Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Tuesday - 8:45am

Woke up really early (4:45am) and couldn't get back to sleep. So, I showered, dressed, and went out to sit and read on the porch for a couple hours in the sun with Karma.

I have already emptied all the small garbages into the one big bag. (Caroline will take out trash for me when she comes this afternoon.) The dishwasher is going. Bed is made. Birds are chirping outside. Gracie is unusually quiet this morning (she is tired--not used to getting up this early--didn't even want to come out of the cage and I didn't uncover her until almost 8am--hehe!). Nice day again. We had ten days of rain, so it is nice to see the sun!

Short but sweet this morning...have a great day!

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