We had sun for days, but not today when I finally feel better and am awake, of course. Murphy's Law? LOL!
While I was sick Karma was soaking up the sun every morning. I put down her little box of toys and she spread them around on the floor and laid on them. (She's actually over there parked on top of them dozing as I am writing this.)

I've gotten several birthday cards and have been told there are a couple more coming late. I was shocked to get about a dozen birthday greetings from people on facebook, recognition on some blogs, some ecards, and phone calls (which I honestly loved getting even if I was sleeping and miserable). I tell you--I may have been sick as a dog (wonder why they say that?) but it was a really nice birthday, regardless, thanks to all the people who took the time to remember me. I was really touched!! Thanks to everybody!!! :):)

I received this book from John/Spruce in Nain/Canada. I don't think he had any idea it was my birthday, but that's when it arrived. No mention in his note, so I can hardly wait to tell him--hehe! Anyways, he had lent the book out and it had been gone so long he didn't think he'd ever get it back, so he ordered a new copy. Of course, then the old one was returned. Murphy's Law again? LOL! So, John decided to send his extra copy to me! Out of the clear blue sky! Looks like really interesting reading, too.
Thank you, John!

And--I actually won again at Heather's site!
Thanks you, Heather!
I could have chosen an 8 X 10 print, but I just really liked this photo of the blue heron standing in the water under that fall tree. So even tho it was a 5 X 7, I chose this one. :)

They have a gorgeous picture of an Appaloosa horse--which is what I almost chose.
Handmade jewelry, too. :)
Thanks you Chelsea at Appaloosa Designs!

Since I've been sick since Saturday and am just now feeling more functional I don't have a lot to report. Oh--Leah has also been sick with this at the same time as I have been. I know she missed work Monday and Tuesday. We postponed getting together until next Tuesday. Dagan dropped me off some milk and things after work. Even went down and got my mail for me yesterday. Stayed and talked to his sick old mom for a while and then went home to make dinner for Leah. Thanks, Dagan! I hope you are much better today, Leah.
While I was sick, Karma didn't miss catching her morning rays. I was in bed most of the first two days (we're talking 18-20 hours out of the day!) and was way too restless for Miss Karma to want to try to sleep with me on the twin bed, so Karma didn't have much company. Whenever I was up she was talking to me, purring & rubbing, and wanting to cuddle with me on my chair (where I also fell asleep regularly). You know how it goes.

This morning I decided to take a scissors to the bottom of the new shower curtain liner. It was almost 6 inches too long and just clear plastic. Easy as pie to cut down.
Well, Karma went nuts over that piece of the liner. Raced across it. Pounced on it. Laid on it. I decided to hang it over the door handle on the porch door. She attacked it and cried and carried on...until she heard me get the camera out, of course. Murphy's Law again?? ROFL!
I tried to take a video anyways. There's not much to see, but I had to show you this! I was holding the camera sideways thinking it would be able to show you better where the clear plastic was hanging from--taller view, right? Well, the video came out sideways! That just cracked me up! I have no clue how to fix something like that. Heck! I don't even know how to put a proper link in a blog, for goodness sake. But now I do know not to hold the camera sideways when I am making a video in the future--LOL!
Well, I have to go fold and hang clothes. Grateful I haven't had to iron for many years with all the fabrics we have nowadays. (You think about these things when you are 60--hehe!) Hope none of you come across this flu bug. If you do--run!!
Happy Wednesday! :):)
"Every exit is an entry somewhere else."
Tom Stoppard