By golly! I got out the "python" and filled and emptied the tank a couple of times.

I'm so lucky to have Miss Karma around to make me laugh every day. Don't tell me cats don't have an imagination--ROFL! She entertained me for hours last night. She'd be sitting next to the python and suddenly--leap up--paws flying--thinking she saw something flit by through the hose. These pictures are from 3-4 hours after I was done!
Karma was still keeping her eyes peeled.
Head darting back and forth.
Well, until she'd doze off for a while...
...on the tubing, of course--for fear she'd miss me taking it away. She'd wake up and attack invisible aquarium gunk--fall asleep for a while...

...wake up, chase the poop ghosts.... This went on for hours until I finally took it away and hung it on the bedroom door. [I don't trust her alone with it just in case she'd try to bite her prey--hehe! Wouldn't be cool to have leaks in a water hose.]
Karma was in seventh heaven. I have never left the python out on the floor for such a long time after I was done cleaning. She took full advantage. I guess it was her python swan song and dance.
Speaking of songs..."We're having a heat wave...a tropical heat wave.." keeps going thru my head--hehe! Supposed to be in the low 20s for a few days. And at 2am (yes, my timer just went off--my hour is up) it is still 7 degrees! Woohoo! That's all for now folks! :):)
LOL! That Krazy Kat - what in the world would she do with a Fish Poop Ghost?
Hey.. you started it... LOL!
With that heat wave coming through you better break out the hand fans and start wearing sweat bands.
I hope you feel better asap! I wish there was something that would cure this disease you have. :(
Karma sounds like a fun loving cat. I can see she is well loved, too. Cats are wonderful pets....and so smart. Nice pics of Karma. :)
I heard fibro was a terrible disease. I'm so sorry to hear that you have to live with it. *hugs you gently*
Karma is so cute! Sorry to hear you're having a rough trot with pain though. I must admit I've been dealing with painful feet's worst in the mornings when I first get up. As my Mum has Rheumatoid Arthritis and, being that it can be hereditary, I do wonder when I get pains like this if I may be showing signs. Mum's symptoms started in her 50's. I try not to think about it too much though 'cos I don't want to draw it in.
Iggy--Even tho she turns up her nose at real tuna or actual chicken, you never know--she just might eat the Fish Poop Ghost! She devours actual fish food if she can get her paws on it. If I were a Fish Poop Ghost, I'd be afraid....very afraid! ;)
(Thanks! Me, too!)
AliceKay--thanks for the gentle hugs! Yes--they have to be gentle. :)
Karma knows to wait to climb up on me until I get a pillow because it hurts for her to step on me. Despite their bad rep--cats can be very accomodating, as you know. ;)
Serena--Sure sounds like you might have plantar fasciitis. I have that and so does Leah--and we're not even related--hehe! It might not be arthritis. PF is the worst when you first get up--especially in the heels. Or if you have been sitting for a long time--especially if you point your toes at all. Both Leah and I had the habit of lifting our heels up against chair legs and pointing your toes, you know? Wearing heels makes it much worse, too. I worked on my feet for so many years on cement/tile and the doctor told me I developed heel spurs because of the constant inflammation over the years. That is why I can only walk or stand for just so long anymore. It's why Leah had to find a job where she sat. I think I spelled it right, but I'm not sure. Google it and you can read about it and what to do to ease the inflammation/pain. Might help? :)
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