I couldn't resist. Sorry--but it was another pretty sunrise yesterday.
The sun is not up yet today. ;)
I am posting some "before" pics. I am soooo excited! Dagan and Leah picked up the lumber for the additional shelves for the bookcases on Saturday. Lowe's cut them to size and Leah will sand them down. Five more shelves!!! Tada!--that means we can finally reorganize and rearrange the craft stuff!!
I got a new bookcase last September that went in the bedroom because it didn't match the rest (don't make/carry those anymore, I guess). We moved this matching bookcase from the bedroom into the living room. Our card stock is in cardboard magazine holders laying (sagging) on their sides. This bookcase has become a kind of catch-all spot. Definitely needs three more wooden shelves.

As long as I was taking pictures I figured I'd show you all the art & craft supplies...well, except for what's above the washer and dryer...and in the storage area...and under my bed.....
The bookcase on the far left will probably stay pretty much as is, I think. You never know once I get started--LOL!

This bookcase will definitely get some organizing. Oh, and you can see there are a couple of the additional wooden shelves in each of these bookcases that Leah made previously. We do have 12 X 12 inch scrapbooking paper, various paper pads, and other papers in some of the satchels. We want to move all the assorted papers over to the bookcase by the porch door and have it all in one basic spot for once. Which will free up a few of our satchels, too.

The cardboard ink pad shelves over the air conditioner will get cleaned and arranged.

The top part of the new bedroom bookcase (the three shelves of art & craft books below are okay) will get additional shelves and sorting.

And we're also going to put one of those wire four cube shelves stacked up in the corner. That will hold some of the odd shaped items that take up room that we don't use as often.

And Leah's sister and hubby picked us up some of the plain towel racks from IKEA in Minneapolis. They'll be put up where that painting is now by the porch door. Those IKEA racks will hold most of our punches--and maybe free up another satchel or two! (Nothing more exciting to a crafter than empty satchels--LOL!)

I took these pics off the internet of the paper storage shelves I am going to order in September. These are the clear plastic ones for the 12 X 12 inch papers. They come in a set of 10--so I can set five of them side by side on a shelf. And I searched online till I found a place that had them $10 cheaper with $9 less in shipping!!! Whoohoo!

And these are the steel shelf units--seven high--from Office Max. I have one that has four shelves that I have had for at least ten years (can't remember--could be 15 or 20--seems like I've had it forever--LOL!). Each shelf will hold about a ream of paper and they have never bent or bowed one little bit. So, I am planning on getting two of these to set side by side for all the 8 1/2 X 11 inch paper.

I know. They don't look like something to get soooo dang excited about, but I am almost dancing with anticipation up here! And after it is all done--then we get to relabel everything!! ;)
Now you know what my next big project is going to be come September. I will take pictures, of course. Let you know how turtle-me is progressing. ;) For right now, I am just sleeping my way around the clock and hoping to be back on days by next week. Karma is snoozing in her cat bed under my desk--just because I put it in a new spot, of course. It's dark and quiet here in Fargo. Hope everyone is having a good week. :):)
"Holiness comes wrapped in the ordinary. There are burning bushes all around you. Every tree is full of angels. Hidden beauty is waiting in every crumb."
Macrina Wiederkehr