Monday, January 29, 2024

January 29, 2024 Monday--5am

 Good morning!

This will be one of the shortest blogs for me--lol!  I realized I didn't even get a picture of the partridges this past week.  Only a flock of sparrows.  I shouldn't say "only" because I thoroughly enjoy seeing them, too.

We had some more freezing rain and drizzle.  I have never seen this before, though!

I got a really good picture just because he stopped, parked, and left for a while.  Must be a way to hard-brush off ice?  Have any of you seen this attachment before?
I spent the entire week catching up on my letter writing--whoohoo!!  Which is why I don't even have many pictures.  I was immersed in my paper chats with many of you!  A pleasant way to spend my time, for sure.

Dagan dropped off some farm fresh eggs on Friday!  Leah gets them regularly from her chiropractor's farm.  (You may remember when McFamily went to visit there and the boys got to hold chicks.)
I am excited to be getting fresh eggs now, too.  They are straight from the hens so you can keep them out on the counter if you don't wash them.  

I didn't even have a picture of Miss Allie, either.  So I knew right where she would be--lol! 
Napping in her bed on the table in the bedroom under the window.  She closed those eyes again before I even left the room--lol!
This does not look like winter to me. 
 Brown grass in January?!  Nope.  Some people love it.  I do not.  Am glad to have the endless ice melted, though (which I do not like).  But I would prefer the beauty of snow drifts and winter white.  *sigh*

Anyways, I am down to six letters left to write!  
Hope to finish those this week and be all caught up...and then not be as slow to respond next time. ;)

McFamily is getting over the lingering cold, cough, sore throat thing but all doing much better.  I haven't gotten it so far.  Fingers crossed.  

I've actually made it up to the table every single day this last week.  Sometimes not till afternoon, but I gave myself a rule that I have to do my daily journaling at the table.  Some days I have been up there longer than just doing my journaling (letters!) and others my back was ready to quit before I got there--lol!  But I still journaled at the table.  Doesn't sound like much but it's an accomplishment for me.  Being at the table again...pulling up that rollie cart...was like greeting an old friend after a long absence.  So nice!  Hard to explain.  Makes me feel like I really am going to get back to normal, you know.  Makes me smile...even if it was a pain sometimes.

Another thing that makes me smile...the electricians are supposed to be over at the house today!  They said the end of the month and they are showing up when they said they would!  Whoohoo!  Can hardly wait to get pictures--even if it will be hard to tell much and it will look pretty much the same--lol!  I haven't seen it for a long time.

Told you.  Short and sweet this week.  Was busy and got over 20 cards and letters in the mail!  We made it a smidgen above freezing Wednesday and Thursday.  Then by Friday you could feel it was warmer and the meager amount of snow we had melted into the yard.  Supposed to be in the 30s and occasionally in the low 40s for the next couple weeks maybe.  No snow expected for a week or more.  Brown lawn time into February.  Oh well.  There's some crazy weather all over and we're okay here.  So I shouldn't complain about brown grass.  At least the critters won't be freezing.  Till next week, my friends.  
*love and hugs*   


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Fresh eggs straight from the hen are the best! But I really don’t something else out on the counter! We put ours in the fridge.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Rita, even your shorter post had a lot of updates ๐Ÿ˜‰and the critter cafe was really active with that nasty outdoor weather. That ice removal attachment on the tractor was something I had never seen as well and looks like something that could really scrape or break the ice. Yeah to you for catching up on letter writing and I did the same with writing several cards to send for Letters Against Isolation.

Farm fresh eggs are wonderful and we know from buying them years ago in NJ. I didn't know they could be kept out if left unwashed, useful info if we ever are lucky enough to buy some here in NH. Brown grass isn't for me as well, winter means white ❄️ covering the ground and we have it here today after about a 2-inch snowfall on Sunday!☃️

Anvilcloud said...

We do have snow, but there has been much melting, so what we have is not pleasant to look at or walk through in parks or along sidewalks.

No, I haven't seen a device like that.

Divers and Sundry said...

Fresh eggs! Nice! We had our little 5-inch snow, and it lasted several days. It's gone now, followed by rain, and chances are we won't get more snow.

I wish we got a wider variety of birds on the patio, and I wish there weren't so many of the non-native house sparrows. On the other hand, the house sparrows are dependable :)

DVArtist said...

Even your short posts are full of a busy life. I would love to have fresh eggs. How nice is that? As you know we had a vortex ice storm. Still in Eugene, thousands are still without power. We have a gennie so if power goes out for long we have heat and the fridges are on. Glad you are getting those letters written and life seems pretty good. Have a wonderful day today.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Hi, hope life is treating you good, I have never seen anything like the machine with the brush thing for removing ice.

I often feel like I have never ending pile of letters

Thanks for all the updates

Diane F. said...

I love farm fresh eggs! I am happy for the no snow. Our weatherman said in 2023 we had twice as much snow as a normal year! So.....I think we're good this year.
Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜‹

Jon said...

You've taken a really good picture of the ice machine. I've never seen anything like it. We sure could have used it here in TN last week.
Your Critter Cafe is filled up! Pretty soon you'll have to take reservations!
I like Allie's cozy bed on the table. So sweet.

DJan said...

Short and sweet. Glad to hear you are getting to the table every day, and thanks for the picture of Allie looking very comfy! :-)

Barwitzki said...

Sparrows also come to me, but the flock is smaller; great tits and blue tits come regularly.
Super! Fresh eggs from the farmer are the best... I also get my grain for bread from the farmer, which makes me very happy. I regularly bake our own bread... because it tastes better.
Yes, that's how it is, snow in winter is just beautiful... and when the sun is still shining :-))
Happy greetings to you from Viola
I wish you a wonderful week.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I want to be Allie! She looks all snug and warm!

Jeanie said...

You've been busy! And well done. I thank you for the note, too. It brightened up my yesterday.

I tend to have mostly sparrows at my feeder (and a few chickadees and woodpeckers). A cardinal or jay is a bit more rare. Love those brown eggs! And exciting about the apartment.

Have a good rest of the week!

Victoria Zigler said...

I'm glad you've so far escaped getting what McFamily had, and that they're on the mend from it.
Sorry you're seeing more brown grass than snow this Winter, but glad you have plenty of critter visitors to watch.

That's great about getting all that letter writing done, and about making it to the table to do so. I know myself how good it feels on days when you can do those little things that others take for granted.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I prefer the snow to the brown as well. Great to see some progress at your new place, maybe things we get rolling again!