to so sorry to those of you who didn't want to see a closer shot of my new toilet with the bidet seat--ROFL!  (Never used one before!)
The blue tape on the back wall of the shower is for where another bar will go.  Had to be ordered.  Still need a shower curtain bar, too.  But Leah will install that, she said.
I like that I could have the regular shower head on one side...
...and a hand-held shower wand on the other side. 
 I am pretty darn short (and getting shorter) so when they are combined I have a hell-of-a-time getting the shower head back up so high or to move it when it is not spraying the best direction (after the cleaning girl).  Going to be heaven!  Tippy-toeing in a wet shower is not the safest thing to do. 

They were able to scoot the water softener out from the wall so the cats can get in and out of my apartment much easier.
I don't really care that the floor isn't painted back there in the maintenance part of the room.  Nice!
The boys went to several Fall/Halloween type events--the pumpkin maze, a family dance at school, and then another straw bale maze.  Gramma has probably 50 more pictures--lol!  But here's a smattering of them to scroll through.  Looks like they had a wonderful time.
Looks like green and purple in Ian's hair.

Liam and Daddy.

The whole family in a shoe house.

Aren't these beautiful horses!

Wonderful sunny chilly fall days!  Perfect weather for all these events.

Well, this week is going to be busy.  Like I said I plan to go over and spend time with the boys Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoon.  Then Thursday I have a lady coming at 11am to do some very late paperwork for me to retain my cleaning girl.  Keanna can't come anymore.  They give a month's grace period and have been calling this Tammy many times but she hasn't called back?  So, I got the number and called and left a message, too.  Surprise!  Tammy called me back in a couple of hours!

She claimed she'd been calling me over and over...but had one of the numbers wrong on my phone number.  ???  Okay.  Well, my phone number has been the same all the years she's been calling?  Anyways, I said maybe it isn't practical to renew because I will be moving in a month or two.  I'd called because Keanna's boss, Pam, asked me to.  Well, turns out I can keep having Keanna come to clean after I move.  Keanna was happy about that. :)  

So Thursday morning Tammy will come with the paperwork that was due in August--lol!  (Turned out Keanna wasn't even supposed to come here in September or October at all.)  Always something, eh?  Tammy is genuinely a really nice lady, but she has a big caseload, I guess.  (Or could be a bit scattery?)  Anyways, I guess I will still have Keanna come to clean for an hour and 15 minutes every two weeks.  She'll get to see my new place! :)

So that's it for this week.  I will be glad when the election is over with.  Have even wondered if the stress is more than I think it is with me getting sick like this over and over?  Stress is terrible for with so many other chronic diseases.  We need more joy and some peace in our days.  (If that doesn't happen somehow...I will be totally will many.)  So, thinking positive.  Voted weeks ago.  Feeling buoyed up by my faith in humanity's goodness.  Love and kindness can conquer fear and hatred.  I believe there are more loving, kind people in this world.  We are the silent majority.  I do truly believe that.  We just need to speak up.  We need to vote.  Till next week, my friends.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

The picture doesn’t give much detail but I am pretty sure those birds are White-crowned Sparrows. As for the election, even people outside the United States will be happy when it’s over. It is startling to us that a foul-mouthed serial liar, an incipient fascist, a convicted felon, a misogynist, a friend of dictators and bullies may well be your president-elect just over a week from now.

Rita said...

It is starling to me, too, David! All these far-far right or just plain rich people who ignore his faults because they think they can use him to their advantage to be better off somehow or other amaze me. He is loyal to no one. He is mentally ill with dementia! Even I would be on his hit list for saying so.

Sandra said...

I get a clenching feeling in my gut several times a day, Rita, just from the fear of the potential of him gaining control. It's serious.

Ian looks spooky with the green face! They all look like they had a great time. Your apartment is very nicely appointed. I like it!

CheerfulMonk said...

“We need more joy and some peace in the world”. Amen to that! I’m somewhat following the election and voted a couple of weeks ago, but I refuse to worry about it. I’m focusing on making my contribution to joy and peace. I’m so sorry you’ve been sick. Congratulations for hanging in there.