Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Really quick today as all I have had this morning was a quick nap. Caroline will be here in a while. I found some really cheap entertainment last night for my iGoogle--hehe! A pet hamster you can feed and a tree frog that eats flies.

Discovered that cats even like to watch pretend hamsters and crawling frogs. :)
They claim we may see the sun today peeking between the clouds. It's 41 degrees and I have some windows cracked open--ahhhh! I finished the book for Caroline and made the mistake of starting another one--read till my eyes crossed this morning. New series by Elise Hyatt--Daring Finds Mysteries. The first one is called Dipped, Stripped, and Dead and the next one will be out sometime this spring.
The lady is a divorced mother of a toddler who, while she is dumpster diving for old furniture she can fix up and sell, finds a dead body in a dumpster. I'm about a third of the way thru, but can hardly wait to read the rest of it. I haven't read Janet Evanovich for a long time, but Hyatt makes me literally laugh out loud like she does. Hyatt has great characters, a wry sense of humor, and the story speeds along--with surprises. Most of these chick mysteries are pretty good, but have been easy to put down, I guess. This one kept me up till 7:30 this morning! And I am all ready for Caroline and going to settle in and read till she gets here--ROFL! Love somebody who can make me laugh, fall in love with characters, and scratch my head at the same time. That's great light reading! Later gator!


Serena Lewis said...

This books sounds like a must have....I also enjoy books that make me laugh out loud. I haven't read any books by either Elise Hyatt or Janet Evanovich. I haven't heard of Elise Hyatt before but I have been attracted to the interesting covers and titles on books by Janet Evanovich. It might be time to actually buy one. :)

Serena Lewis said...

I meant to say that the little frog hopping around on-screen would be cute....does Karma ever scratch out at the screen to try and whisk that froggy away?

AliceKay said...

LOL @ Karma. She's quite the character.

I heard on the news tonight that Fargo might be getting flooded by the Red River soon. They showed lots of groups sandbagging along the banks of the river to try to hold back the water. I hope your housing development doesn't get flooded. I've been thru several floods, and it's not fun.

Rita said...

Hi Serena,
Yes, if you like mysteries and light reading sometimes, you might like them. I needed a shift from the heavy reading and The Universe sent me Caroline--ROFL! :):) Elise Hyatt is brand new--first book in the series just came out. She writes other stuff under other names, so I have no clue what her real name is--hehe!

The frog kind of walks/crawls and doesn't hop that I've seen so far. Flies get released and he slowly walked around to catch them with his tongue. The hamster--you can click and give him pellets of food. Runs on the wheel, drinks water, and goes to sleep. Kind of silly, but I was surprised that Karma watches them. She can't reach to paw at them on the laptop (I don't allow her to put her feet up there) and I haven't been on the desk computer much lately--but I would bet money she'd try to touch them from the desk. :)

Rita said...

Hi AliceKay,
Or just weird--hehe! :)

We don't have to worry about actual flooding here because we're too far away from the river and too high. We just have soggy, water-logged ground here. They are bagging and piling sandbags like crazy. Hoping it won't get up over the sandbag and dirt dike levels this year. It's already over 10 feet above flood stage and there could be another 10 feet maybe. They don't think it will be as bad as last year...so far. But it crests more than once as the outlying areas melt down. It all deopends on how fast it melts and how much it rains. Sounds like you are close to the river than I am. Never dealt with flooding until I moved up here 10 years ago. I hope they can get up some permanent dikes and maybe a bypass one day. It's on the news all the time up here, of course. Spring has sprung! :)

AliceKay said...

We get flooding from the creeks where I live, but there is a river seven miles north of me. The town I live in has a creek on each side of it, and the two creeks join together just north of town. The town itself is very narrow....maybe a quarter mile wide at it's widest point and I live at the widest point which is near the base of a mountain. If I get flooded, the whole town will be under water. Good luck to those living near the river in your area.

Time for me to get ready for work. I hope you have a good day today.

Leah said...

I love the pic over Karma's head with her ears perked while she's looking at the McLap... ;) That's a good one! I forgot to tell you Rita, that Sammy(BTW we are going with that spelling, is more normal for a male cat) actually sat with us on the couch for a short while anyway while I pet him, that was nice, slowly but shurley(sp)... ;)

Thank you kindly,

Intense Guy said...

Gotta love that 'tween the ears shot!!!


Rita said...

Hi Leah,
Okay--Sammy it is. I agree--I think it is more common for names in our culture that end with an "i" to be girl's names. Same thing with the "a" endings, I think. Not in other cultures, tho--and it always thorws me. :)

I'm glad they are both adapting so quickly. Oh--and it is surely--as in "surely you jest"--ROFL! LY

Rita said...

Hi Iggy,
Gives one the false impression that Miss Karma knows how to work the laptop and has taken over since she discovered it holds hamsters and tree frogs--hehe! ;)

Leah said...

I thought it was surley too, but when I typed that all I saw was "A big surley man." I'm sure that's spelled differently too, but anyway, you knew what I meant... ;)

Thank you kindly,