Been so chilly in here I decided to switch to the new flannel sheets and guess who wanted to be made into the bed? It's kind of like Where's Waldo?

I worked on my 2010 weekly planner--transferring birthdays & anniversaries, writing in my appointments, and making my own monthly budget pages for the back of the journal.
But--it wouldn't lie open very well at all. :( So--I don't know if you can see it very clearly, but I was just able to squeeze the cover of the new planner into my battered old red leather cover so I could actually use it as a refill! The new planner is a little too large for this task--you couldn't close it now if you wanted to--which I don't--tada! So turns out--it is perfect for the job!!

While I worked I watched more Northern Exposure ( forgot about Adam, the grizzly gourmet chef, hiding in the woods) and the new movie Julie & Julia.
Play Preview Amy Adams stars in this truth-inspired tale as Julie Powell, a disenchanted government secretary who decides to enliven her uneventful life by cooking all 524 recipes outlined in Julia Child's culinary classic Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Based on Powell's book Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen, director Nora Ephron's heartwarming dramedy also stars Meryl Streep as legendary chef Child.
Meryl Streep doesn't try to just imitate Julia Child--she captures the essence of her. It's hard to explain, but it was a joy to watch her. I can remember watching Julia's cooking show and she did change my own attitude toward cooking. She made you brave. But I never became "fearless" like Julia. Obviously there's no way would I bone a duck or boil live lobsters or gut a huge fish in my kitchen! (Those of you who read my blog know what happened when I ordered a whole small frozen fish by accident--ROFL!) I had never heard of the book Julie Powell wrote, so it was interesting to me to have her story interwoven with Julia's life before Julia was famous. And Amy Adams is such a cutie-pie! Such a fun movie!
Also, they played Fargo on TV yesterday afternoon. I got sucked right in and watched it for like the tenth time--hehe! Still laughed and shook my head. (Yes--I can have a warped sense of humor.) I had to fill in the blanks myself, tho. Being shown on network TV--well, it was chopped up quite a bit with many parts missing and there were a lot of voice overs & blanks to disguise the "colorful" language.
Anyways, I was entertained quite nicely while I worked at my table there.
Speaking of people hiding in the woods--saw something really fascinating online, too. (I follow the local news on twitter.) Big Foot sighting in Minnesota. The interesting part is how the picture was taken and their reaction to finding it--ROFL!
Had no idea that there have been several sitings. Shouldn't be any surprise. We have so much wild uninhabited land in northern Minnesota--be a good place for them. People always complain that we haven't found a dead body--like we can occasionally find a dead bear in the woods. Well, they would probably bury their dead--duh! They should be looking for graves, doncha think? They're obviously smart enough to steer clear of us--good for them. Ya, you betcha!
Well, I feel badly for them being out in the cold weather we have been having. Who knows--maybe they can handle it much better than us--the bare-naked variety. Their fur looks very thick--like buffalo or bear. I hope we never find them. I say--Run, Bigfoot, run!! :):)
P.S. "Ya, you betcha" passed spell check! Does that mean my computer was made in Minn-e-so-ta then?
Four hours? Goodness! LOL!
This is the Kannu Katch Krazy Karma version of Where's Waldo if you want to be ... alliterative.
I just saw a few minutes of "Fargo" on the TV. Crazy show - I loved the scene with the two cops looking at the body in the snow.
Ha! Krazy Karma--hehe!
Yah! With coffee cups in hand--hehe! I love so many parts of that movie. Love the characters! The scenes with the cop and her husband--piling their plates at the buffet, night crawlers, the nature shows, "the prowler needs a jump, hon", and the 3-center stamp. William H. Macy is awesome, too--bumbling, selfish, foolish, frustrated, clueless. The father-in-law--wanting to bargain with the kidnappers--for his own daughter! The big, cold, quiet kidnapper guy--evil!! And the "kinda funny lookin" one. What a crazy movie--yes! :)
Karma found a really cozy place to take a nap. :)
The Big Foot sighting sounded interesting. We have customers who set up those motion activated cameras for deer and other wildlife. They are admazed at what they see on them when they take them home to check them out. (no bigfoot as of yet in the wilds of northeastern PA)
Alice Kay--I think she was just exhausted and chilly. I haven't been sleeping very well or long--so she isn't getting enough of her really conk-out sleep because I have been awake too much--hehe!
I didn't even know about the motion sensor camera that hunters use to see what game is around. I just chuckled when I read about them finding that picture later. I can just imagine them being so embarrassed to admit it to anybody--ROFL! But--who would be faking it if nobody else knew about the camera--AND walking confidently around the woods in the dark? Very interesting. Who knows? :)
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