Sunday, October 19, 2008


Good Morning! So glad to be sleeping again!

It is so much easier to get close-ups with this camera as it has a setting for it. And I can even get a picture of Karma's golden eyes much easier without them looking like headlights--hehe! Karma was pretty tired when I took these pictures. When I don't sleep well, she doesn't get in her usual 20 hours either--hehe!

Sunny morning. 43 degrees. :)
Yesterday afternoon Leah and her brother-in-law, Chuck, came over to look at the shelving unit they use for their sales booth at ValleyCon. They want to add on to it this year--took part of it with them. Chuck used to be a carpenter for a contractor who built houses, so he and Leah are in charge of building things for their group for ValleyCon. :) I've never been to ValleyCon. It's an annual gamers convention weekend here in Fargo that is held around Halloween each year. They always have a booth there.
PitaPaseo didn't turn over the first time I turned the key--both times yesterday? But she did turn over the second time both times. Hummm? I think she'll be okay. She doesn't get out much, of course--hehe!
The lady came last night to pick up the cassettes, too. It is nice to be a part of I think I am going to offer a couple things soon. With the economy the way it is, I would think there will be a lot more people interested in free items--and sharing and trading goods & services. I bet there will be more and more websites similar to this one. There are already a lot of them! What a wonderful thing!
Oh, I had to chuckle. Those of you who know me know that I quit smoking in December of 1989, but that I have been occasionally smoking in my sleep/dreams since then--chuckle! For years I had been telling people in my dreams how I had cut way back on my smoking. I haven't remembered a dream about smoking for maybe a year or more--but just had one last night where somebody was saying to me (as I was puffing away) that they had thought I had quit? And I was telling them how I don't smoke at all for months at a time, but then I smoke for a short while. Cracks me up! All these years and I can't quite give up smoking in my dreams. Talk about an addict! Oh well, I am making progress, eh? Maybe by the time I'm in my 70's I'll have finally quit smoking in my sleep--ROFL!! Whatever works, eh? I haven't had a cigarette for going on 19 years--but I am still puffing away in my dreams once in a while--hehe! Sad, but true! Hehehe! Something to chuckle about today. Later!


Serena Lewis said...

WTG on participating in the Freecycle program.

ROTFL re. your smoking dreams.....they seem quite vivid too but, at least, it's the healthier option. :)

Rita said...

Serena, do they have down in Australia?