Sunday, December 02, 2007


This is what Dagan and Leah's house construction looked like Friday after the concrete was poured (and before the snow yesterday).

They have to wait for the concrete to "cure" before they can begin with the framing. So, it might be a while before they can start. I don't know how long that might take with the weather being so cold? (It is 8 degrees right now as I am writing.)

We had enough snow yesterday that the plow came late and was out in the parking lot until almost 1am.
Here's what the porch looked like at 11am. The snow had been very light until then--but it picked up.
Karma loves to go out and lick snow. She was bugging me to go out over and over again, but it was so cold she only lasted a couple of minutes. She is worse than a child. You can reason with a child--hehe! All I can do is leave her out a few minutes longer each time until she decides it is no longer prudent to venture outside. :)
This is the view of the parking lot--11am.
Here's what the porch looked like by 3pm.
And the parking lot by 3pm.
So, we have had our first real snowfall that might stick around for a while. :)
I am glad I am indoors and warm and no longer have a car to shovel out. I guess there's a silver lining to everything, eh? :)

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