Karma pouting to go out on the porch yesterday...accented with the occasional whine.
Still waiting for me to finish blogging, but catching a few winks in the meantime.
She's already cried at the door this morning and been out to examine the porch and check for snow (still none). Now she's purring right underneath the laptop table I am typing on. Purrs are cat smiles...so I know all is well in Karma's world. ;)
Today is the last day of AEDM and I ended with a bang! Had an exciting time yesterday!! Tried something new with ink, liquid watercolor, and a straw.
Was also fascinating for Karma, apparently, to watch me bending and blowing and exclaiming my wonder.
Here's the page spread wet as can be.
On the left side I used Noodler's inks: Apache Sunset and Blue Nosed Bear.
On the right side I used some very old Winsor Newton's liquid watercolor Process Cyan and Higgins' pigmented drawing ink Magenta. Both at least 30 years old and with dried up eyedroppers that are barely functional, but they still did the job. Wouldn't have stopped me as I do have extra eyedroppers. ;)
The Blue Nosed Bear was an ink sample from Ink Drop and was already in a cartridge in that Preppy pen (took out the cartridge and used a pipette to suck up a little of the ink.)
Left the wet pages to dry overnight.
Meanwhile, I experimented on adding pages to make a bookcard out of a regular card made from card stock. Had to cut down the inside pages a little to fit the smaller card. Misted me up some white paper flower parts...

...with golden bamboo and solar gold (radiant rains).

I'll have to add the bling flower here on the front (and anything else I might decide to add) after I am done writing the letter inside. Writing over a big old embellishment lump would not be pleasant. Even the ribbon is annoying to me, to be honest, but that's already glued down--LOL! Anyways, my camera is really off on color sometimes. The ribbon is actually more purple, not blue. Oh well. You get the idea so far, anyways.

The last day of November. I made it!! TaDa!
Funny, I just checked last night and apparently I never was registered and listed for the November Nablopomo? I couldn't find my blog anyplace even with the search engine? I did everything, filled out everything, put the badge on my blog, have been getting their emails, and never gave it a second thought. Another "oh well"--ROFL! It was a personal goal for me, I know I blogged every day in November, and that's what matters, right? ;)
Well, now I can start the daily meditations and go back to blogging whenever I feel like it...which occasionally is every day for a stretch, but usually more like 2-3 times a week.
I do have some new things to play with from this wild ride month--the art journal, doodle book, and the mandalas! It was definitely a creative kick in the pants--LOL! An exciting month! Trying new things, meeting new people, and chatting every day. Was a lot of fun! I am amazed and proud that I actually accomplished this personal goal! Whoohoo! :):)
Okay, enough patting myself on the back--ROFL!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Caroline comes to clean today.
Dagan and Leah are coming after work.
I emailed them both to tell them not to jump the car before they came up here to my apartment and I could talk to them.
The more I have thought about this...well, there's something draining that battery...whether it is the battery, the alternator, or old wiring going bad. All the wishful thinking about holding a charge isn't going to change that fact. They don't have the money to bring her in right now--and she might cost too much to fix, anyways, for all we know. Even if we got her jumped today, I don't trust that she will start up again when I come out after an appointment or not die at a stoplight or something, you know? And winter is here (even if we don't have the snow proof yet). I know they want me to have transportation and I think that is why they are hoping she will just magically work again, you know?
Well, I checked on the Valley Senior Ride Service. (You can find anything online these days--LOL!) You know those little buses you see around town transporting seniors and the disabled? Well, I qualify now because I turned 60 in March--tada! Much easier on me physically to get a ride door to door than to use the public bus system. For example, when I have my yearly Federal Housing appointment this winter it takes me three buses one way and ends up being a 5-6 hour day. Where when you can drive directly it's about a 20-25 minute trip to get there. No comparison on my body.
Anyways, with the senior bus/van you have to call at least two days ahead of time to schedule a ride. They run Mon-Fri from 7:40am till 4:30pm and it's $2.50 one way. I need to call and ask if they take checks or if I need cash, but I think this is the perfect solution for transportation to my appointments.
I had checked about this when I first moved to Fargo in 2005, but I wasn't old enough and they didn't seem to care if I was on disability. I remembered telling the lady I could bring in my paperwork, but she turned me down flat. And when Dagan lent me his old car over 3 years ago I forgot all about the buses, of course, and haven't ridden them since. Now I am 60, baby! She can't say no. Probably doesn't even work there anymore--LOL!
That is what I am going to tell the kids tonight. Let's just leave PitaPaseo in the garage and not deal with her until whenever we can try to jump her and drive her straight to the garage. She's not in the way...not going anywhere...can wait forever. ;) In the meantime, I can use the senior bus for my appointments--tada! I can use them to go any place I want to actually. :)
And I can use the regular bus system, of course, whenever I feel up to it. I can get to either the big mall one way or K-Mart the other direction on just one bus.
So...that's the plan. My plan. :):)
Oh, just got an email this morning that we will finally be getting a mandala lesson sometime today. Looking forward to it. I haven't done any more doodling on mine. Been waiting for the last week's classes. Wonder if we'll still have two more or just this one today now? Oh well. Regardless, I have been enjoying them. :)
I will leave you with pictures of the almost thoroughly dried page spread I took this morning. (Yes, there are some thick spots that are still wet even after sitting overnight!)
I love this straw blowing business!!
Goodbye AEDM!
Happy Wednesday, All!! :):)