My days and nights have been completely reversed lately. Karma and I have been just hanging out the last couple days--well, nights mostly--hehe!

I was going to make a video update (about the buckled red paper) in the middle of the night but the camera battery went dead and needed to be recharged. By the time it was recharged near dawn, I was un-charged--hehe! Maybe today?
Tomorrow the plan is that I will get up earlier and go over to Dagan and Leah's in the afternoon. Leah and I can watch the show on how to make handmade paper. When Dagan gets home we can eat dinner together and then have a Sacred Circle! Nice! Nice!
Last night I watched a strange new Nicolas Cage movie called Knowing.
Fifty years after a time capsule was buried at a local school, teacher John Koestler (Nicolas Cage) examines its contents and discovers that it holds many shockingly true predictions. Soon, John is convinced that his family will play a role in an impending apocalypse. Rose Byrne co-stars as Diane Wayland, the daughter of the woman who first buried the capsule, in this tense blockbuster thriller from ace sci-fi auteur Alex Proyas.
I know some people don't care for Mr. Cage--but I find him endlessly fascinating to watch. Wasn't one of the best films as far as the base storyline making total sense--but it was interesting, suspenseful, had some good special effects and action--and then a wild and crazy twist at the end. Was pretty good. If you like Nicolas and/or apocalyptic stories, you'll like it--hehe!
I think I mentioned that I cut back on the number of Netflix movies I get--been doing more reading. I have been plugging away at my big stack of mysteries from Caroline. I FINALLY got caught up on! Entered that whole stack of books--TaDa!! So I am still behind on emails--ROFL!! Been at the computer so much lately--using up all my good hours. :)
Anyways, the rain is supposed to hold off today until later this evening. It's in the low 80's again today. Thunderstorms are supposed to let up by tomorrow morning. I hope so. Don't really like driving in thunderstorms. I love watching and hearing them, but not crazy about actually being out and about in them--hehe!
Well, I'll hope for drier weather tomorrow afternoon. :) Later....
OH, how wonderful that you guys are doing a sacred circle. i remember reading a couple of your past posts on them. i recently joined an online full moon earth healing circle and i'm loving it. you can read more about it on my blog, if you're interested.
cody likes soft pillows....i know this because he's always stealing mine to sleep on. lol
i want to see that movie! the trailers for it looked pretty good. i'm not a fan of nicolas cage but i certainly don't mind him. i liked him in it could happen to you and conair.
Oh Serena! I will have to check that out on your blog! Yes--we do enjoy our Sacred Circles! Really feel more grounded and connected afterwards. :)
I'll be curious as to what you think of the ending if you watch it. :) My favorite of Nicolas Cage's is City Of Angels!
Hi Rita - Re the cropping, if you have any questions, see my blog or ask further. Yep, the cats are of long standing, I'd say 45 years or so. BTW, for the last few decades(:)) they have acquired one syllable names such as Pi, Lee, Chew, Woo, Foo, Jo, Lou, etc etc. Yes, they all have known their own syllables :). Lee doesn't answer to Chew, and Jo doesn't come when beckoned with Woo :)
Hi Taiona!
For the last couple of decades most of my birds had angel names (Gabriel, Isaac, Raphael, etc) and my last cat was named Chakra! :)
I don't think I am up to learning anything about cropping pictures or photo shop stuff yet. If I tried to learn anything it would be how to edit my YouTube videos. :)
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