Tuesday, July 08, 2008


I guess we had a young black bear wandering along Highway 29 and 32nd Avenue South yesterday--a matter of blocks from here. The police kept him blocked up against the fence with their cars until they came to tranquilize the poor fellow. Hauled him up north--beyond Grand Forks, I guess--and released him.

Strange surroundings--unfamiliar territory--but better than shot dead, eh? I guess he had been working his way north along Hwy 29. There had been sightings the day before farther south. When he trapped his young self on the wrong side of the Highway fencing--then he was exposed and vulnerable. Probably was a good thing for him, tho. He's got a chance to survive and live a long life now. :)
Meanwhile, Karma has been sleeping lately in her stroller behind my chair. It is a good spot for her to be able to see me working at the table. She has to keep an eye on me, you know--hehe!

Rained a few times yesterday--once really hard. Around us we had thunderstorms and hail--and several tornadoes up north (wonder where they were bringing the bear?).

I was reading this morning on Handprint about the best watercolor paints. Seems like they recommend Winsor Newton, Daniel Smith, M. Graham, and Maimeri. I have Maimeri, thanks to Lynnette! My other brands--not so good, I guess. And DaVinci manufactures Cheap Joe's paints! But they tested pretty well, actually--and are really reasonably priced. I've been fascinated by Daniel Smith paints. What a variety! And they rated very high in the testing, too. When I get around to buying more paints--I know which brands to buy, eh? :)

Meanwhile--still working on the second secret project (making progress) and waiting for my order to arrive from Haiying. It's a beautiful, happy birds, windows open morning--63 degrees and sunny. :)


Jenifleur-de-lis said...

Cat TV sounds interesting these days!

That poor bear that was in town! Can you imagine? The sun probably started rising and he figured out he wasn't in any place he'd ever dreamed of seeing. I'm glad they rescued him and set him free! :)

They have these big digital billboard signs now - one is on 13th and 42nd and it had a picture of a young black bear and it said "Welcome to Fargo -- I barely had time to visit." heh heh.

Rita said...

So funny! I saw that billboard on the news! :)