We have a soft, fresh layer of clean, white snow over everything. Always looks so pristine for a short while after a snowfall. We still have flakes slowly drifting down.

This is what I see right now from my chair at the craft table.

...sequins and odds and ends...
...loose dew drops and crystals...
...paper shapes from punches and dies...
...microfine glitter...
...button eyelets...
...buttons and oriental coins...
...paper & felt flowers and the mulberry Christmas trees...
...fancy brads...
...plain brads...
...stuff with sticky backs, flower stamens, pre-made ribbons, decks of cards, inchies, and odds and ends...
...ribbon and lace...
...larger and border punches...
...smaller punches...
...glues and tapes...
...pens and markers...

Oh My!! :):)
And, believe it or not, that is as far as I have gotten...dragging it all out...looking thru all the goodies about me like Scrooge counting his piles of coins--ROFL! I've had a bad headache for a few days (lack of sleep) and not up to that level of concentration yet--but it is a thrill to see how organized the bounty from the past decade or so looks now! Leah and I have done a lot of work the past--what--year and a half? Two years? All worth it!!
It will all wait patiently for me. :):)
I'll be out and about the next two days, really conked out last night for 10 hours (ahhhh!), and would expect the headache to certainly vamoose by Friday. So...
to be continued--hehe! :):)
WOW! That IS a LOT of goodies! Well, I do say I'm looking forward to next week when I get to start playing, I am feeling much better now that my two largest weights have been lifted off of me now!
Also, I loved organizing all of our crafting supplies with you! Maybe after we move(after we find a new place to live this Spring) you would come over and help me organize? I have a whole garage full that needs to be labelled and put in it's place once we get some racks. ;)
Thank you kindly,
Wow is right! Just imagine how you might decorate Karma with ALL that stuff!
You and Leah are fast becoming Queens of Craft! Heavens...just look at all those goodies!
A place for everything and everything in it's place. I like that. You sure do have a lot of goodies. :)
half of my stuff is that well organized, now I just have to root around and get the rest put up or gone.
Hi Leah!
Yes--I haven't even begun on anything yet. Too busy running about--hehe! And I am thinking when I am up to a project before Craft Night the next thing should be carpet cleaning.
You know how I love to organize! I'd love to help when you move!! :):)
Hi Iggy!
I've often thought of making her some kind of fancy collar...hummm...but I think she'd hate it--hehe!
I do "decorate" her with random stickers and sticky stuff from packing, as you know. Makes her wild trying to get them off and then she beats them into submission! I can be so mean. ;)
Hi Serena!
We've collected a lot over the years, but I've seen videos on youtube of crafters showing their craft rooms...whew! Maybe Leah and I should make a video of our goodies--hehe! I LOVE looking at other people's art & craft stuff and how they have organized theirs...humm? :)
Hi AliceKay!
It has taken Leah and I a long time to get to this point and we seem to keep organizing and adding to the collection--chuckle! We now want to buy another bookcase in the future that holds paper supplies. Always something--hehe! ;)
Hi Sue!
Welcome! Most of our "stuff" has gotten organized over the last couple of years, but there are always areas that get away from us or we haven't gotten to yet or we add a little more to the goodie pile--ROFL! Is't that the way it goes? :)
Oh, and also, Rita, you could take a video of the morning ritual if you wanted, remember you can make videos of much more than just crafting how-to's... ;)
Thank you kindly,
Leah--I don't think I could possibly take the video and do it at the same time--hehe! I probably would trip over Karma and knock myself out! ROFL!! :):)
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