Rita's Ramblings: a basically house-bound woman in Fargo, North Dakota blogging for friends, family, and anybody who finds it interesting. I talk about art or craft projects, my grandsons (Ian and Liam), the weather, movies, books, health, and whatever happens to be going on in my life. Welcome!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Dagan and Leah had a scheduled apointment with their contractor to pick out doors for the house, etc. They bumped the meeting up. Wanted to get it over with in case they were coming down with this flu, too. (I haven't heard from them today.) Then they stopped over here to get my computer working. (Had to download from Dagan's computer from the beginning again--it finished at 1:30am.)
They brought over marinated chicken breasts from a meat market and we (mostly Dagan and Leah) made a dinner of chicken, rice, and broccoli. Best meal I've had in a while! Been eating soup and bread for many days. Just too tired and weak to function very well yet. And I have leftovers for dinner tonight, too! :) Nice!
I just need rest and sleep and time to recover. It takes me longer than healthy folks to bounce back, I'm sure. But I am slowly feeling better. Still a little queasy, but much better than I was. I have not been on the computer much, so I apologize to those of you who haven't heard back from me yet.
Now I am off to watch the recapped "Lost" program that I taped last night. I will see the new episode tonight! That is something to look forward to--hehe! I really enjoy that show. Like one huge puzzle!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Well, we had warnings out for last night that there would be wind chills of down to minus 45 degrees below zero. It is minus 21 degrees right now. Good grief! Been really cold off and on this winter. There are times where it is not a bad thing to be housebound, I guess, eh? Maybe not a good day to be out and about after all? We can always go another day...???
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Tomorrow Leah and I are planning to go over to Tochi's and K & Krafts briefly before we start crafts. So, I am taking it easy today. Cold weather has returned. Hope everyone is warm and having a good day. I am still not up to snuff, but better every day. Not sick-sick anymore, at least. On the road to recovery--again. :)
Monday, January 28, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008
My dear friend, Ruby, told me there's some nanovirus going around that you can have several times before you are free of it altogether. Straight from her doctor, she said--and to drink as much fluids as you are able to keep down. Apparently I have gotten this peculiar virus, eh?
I'll be back when I am feeling better.....
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I have been just working on the cards and watched stuff I taped. Did play with Karma a lot yesterday. She was full of beans and gave me a workout--hehe! So--today--back working on the cards and keeping warm. :)
Friday, January 18, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008
My heat wasn't on, I guess. Or was only briefly on. All the registers were cold. So, I called the office and they sent the nicest man over to fix it--David.
Almost three years ago when I moved in I had no heat. This guy came over and he installed this lever on the bedroom heat register. This is a picture of it when it was on. Off--the lever stuck straight out from the register. Didn't seem to work well inbetween, you know? Either I had the heat on or off.
Now I have been playing around to find out where the heat should be set--and maybe I can leave it there and not have to be constantly turning the heat on and off anymore! Nice! I told him that this place just keeps getting better and better. I do love my little apartment.
Meanwhile--the Cuisinart arrived yesterday, too!! So Dagan and Leah got to see it and all the parts.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
I have over twenty emails to respond to. Might take me a while to catch up. Thanks everybody for being patient with me while I recover. :)
Got back to the Cinch plan yesterday again. I am washing clothes today. Tomorrow I have my annual appointment with federal housing. Caroline is coming to clean and she is going to give me a ride uptown. Dagan is going to pick me up after work and bring me home. I am so grateful. Didn't really want to have a physical set-back before I am even back to my normal. (It's a three bus journey one way.)
I am glad to be back and am feeling much better. :)
Saturday, January 12, 2008

I can't believe it is already Saturday! Time flies when you're miserable--hehe! I am still not up to snuff, but I have heard that this flu can leave you listless for up to a week. I'm pretty low energy in the first place--ROFL!
