Had my cavity filled. All went well.
So funny--the dentist and his assistant were discussing pies the whole time he worked on me. What kinds they liked and what kinds they didn't. Before he had his hands in my mouth, the dentist asked me if I watched "Lost" and how I thought it would end (no clue). Now I am good for another five months. :)
The extra Melting Pot pan came yesterday.
I tried out the new punches...
...and I love them both!
Put the new dew drops away.
But then afterwards sat and picked out all the clear ones I could find and added those to our clear dew drops.
I finally got up the rest of the gift paintings on my inspiration wall.

I have had a light back over the art table for a while, but the table had somehow accumulated all this excess "stuff"--hehe! I got quite a bit of it off the table last night, but it still needs to be well cleaned and dusted. Just shows you how long things have been sitting there waiting for my return--hehe! I thought if I got it all cleaned and ready that I might actually take some time to sit and practice a few strokes once in a while again. I've been missing the mysterious challenge of learning how to handle a paint brush...ink...paint...papers. Been too long. :)
Very sore today, tho. That's just because of the dentist's chair. Happens every time I go--really sore for a day or so afterwards. Going to be an R&R day today. No surprise. Been on the bottom of the energy cycle lately, too--hehe! So--quiet day in Fargo for me and Miss Karma. Cloudy, foggy, white day. Maybe I'll finish another of Caroline's books today. Nice! :):)
I feel like that sometimes, like I'm on the bottom of the energy cycle. So did you end up reading your book? I just may go to the used book store and pick up a few fun type books to read. All I read is spiritual type stuff and maybe I need a change. A good mystery is always a good read.
I just had three fillings done last week - it's no fun is it? I always love getting new supplies!
The punches look great. I bet you'll find good uses for them soon.
I hope you're feeling better by the time you read this comment. I have herniated and bulging discs in my neck, and whenever I've been in the dentist's chair, I ache for a good long time afterwards. There's no neck support...only a headrest. :(
It was another beautiful day in northestern Pennsylvania today. Temps were in the high 50s and the sun was nice and warm.
That hole puncher thingy is really neat!
Oh, I got an idea I wanted to run by you - best do it now before I forget. Check your inbox. :)
Hi Barbara,
With the fibro I am always on this roller coaster energy/pain cycle. There are times the low part can last for weeks--ugh!
Yes--I finished another book. I was always reading really heavy stuff, too. The light mysteries that Caroline brings are quick and fun--relaxing. No heavy thinking involved--hehe! Kind of a nice change. :)
Welcome Rose Works Jewelry!
I peeked at your blogs and you not only make jewelry but you write, too. Talented!
I've had some bad experiences with dentists, so I never like to go. Always a relief to be done and out the door--hehe!
Yes! Getting supplies is always exciting! Leah and I do a bit of beading, too, but haven't for a couple of years. So exciting when the bead orders arrived. Arts and crafts are such fun. :)
Hi AliceKay,
Already used one of the punches on the thank you card for the mail lady. :)
It hurts to lay on my back (or my stomach) for over 23 years ever since I fell (black ice) on cement steps and landed on my lower back. I think I have arthritis pretty bad in my lower back now, too. So, that's besides the all-over fibro pain--what a mess, eh? hehe! I can relate! That has to be awful neck pain all the time. Sucks! But as my Swedish relative always said--it could be worse. ;)
Hi Iggy,
These extravagant, ornate punches are something new. They never had anything like them before. Makes me feel really fancy--hehe! :)
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