Beautiful chilly morning. 26 degrees.
Yesterday a package arrived from my friend, Ruby! The "McGregory" looking flannel nightgown I am wearing and three books!! Another little something for Dagan, too.
BTW--Leah, these are just with the walnut ink spray and they look like great backgrounds and parts for cards! I pressed them under something fairly heavy. Wait till we use the shimmery sprays! ;)
Was a quiet day yesterday. Karma was glued to the TV while I watched a PBS Nature show on hummingbirds that I had taped.

I don't think Karma was sure if they were a bird or a bug!
Beautiful scenery, too.
It has always been a puzzle how hummingbirds fly and hover--but how does this one get around!?
Karma--20 minutes later!! :)
I made a trip to fill PitaPaseo with gas--finally. Still had 42 cents off a gallon with my three coupons! Was like spring out there in the 30s!

Say--does anyone else have trouble reading my colored fonts on my posts? No one has ever complained before. I would hate for my fondness for variety to be a problem. Please leave a comment and let me know, okay? I can always do them all in black, I suppose. *sigh*
I forgot to tell you that when I called the accounts office for the oral surgery bill (for my payments the last year for Federal Housing) I found out why they hadn't sent me a bill last month or this month so far. Despite the fact that they had already told me (when I called about the bill jumping almost $2500.00 back in July I think it was) that the billing had gone thru Medicare and been rejected and that I owed the they have suddenly stopped sending me bills and it says "insurance pending", the lady told me. ???
So--I have no idea if I still owe the rest or if they never did send it thru Medicare or what is going on? But the lady told me that as long as they aren't sending me a bill--not to worry about making any payments until I get a bill in the mail. My account is on hold.
How odd, eh? Maybe I will get lucky!! :):)
Well, let's see...
Today I am planning on getting back to working on the extra caulked cards. Just puttering about and keeping Miss Karma company on this fluffy white clouds day. :)
Nice pic of the sky.
Karma still cracks me up. LOL Such a charming cat.
How do you get coupons for gas? Gasoline costs around $2.90 a gallon for regular in our area right now. The price has been going up every few days lately, ever since we got that bitter cold weather.
Your font colors have been okay for me to read. I haven't found one yet that was hard on my eyes. (my eyes aren't the best either)
I wouldn't worry about that bill yet either. Sounds like someone messed up and didn't send in the paperwork to Medicare when they should have.(good luck)
I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
About the fonts, I've never had a problem reading them, and if anyone does, you can simply highlight the text and it will show blue and white, easy to read. :)
Thank you kindly,
For me, the black is easier to read, Rita. But that may be due to my eyes, who knows.
As far as your dental bill goes, they may have to re-submit it under different codes. Let them worry about it.
The colors are fine with me. I think when Deanna had trouble - the yellow background didn't load (it didn't load for me either) so it was dark ink on dark brown...
The yellow background is back mysteriously so I guess the problem went away.
Gosh Karma... don't forget to breath!! Did she actually move at all??
Shoot you reminded me my hospital bill is overdue...oy.
That is too cute about your cat watching tv!
AliceKay--The gas station that is attached to the CashWise--(the grocery store that delivers my groceries once a month)--will take up to three coupons at a time at the gas station. You get the coupons when you buy groceries from CashWise. Say you spend $200--you get a coupon for 20 cents off a gallon. $50.00--you get a 5 cents off a gallon coupon. Leah gives me hers, too. And the months I don't use them (you know how little I get out--hehe!), I give them to Caroline, my cleaning girl. It works out wonderfully for all concerned, I guess.
I know--I am hoping somebody screwed up and never sent in the paperwork! :)
Leah--that highlighting idea is a good one. I run across blogs once in a while that I can't read, too. Thanks. ;)
Donn--Things are getting harder for me to read, too. I probably need new glasses. I guess there were some problems with Blogger and my yellow background wasn't showing up. It's back to normal now. I try to use the darker colors. Maybe I shouldn't do that lighter blue one. ;)
Iggy--You solved the mystery. Without the yellow background it would be impossible to read! Arg! Seems to be working right again.
No--she didn't move! She still stayed like that for another couple of minutes--and then collapsed into a deep sleep--ROFL! No lie! Must have been a strain for her to pay that close of attention for over 20 minutes--hehe! :):)
Hello Yaya!
With all your excitement over your darling soon-to-be new son I am so pleased that you stopped by and said hi to me and Karma. :):) I still keep thinking of how that little boy just looked like he belonged to you. Soooo happy for you!!
Don't forget your hospital bill. ;)
That's a lovely pic of the sky! Karma seems to be entranced with the TV. lol
It looks like Iggy solved the mystery! Your font colours have always been fine with me too and my eyes are terrible. :(
I like Leah's tip of highlighting the text should it happen again. I used to have to do that with emails that came through with font colours not loading in the email program....though then, it was white font on white background.
Hi Serena,
Yup! Karma was just mesmerized (is that how you spell it?) by the hummingbirds--hehe!
Blogger can have glitches every once in a while. I've been pretty lucky that I haven't been hit with any problems before this, I guess. And apparently it was cleared up quickly.
I will remember (hopefully) the highlighting trick. I don't think of things like that usually. People who have grown up with computers just seem to naturally think computer, you know? hehe!
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