Good morning!
You can see Allie's in her favorite spot to observe the Critter Cafe.
It's been very cold and the critters have been very hungry.I had ordered a garland to have a little decoration (that could possibly stay up all winter-lol!). It was cold to the touch when it arrived. Had trouble getting it unraveled and laid it down on the carpet to let it warm up a bit more before I messed with it. Much to my surprise Miss "I-will-only-lie-on-a-couple-specific-folded-up-blankets...refused-to-even-stand-in-two-new-cat-beds...will-not-be-caught-dead-in-the-confines-of-a-box...took-over-a-year-before-I-decided-the-carrier-hidden-in-the-corner-of-the-studio-made-a-good-warm-hidey-hole" Allie immediately laid on the plastic, prickly garland!!??
She was totally enthralled with it.
Eventually left to eat and drink, but returned.
I had even thought I'd leave it down there for her for a few days. But the next morning I discovered she had been trying to eat the leaves! Stinker!
Well, it was a week of making food, doing laundry, and making appointments. I already had the dentist lined up on January 2nd and my annual wellness check on January 8th. But I realized there was nothing set up for my cancer check-ups?? Should have been in December (but I sure don't mind waiting till after the holidays--lol!). Can't remember exactly why I had no appointments because they are usually set up before I even leave the clinic. Computers down or something? Anyways, now I need to get labwork done on January 17th, have my CT Scans on the 24th, and see my oncologist on January 31st.
Going to be a busy month. It's been so very nice to have a few months with not having appointments every time I turned around. Even got the new eye doctor and new glasses taken care of. So, after January I should be set for a while. :)
Oh, and I moved the small folding table away from next to the TV cabinet. One advantage to having a "fluffy" cat is she can't jump very high, so the garland is safe--ROFL! ;)
Friday--Janie sent me a Christmas cactus! Wow! Thanks so much! I have had a couple of them over my lifetime but never once had any blooms. If this one survives the freezing transport, I am hopeful. :)More cards have arrived. I had automatically removed any that had family photos on them last time because...well, without permission and all that. But you can't see them that well so I left them on this time. Sorry if you thought I hadn't gotten your cards. from Leah.
They went to a Christmas concert. (Leah's sister, Michal, is a music teacher.)
Blogger is messing with my photos, BTW. Won't let me put them where I want them. And I've been trying to upload a video for half an hour. Grrr! Oh well.
Here's Liam and the snowman. I know this snowman is from some movie but I don't know which one or what its name is--lol! I'm sure one of you will be able to tell me.
They've driven by this tree in town the past few years. This year it also had Santa's sleigh in front of it, so they stopped to get a closer look.Very cold smiles--lol!
Skinny one that will go over my kitchen sink instead of over a stove.
Side-by-side frig/freezer that even has water and ice in the door!
So fancy!
Blogger wants the dishwasher over here, I guess.

Will have three levels!
I can put utensils or anything flat up on that top skinny tray! Awesome!
And when are they coming, you may ask? January 2nd!! The day I go to the dentist. Dagan will be at home and Leah will bring me to the dentist. Maybe if my back is feeling decent enough, I might go over and see them all for myself after the dentist chair is done with me. :)
When they were out shopping they found a little shop that actually had a section of delicious treats that were sugar free!! Leah bought some that we can have for Christmas!
And--YES--I am going over to spend time with them on Christmas Day!! First time ever to be there on the actual holiday! There are even stockings for Allie and Blink below.
I can understand why it’s exciting as the final touches are made to your new quarters. The move will come soon enough. Maybe by then the cat will have vacated the garland! All the best for the holidays and for a wonderful 2025.
Christmas blessings Rita!
Our weather is usually in sync with yours, but this week it looks like it was the total opposite. We hit mid-50's while you were freezing!
Love your appliances! Hope you have a great Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all in frozen Fargo land Love the post and the feeling of optimism throughout.
Congrats on all your appliances my friend. I KNOW you are beyond excited!!! I hope my Christmas card to you makes it as i did not see it on the frig... I did mail it out kinda late so fingers crossed... If not it will be a pleasant surprise after Hugs! deb
I believe the snowman is Olaf! Nice group photo of the kids , Dagan and Leah are kids too!! Happy Christmas! Nice appliances, you made nice picks. I have found that the micro fiber cloths and ammonia free window stuff works the best on the stainless steel. But still my fridge at home sometimes drives me nuts with how it looks after I clean it...might be the sunlight hitting it certain times of day.
This truly is a busy month. Wow, you'll have a white Christmas! Not a chance here in TN. It's warming up.
I'm glad those hungry critters are being fed. Allie is really hilarious laying on the garland!
May you and your family have a beautiful, blessed holiday.
Those are some great looking appliances. I hated my side by side when I first got it but now love the ice maker and water in it. I use it constantly! My cat also nibbles greenery, even artificial stuff. I adore her but she's kind of dumb. Exciting that you'll be out enjoying the holidays. Have a great Xmas!
You never know what Allie will take a liking to.
I like the cards on the fridge.
A dishwasher with three levels that is something I haven't heard of before
A green blinking light on a smoke alarm is supposed to mean it's functioning normally. I have one that blinks but I hardly ever notice it. My other smoke alarm doesn't have the green blinking light. It only gets a red light and makes a noise when the battery needs to be replaced. I'm excited about the appliances. What brand is the dishwasher with the 3 racks? I imagine one rack is for dishes and one is for glasses. What's the third rack for? The boys are cute in the sleigh. I bet they'd love a real sleigh ride with the sleigh pulled by a horse.
Hi Rita. Looks cold there. We have been unseasonably warm and the snow we should be getting on Christmas will probably come down as rain. It's just too warm. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with McFamily. Enjoy every moment and make wonderful memories. See you again soon!
What an exciting time! I'm glad you're having a reprieve from the doctors and that you get to pick out appliances. Have a wonderful Christmas. ❤️🎄
White Christmas, that sounds wonderful. It's raining here, but we still had snow at the end of November for the first Advent... thank you for your beautiful Christmas photos... you got lots of Christmas cards, that's so nice...
I wish you and your loved ones a merry Christmas.
Best wishes from Viola
Rita, Merry Christmas to you and Allie and how wonderful to be spending the day with family and to have a white Christmas as well. we had serious flurries today and a dusting is still on the ground, but technically it has to at least an inch to be considered a WC. The new appliances look wonderful and really like that 3-level dishwasher. Funny how much Allie liked the garland.
Belated Christmas greetings! I hope your Christmas with the Fam was fun. How exciting that your new appliances will arrive so soon, too! And loved how you placed the garland, once Ms. Allie gave it up. It sounds like a beautiful lead up to Christmas! May the rest of the season be as lovely! Merriest!
You have such a wonderful family. I am SO excited for you and all of the beautiful appliances. How lucky you are. My stove is going out and I hate to bother my landlord with it but I have tried to fix it and well........ As for the blinking green light. Mine blink green before it starts to chirp letting me know it's time to change the batteries. Well my dear friend I am wishing you all the very best for 2025.
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