Monday night when I went shopping with Dagan it was a beautiful evening. Had been warm enough for water to be dripping off the eaves that day. Felt like spring. (Now it is back to cold and snowing the last couple days--that I have actually noticed--ha!)
Big thing for me was I ordered the Cuisinart (above) that I have been saving for since October at Bed, Bath & Beyond. It is being shipped via FedEx and is due to arrive on Tuesday--tada! I am so excited--and will post actual photos, of course.
Big thing for Miss Karma is that her treat drawer is full again and she got some new dry and canned foods (that CashWise doesn't carry).
The rest of the trip was buying up the stuff that you have to (toilet paper, paper towels, kleenex, etc) at Target. I did get some cans of "my coffee" though--my one UN-neccessity.
After 2 1/2 hours of shopping--I was shot. Couldn't sleep at all Monday night--too sore and generally miserable. Shakey, dizzy, headache, hurt everywhere, nauseous, and threw up Tuesday morning. Didn't know I had the actual flu, tho--(can feel like that just from pain and lack of sleep)--until I had slept again and was still nauseous and sleep didn't make it better. Pretty sad that I didn't even know I was "sick-sick" for the first day or so--chuckle! With Fibromyalgia--well, you always have that all over body ache like you are coming down with the flu and activity makes it worse--it's hard to tell.
Well, that is totally it for today. I am on the mend--a slower mend than I would have hoped--but I am on the mend. :)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008

Let's see--what else? I started the Cinch plan (for about three and a half weeks) on the 4th after I got my grocery delivery. Dagan and Leah had been trying it--Dagan quit. He liked the chocolate and Leah liked the vanilla. They gave me his leftover chocolate powder last month.
You make a shake for two meals and eat one healthy meal and healthy snacks. I ordered a bunch of Lean Cuisines, which I never buy (too expensive for me)--and low calorie snack bars, carrots, yogurt, nuts, etc, to snack on. At least I am starting out healthier this year--hehe!
Last Friday I had the great visit with Maria! We always have a wonderful time visiting.
Yesterday Leah and her friend, Amber, came by to work on designing Amber's wedding invitations. They were here the better part of the day while I washed clothes. I think it is really going to be a pretty little invitation! :) They really did a good job thinking this up!
Leah has been swamped with work calls, so she can't take me shopping today and might not be able to come over to do crafts on Wednesday, either? Dagan is coming by after work to bring me shopping. And in the meantime--I have to haul out a stack of things to the dumpster and the garage. (The little Christmas tree is coming down early this year--hehe! I often have it up into February, to be honest--just love Christmas, you know!) So--I had best get moving... :)
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Took it inside and washed it off with water and a toothbrush...
Saturday, January 05, 2008
My friend Jennifer (from MSUM writing classes and the student writing group we used to have at my apartment in Moorhead while we were in college) was going to this shop in Bismarck, North Dakota one time and told me they had pendulums there made of crystals and stones, etc. I asked her to pick me out a clear crystal pendulum.
She called me from the store and told me they had these wooden ones that were hollow inside and had a cap. I knew right away that I could put some of the sacred sand inside of it! Cool! So I had her get me two of them. Thank you, Jennifer! I don't let anybody else use this wooden pendulum.
The Angelic Messenger cards are way too large to shuffle. For years I shuffled them by laying them all over a table and swirling them around. That takes up a lot of room, for one thing. Tried to pick by instinct, warmth, tingling of the hands...whatever. And you can do it that way, of course--I did for many years.
What we found was easier was to kind of give the cards a little side-shuffle and then just split them up into three piles. Then use the pendulum to tell what pile the card is in. Split that pile up...and so on--until you are down to one card.
We also used pendulums in the Healing Touch classes I went to at St. Catherine's in Minneapolis. We used them to determine whether chakras were blocked or not.
Seems like a bunch of hokus pokus at first--but I was won over. Besides--you can't possibly pick a bad angel card--hehe!
The last thing I have to show you from New Year's Eve is my crystals. And, of course, I have a story about the biggest one...:)