Sunday, March 30, 2008


More batches of finished paper--tada! Some obviously flattens better than others.

If you want them flatter, you can iron them with some spray starch. The thicker sheets usually lie flatter than the thinner sheets. If I put each sheet under a different book they'd probably be flatter--but that takes up a lot of room. I'd rather iron them later, I guess.
I took the day off from paper making yesterday. Felt like the weekend, I guess. Days off. Was so windy all day! Gusts of up to 50mph--screeching, pounding, whistling, howling--all day long and into the night. Quieter today.
I don't usually get a lot of the wind directly because I face east and the wind generally comes from the west and north. But--that's North Dakota for you--hehe!
Dexter is on tonight!

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