Good afternoon!
Monday again already and almost the end of April! They just got snow to the west of us, but we mostly got rain here and missed another April blizzard. ;) Springs are unpredictable.
I haven't slept in my bed for so long that Annie thinks it's...
...her own personal giant-sized cat bed--LOL!
And--no--I haven't touched the clothes bins yet. It got cold again. We got rain and a little sleet during the night--or mini hail. There was something pattering on the AC in the dark and I could see a little white on the grass. Yup--been up most nights still. But earlier in the week I was out every afternoon reading on the patio--even if I had to wear my hooded lined sweatshirt to do it--LOL! ;)
Leah came over Tuesday night to finish off making her invitations. AND she came back Thursday night, too, since they are going to Minneapolis for Dagan's checkup Wednesday (heart/pacemaker) and she won't be over for a Craft Night this week. She did cut my hair--tada! We've been trying to arrange the hair cutting since at least Christmas, so that tells you what kind of winter we've had--LOL!
Meanwhile, I've been working on the Christmas cards! Finally! Well, one set. We really want to get ahead of the game again. I am using my last set of birthday cards this year, too. Leah and I discussed plans for the alternate set of three-tree cards--which I'll start next after I finish these. :) Obviously we don't want to send them one year right after the other. We have plans for more sets, of course.
With this set--first I am taking double-sided carpet tape to set the three white trees into the three tree hole in the plaid background.
This particular carpet tape is black.
I saved all those little pieces between the trees, separated them, and now am popping them back into the holes. The plaid isn't going to match, but it's good enough.
So this is what my table has looked like off and on this past week.
I am almost done with this part. We're making about 90, but need to double check and do some counting. Could be we need a few more. :)
Annie keeps me company, but she finds card making quite boring--LOL!
I got pictures from Leah!!
Easter family photo--with Blink (not really cooperating)...
...and without Blink. :)
Liam is getting so big already!
He and Ian both have the straight hair in front and curls in the back--LOL!
Ian is still insisting he wants to grow his hair long. Their fine hair gets all frizzy almost magically and sticks straight out from the back of their heads. You can wet it down and an hour later--frizz.
Leah found out she can put a little gel in and then the curls will stay!
Well, mostly she does Ian's. Liam's hair is shorter and he's not old enough to insist on growing it out--ROFL! ;)
These pics were funny!
Ian helping Liam who wanted to get on the roller skates...
...briefly! LOL!
Notice how big Phil is!
I haven't shown you Baby Phil for quite a while.
He's doing quite well, too.
And you might remember the little baby spider plant that Leah's sister sent up to me from Mpls?
When we plant flowers this spring Spidey needs to be re-potted, too. ;) The other plants in the blue planter under the light are catnip. Annie LOVES me to snip off pieces for her.
Last Thursday Leah was shocked when she heard this happen on the side of the house!
The neighbors have this pile of big rocks for landscaping in their yard...and the company was there to mow and fuss about for spring...
...when the mower must have hit a rock in the lawn and hurled it over to smash their window! The workmen said to go ahead and have it repaired and then send the bill to the company. Luckily it only broke the outside pane of the double-pane glass window--whew!
But you think--what if the kids had been out playing in the yard or if anyone got hit by a big flying rock. Goodness! You don't think of lawn mowing as being that dangerous. Seems kind of early for mowing in the first place, doesn't it?
Man, it was such a fast week.
Since McFamily is going to Minneapolis and will stop at IKEA with their now larger vehicle...there just might be something new over here in the near future. Just saying. ;) There have been measurements and discussions. Always exciting!
I'll leave you with a couple pictures of Liam examining their Dyson.
He seems to be taking after his Mama.
Wants to know how everything works.
And Leah told me that she was also a fearless mad climber, too!
Well, the mourning doves are cooing. Annie is sleeping in her chair next to me. Clothes are rolling about in the dryer. It's a dark, drizzly day--high of 45 degrees (7.2 C) and a low tonight of 31 degrees (-0.6 C). I just asked Alexa--LOL! But as soon as it is dry and halfways warm I shall be out reading on the patio some more. And when it warms up I will be more motivated to use my spoons to "marikon" all my clothing instead of using them up working on Christmas cards--ROFL! Every day I have to check spoon level and make priority decisions. ;)
Have a wonderful, wonderful week, everybody! Use your spoons wisely. Till next time. :) :)
"In truth, the heart must crack open if the soul is to become free. And you simply cannot think your way into that."
Terry Patten