I took this picture yesterday--early in the morning. The ice is back.
It's still black as night out there this morning--20 degrees. We can hear someone scraping their windshield in the dark.

Made a few cards yesterday. :)

This one has micro beads (that super tacky paper on the backside) and a yellow pearl center on the flowers. My first attempt at using the new scortape on the ribbon and got it a little uneven on the top piece, but better by the lower one. So sticky that you can't reposition anything, that's for sure. Have to really careful when you lay anything down because that is where it is going to stay--hehe! But--so far--I really love it!
I also did a little cleaning and rearranging in the hall closet over the washer and dryer. Gathered up all the newspapers and craft towels and rags that I had in various spots.
Started that project because I wanted to start cleaning up the bookcase that will be moved into the living room. The carpeting has already "felt" bone dry for a couple of days? Maybe can move the bookcase on Wednesday night when Dagan and Leah are here? So--I'd want it to be as cleaned up and organized as I can get it ahead of time. Ready to go, you know? :):)
Karma's been very happy with me sleeping a few hours twice a day (been taking a nap because not sleeping very long at night)--because any time I have slept in the bed and wake up--it's treat time in Karma's world! She's lucky I hate to fall asleep in my chair because it gives me a stiff neck--hehe! Life has been very good for Miss Karma for the past few days--hehe!
The sun will be coming up soon. If we will be lucky enough to see it today, that is. Dawn will come, regardless of how brightly. :):)
I see lots of ice out there. One of the dangers of the melting and freezing process we have to go thru, don't we? I hope things warm up soon and stay that way. We're in the mid 60s here this afternoon, but it's very windy so it doesn't feel all that warm. Colder weather is coming back next week.
Your cards look very nice. Good luck with that scortape. (i would make a mess with it)
I hope the rest of your day was a good one.
Ice is so dangerous on roads...I'm glad we don't get snow here for that reason. I didn't like walking on the icy parts either. Your cards are lovely, Rita! I hope you enjoy a restful day ~ xo
Hi AliceKay,
We're below freezing at night, but then it warms up some during the days--so, freeze and thaw and freeze.
The scortape took a little getting used to, but I am getting the hang of it and think it is gong to end up being a staple in the craft area--hehe!
Yes--was a good day. :)
Hi Serena,
I don't imagine you miss the ice and snow you knew in Montana--hehe! I honestly think I would miss the winter--all of it. Can't imagine retiring to Florida like my folks or Arizona like so many other Minnesotans, do. Seems like there's some kind of extreme weather most places on earth, anyways. If it isn't ice it's tadpoles in the backyard--hehe! ;)
Thanks so much, my friend! xo
We're below freezing at night most nights. We wake to a good frost all over everything. This morning was an exception, tho. It was in the low 70s this afternoon after the sun came out.
AliceKay--hehe! Our "warming up during the day" is hitting the 40s. You have a much wider temperature swing right now than we do. ;)
...is it treat time yet? huh? huh? is it???
Iggy--Karma might look that alert over treat time if it wasn't that she knows how very slowly I hobble about after I wake up--ROFL! She has to be quite patent. And she is. She actually looks more like she's in a slow-motion purring anticipatory ecstasy trance. ROFL!! :):)
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