Aha! They were just waiting for the big guns to be free to come work on our parking lot. Nice! :)

Looking forward to Sacred Circle tonight! I will have two very grounding, connecting nights in a row this year--tada! I do my own ceremonial thing on New Year's Eve every year, of course.
Karma--she's just enjoying her new metal treat can and her old toys.
[She actually snores. Don't let her know I told you that.]
The excitement builds! The new year is rapidly approaching!
2010--do you believe it!?
Happy Pre-New Year's Eve! :):)
Yep, they needed big equipment for that kind of snow removal.
I won't tell Karma you told us she snores. My cats snored, too. :)
A new year and a new decade. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Happy Pre-New Year's Eve to you, too.
Hi AliceKay,
I haven't had very many cats that snore, so it cracks me up!
Yup! We're on the countdown!! ;)
Oh my... Karma snores? Does it rattle the window panes? Aren't you glad you don't have a pet elephant that snores?
Hadn't thought about that - new decade... its going to be a test of wills... writing '09... no.. '10...010?
I hope your celebration brings you inner awe.
I love that you do a Sacred Circle on New Year's Eve. As we aren't doing anything in particular for New Year's Eve this year, I may do my own little ceremony to welcome in the New Year and attract positive happenings for 2010. It's 9:30am on New Year's Eve as I type this. It's hard to believe a whole new decade is upon us. I hope it will be a decade of positive enlightenment.
Happy New Year's Eve to you, Rita!
Hi Iggy,
Yes--it's a gentle, quiet, snore that sometimes almost has a whistle to it. Makes me smile every time. Thank goodness it's not a loud elephant in the room snore that rattle the blinds! Hummm...I was married to one of those once--hehe!
I think our Circle did bring me inner awe last night! You were right! ;)
Oh Serena--I am answering after you have already had your new year's eve. And mine hasn't even arrived quite yet--a few more hours. Did you do something special? Positive enlightenment--sounds needed, that's for sure. :)
We had such a wonderful time last night. All our angels and guides must have been dancing around us or something--hehe! Going to be a quiet, private greeting tonight. ;)
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