Merry Christmas Eve! :)
This isn't going to be a good Christmas for travel in the region. We're on the very edge of the storm so they aren't sure how much snow we will get. It started last night and will continue off and on until maybe Saturday. The weathermen are saying we could get a total anywhere from 7-17 inches or more. The worst of it will be on Christmas day when the winds pick up. I am glad to be home and settled in with Miss Karma. :)
Dagan and Leah left last night for Leah's Mom's on Loon Lake (Mn) for a couple of days. They'll be there thru the worst of the storm. Then they're heading to Dagan's Dad's in Henning, Mn. They made it there just fine. And hopefully they will be able to do all their visiting, not hit the worst weather, and be home safe on Sunday. I'm happy I don't have to do all that running about anymore--hehe!
Me--I've slowly been working on the angel bookmarks during the night.

Oh--BTW--Update on the Valley Cat or Miss Val (young cat who was rescued by the people at the news station). She is doing really well and has gained 1 1/2 pounds! Only thing is her ears were so frostbitten that they got hard and curled on the tips, so she needs surgery to remove the dead parts of her ears. Other than that, she's doing really well and will be going to a new home after her ear surgery, I guess. Nice to have a happy ending to the story. :)
To all of you who celebrate Christmas--travel safely, hug your loved ones if you are with them this year, smile till your face hurts, count your blessings, laugh and sing loudly!! :):)
It's funny, when I looked at those color coices for the pink heart, I through, I hope she picks the one second from the left... ;)
Great minds think alike right? lol
Thank you kindly,
Ha! They sure do--hehe! I think this might have been the same color I picked last time when I painted over the duller heart. I like it because it kind of turns from burgundy to pink depending on how the light hits it. We do often agree, don't we? ;)
Hope you plan on staying put until the roads are cleared. Tell Ariel I'm sorry she can't get her cat cuddling fixes from antisocial Karma who saves all her cuddles for me. LOL! LY
Have a wonderful Christmas, Rita! I'm glad to hear you will be warm and safe in your apartment with Karma. It doesn't sound like the nicest weather to be out and about in. I hope Dagan and Leah have a safe and happy time on their visits to other family members. Our Christmas is just about's 5:40pm and Mum, Dad, Michelle, Alex and Sarina have all left now. I've finished tidying up and now I'm off to lie down and put my feet up....they've been aching a fair bit this past week.
Btw, your painted angel bookmarks are looking gorgeous!
Your bookmarks are very nice. You're very talented in your painting. I don't think I could paint the side of a barn. :p
I think staying home in those snowy conditions would be a good idea. We're going out to our daughter's house later this morning, and the forecast is for freezing rain changing to rain and then back to ice tomorrow morning. The road we have to travel runs along the side of a mountain, up and down, and around some sharp corners. I'm hoping we can get there before it starts and come back during the rain part.
Merry Christmas to you and Karma. :)
Sounds like you needed to put up your feet and rest a while. Glad the temp was down for your Christmas. Here we are in a blizzard! I am glad to be inside with Karma spending my Christmas in my nightgown under a blanket--hehe! I think I should go watch "A Christmas Story" now that I have already seen "It's a Wonderful Life" 1 1/2 times already--chuckle! Merry Christmas! :):)
AliceKay--I hope your traveling went well with the freezing rain! I can't imagine driving on mountain roads with ice on the roads! Nope! I'd stay at home, I think. But I hope you had a great time and are home safe and sound. :):) Merry Christmas!
We left for Karen's before the freezing rain and sleet hit, and drove home last night after it turned to rain. There were some snowflakes mixed in with the rain, tho. Could see them hitting the windshield.
Of course if Alice Kay did paint the side of a barn it would be in that gray paint her dad bought 1000 gallons of while it was on sale...
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