Yesterday the parking lot was semi-slushy.
The always curious Karma had to check it out, of course.
Meanwhile--woke up this afternoon to a raging blizzard!! Wind gusts up to 45-50 mph.
The snow is fine and the wind is hitting my side of the building--so we have snow covering everything on the porch this time. Karma was begging to go out...
It is now 4pm and I haven't even started fixing all the spelling mistakes! Usually only takes me about an hour. This is why I need a decent laptop. I have been able to work nonstop from my chair but it has taken me this long to upload pictures and write the blog! Lots of troubles with connection to the Internet and the laptop is slow--and now I have a ton of mishmashed words to fix. But--since I'm sitting here in a blizzard, I thought I'd take the time to write today after all. Tomorrow--who knows? hehe!
Anyways, that's about it from snowbound in Fargo. :):)
Wow..another blizzard. We received over 2 inches of rain last night and this morning and lots of our area has been flooded. (pics will be in my blog when i get to it)
Karma is so fun to watch via your pics. She is quite the comical cat. :)
she might be getting minerals from the snow. People that eat ice supposedly do it because they get minerals that way. My cat sits on the back of my chair and leans over my shoulder while I'm typing on the computer. She'll probably figure out something once you have it set up.
I had to giggle when you said you had to push Karma out of the way to chose the door because she was so focused on eating the footprint snow. lol
I hope everyone stays safe in those blizzards. You would certainly appreciate being indoors when you look out the window.
Yup! Another blizzard! The thick layer of ice underneath it all made it the worst for driving! And now you have flooding!? I haven't been able to get to blog reading for days. I'll have to catch up--you might have photos by now.
Like having my own Garfield in the house--hehe!
Sue--minerals--never thought of that. Could be!
Karma has mostly decided to curl up between my legs on the foot of the recliner so far. That works fine. She misses me petting and scratching her every once in a while while she is parked there--now the table is between us--hehe! So I reach under and give her a scratch when I remember. Which hasn't been too often--this old lady has to concentrate on what she is doing on the new Mac--hehe!
Serena--Karma is so stubborn, too! She was pushing against me--trying to fight to stay and eat the snow! But it was way too cold to have the door open--hehe!
Seems like it has been a long winter already because it got so awful cold so early. It already feels like we should be midway--and it isn't even February yet! hehe! And you are struggling with the heat and humidity! We humans are just never happy, eh?
I love the tiny little Karma footprints in the snow. She's a hoot, that kitty cat! :) Tell her hi from me!
Hi Jennifer!
Karma says hi!! She sure likes to eat her own snow footprints on the carpeting--hehe! Silly girl! :)
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