Once again--slept all evening. Oh well. Will have to try to sleep again before tonight when I go to Dagan and Leah's. I'll be reeeeally upset if I can't make it because I can't catch some sleep and am too tired. I want to meet Sammy and Annie! And we have to work on the interview questions so we can get that back to the reporter. Think positive, right? :)
I did get in touch with Qwest yesterday and got that straightened out. I'm going to get set up with automatic withdrawal direct from the bank and I'm not in any trouble. Good! :)
Made a few cards yesterday. Picked out the few fabric paper scrap cards we had to work on. (Top halves are a fabric paper that reminds me of wallpaper). They seemed to call out for lace. These are my favorite type of cards--kind of Victorian looking.

I'm rapidly getting accustomed to using the scortape and am loving it! I am surprised to have found something I actually prefer over the carpet tape we've been using (and loving) for years. Hurray! In my opinion, works better going over the lace and ribbons that are folded around to the back of the card. Sticks better. Have to really watch out that it doesn't accidentally touch the paper before you are ready to put it down, but I am getting used to that wonderful extra sticky quality. :) Am still using scissors to cut it--probably out of habit and anal tendencies of precision--but I think I might eventually get used to tearing it with my fingers. I can hardly wait to see how Leah likes it! :)
I have fallen in love with youtube!
I used to be able to walk over to K&Krafts when I lived across the river and take card classes so that I could learn about the new products and techniques, but it's been over five years since I've been able to do that. Whenever I have been able to, I have gone to K&K's free demo days that they have a couple times a year. Leah and I have made it 2-3 times in the last five years, I think. They demo the new products and you can watch how to do the new techniques up close. Always a special occasion to be able to attend.
Now--after discovering youtube--I can watch demos and discover the new products any time--day or night! Any time! :)
And now that I have the McLap--I can actually spend more time watching than I could when I had to sit in the computer chair. Can you say Seventh Heaven? (At least for me--hehe!)
I am still amazed and awed by the Internet.
Even if it enabled someone to steal my tiny fiscal identity--twice--ROFL!! :):)
Grateful that there are people who have found my little corner of the world here and have actually come back to visit with me!! I am honored. Time is precious. :):)
The cards are so beautiful, you are one talented woman. :)
I agree....those cards are beautiful.
I'm glad you got the thing with Qwest all straightened out. We just had our address changed from a Rural Route to a street name and number so I have to start getting that changed all over the place. Great big hassle. Our area is finally catching up with the rest of the country and the 911 re-addressing will help emergency responders find people who live out in the boonies a lot quicker...or so they hope. Time will tell.
YouTube is pretty cool. It's amazing what you can find on the internet. I'll have to send you the link to a video my daughter put on her Facebook yesterday of my grandson dancing away to his uncle's guitar playing. :)
Have yourself a good day.
The cards look very old fashioned and ladylike or you could say "vintage", although I'm getting tired of that word.
Yes, I have to watch that I don't spend too much time watching youtube myself. Another amazing site is www.ted.com I could watch it all day. It's people talking about their amazing projects funded by TED grants.
My, those cards are beautiful, Rita!
Glad to hear Qwest is all sorted out now.
I LOVE YouTube too....so handy!
I hope you get to meet Sammy and Annie tonight. :)
Babara--Thanks so much!
AliceKay--Thanks! It is really a hassle when you have to change your address. Everything has to be updated--from driver's license to magazine subscriptions eventually. Arg! Send me the link to: soulcomfort-at-gmail-dot-com. :)
Sue--This is actually my favorite style. Ya-I guess they call it vintage. Most of my stuff was pretty feminine, I guess. So, that is why I decided to be bold and try wilder paper last year. ;) Got to stretch yourself, right? Ted is great! I wish I had more time. I could watch those all day, too. Really stuff to make you ponder and gape! :)
Serena--Glad you liked them--my favs. I'm tired of dealing with billing issues because of that identity swiping stuff. I hope this is the last one! Youtube rocks in so many ways! Yes! And I did meet the grandkids--hehe! Sweet cats! :):)
Of course, it is us that need to thank you - for having such a nice place to come and visit - your attitude is so upbeat and infectious, I always come away feeling much better than I was before I got here.
Oh Iggy!
That is just the sweetest thing to say. Nothing could please me more than to brighten someone's day, as you know. So happy to know that you feel that way after visiting me.....and Karma, of course. :):)
That means a lot to me. Thanks so much.
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