Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Turned out that Leah didn't come over today after all. She is busy doing laundry, packing, and baking for the Thanksgiving trip to Dagan's dad's. So, she said she'd come over Monday and Wednesday next week to work on the Christmas cards. Work has slowed down for her some, so we should be able to get something done both days, hopefully.

I can't really do a lot in the meantime because we need more caulking paste. Leah asked for a picture of the tube and I mailed it to her. She will check at a home store on Sunday or Monday before she comes over. Might be able to get a larger tube than at Target over at Home Depot or Lowes or Menards.

So, I am baking chocolate chip cookies and watching the faint snowflakes float past the window. Barely enough to show on the ground but it is cold enough that the tiny flakes drift into thin patches against the curbs and the grass alongside the sidewalks.

Safe travel for everyone on this holiday weekend. :) For those of us at home--stay warm and count your blessings!

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