Believe it or not that long strip of plastic shower curtain liner is still the A-1 preferred toy around here. I usually wake up and find that Karma has pulled it all into a pile like this. It is covered with tiny pin holes from her attacking teeth. (She has no claws.)
I have to re-lay it across the room a couple times a day. Karma can still imagine it is alive and will suddenly leap into the air--pawing and batting at it like a crazy person. I was thinking that I might have to cut a chunk of it into thin strips and make an actual cat toy that I can attach to the end of the string on her cat pole. But then--that may not interest her at all. ROFL! ;)
Dagan and Leah came over Tuesday night. Leah brought me some Ziploc containers with dividers that I plan to use to see if I can make up my own frozen meals.

I did make up some quiche using "fake" (soy) hotdogs and have made up some frozen dinners with that--and some green beans and corn to fill the other spots. Haven't tried to heat one up yet. Some leftovers to finish first in the frig. ;)
I have been cooking and baking lately. Here's what's left of some sweet cornbread I made a few days ago.
Dagan worked on his miniatures. Leah made a wedding card and played with some of the oriental stamps a bit. We were all tired, but it was a really nice evening, as usual. Now, hopefully, Leah and I will be shopping next Tuesday night. ;)
I think finding my goal list did help motivate me. (I should have it out where I can see it more often--hehe!) I began cutting the paper for 50 birthday cards and at least started that project.
I think I am finally deleted from facebook! When Leah was here I had her look and try to locate me on facebook. No luck at all. Tada! If you want to delete your facebook account forever go here. Thanks so much for the link, Iggy!! I hope it worked for you, too? :):)
I hadn't been sleeping well for a while. Finally just plain collapsed and slept from 2pm till 1am! Whew! I needed it. Felt great! :)
Have been taking a trip thru some of my recent past. Been reading my "Angel Books"--journaling in spiral notebooks directed towards GA/angels/higher self that I had kept from 1993 to about 2006. Never daily or like a diary, per say. And entries have become much more erratic once I moved up here to go to college in 1999. It's a strange, frustrating, and enlightening thing to see yourself from a distance. An odd feeling to know how things turned out as I'm reading about my confusion, questions, and hopes as my health deteriorated. I'm on book 31 out of 38.
I still don't know what my purpose is.
Maybe I'll finish them today.
Anywho...supposed to be in the 60s again today and then back into the 40s for a couple days. Nature's temperature see-saw game--hehe! Have a great weekend!! :)
"Character cannot be developed in the ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
Helen Keller