Greetings from the middle of the night in Fargo. (I've only been up for about 5 hours--round the clock I go.) I never did have to turn the AC on yesterday. Maybe never did hit 80? I slept so well--ahhh! Today they are talking mid-80s, tho. We'll see. I hate to shut the place up until I really have to. :)
My folks are coming up to visit on Wednesday August 5th. When they were here last year I think Dagan and Leah only had boxes and their bedroom set moved into their place in West Fargo. So we are definitely going to spend some time over there. :) Leah wants to make dinner for them. They'll be happy as pigs in mud with that--hehe!
Miss Karma has discovered a new favorite place with a new hard pillow!

Uh-oh! Evidence that I haven't been painting--the chair hasn't been moved--ROFL!
Just been attending to the usual daily stuff. Today I need to wash clothes, but I didn't think they'd appreciate me running the washer and dryer until at least 7 or 8am--you think? hehe!
Note to self: don't use the new black plate for an English muffin--corn meal looks like a terrific case of plate dandruff. :)
I have finally caught up online!! TaDa!!! Emails, posts, blogs, Flickr...took me days and days. And I'll promptly fall behind again--but it feels soooo good right now--tonight--this minute. :):)
Happy Sunday out there! :)
LOL re the dandruff comment. I tend to avoid black furniture because it shows every little fleck of dust. lol My brother and his wife had black floor tiles in their first home and they sure regretted it.
Sometimes, I think it would be nice to be able to sleep through the day and be awake all would mean no distractions at night so I'd probably get more painting done...that's my theory anyways.
Are your parents just visiting for the day or do they usually stay longer?
LOL at Karma....I'd prefer a soft cushion myself. :)
Hi Serena!
I end up compulsively licking my finger and picking up all the corn meal specks on that black plate--hehe! Doesn't bother me on the other plates. Duh! Yes--dark shows the light. But it's the same with white showing every speck of dark--like if you have a black cat and a white chair--hehe!
I love the peace in the night! But I find I often do a lot more writing and reading--just keeping still and quiet, I guess, eh?
My folks are just coming up for the day. They'll stay at a motel and leave Thursday morning. We usually just see them for one day when they come to visit in the summer. They are retired and live in Florida--come back "home" to Minnesota every summer. I'll try to get a picture of them. :)
:) Something about a chin rest that makes a beast happy.
I'm thinking maybe they'd like a pillow too, like humans.
Mr. Intense,
A chin rest! I had to chuckle. That is just what it looks like. She does lay her head sideways on the chair leg like a pillow, too.
She is definitely a "head" cat. Rubbing against anything and everything with the side of her head. She does appreciate soft, too, I must admit. Just likes everything--hard, soft, crinkly, rough, smooth, irregular--doesn't matter. She has to put her had on it. :)
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