Happy Monday!
Well, my making a comment to click the box to get all your comments sent to my inbox appeared to work. I did respond to every one, but nobody let me know if they got them. I didn't get any no-delivery notices or anything. ?? I'll try again. Please let me know in a comment if you did get a response from me. In the meantime, I will post before I go to bed on Sunday so it will be up for you early-birds on Monday. :)
The week seemed to fly by. McFamily did grocery shopping on Monday since they all had the day off. Dagan and Liam brought in my groceries from the car. Liam likes to run into the bathroom to see which shower curtain I have up--lol! He brings mints out to the car for Mama and Ian. Was super cold with frostbite warnings that night--as it had been for days.
Tuesday morning at 8am I got the phone interview for that SNAP/food stamp review. The lady was very nice and admitted that a lot of people assumed it was a scam, so she was glad I had googled it. I still waited to see if she'd ask me for anything I wasn't willing to give her over the phone (like SS number, bank account) but she never did. Basically just wanted me to verify my address and that I lived alone and that SS was my only income. She needed to call someone else who could verify those things so I gave her Dagan's number. She even asked me to please warn him that she'd be calling the next day because so many people won't answer because they avoid strange numbers and are afraid they are scams. That she'd leave a message from Tiffany so he could answer whenever was convenient. She sounded totally legit...exhausted and pleasant.
Funny--Dagan said he couldn't remember my address! ROFL!
Anyways, I think it was okay. Got my approval letter in the mail from all the paperwork I had just mailed to Bismark before this lady called. So, for however long we still have that help available, I am approved unless I hear otherwise.
Keanna came to clean that afternoon. Really cold day for her to bring out my trash to the dumpster. But it has warmed up since then. Finally got to above zero and then has even been above freezing for a couple of days. Expected to get above freezing every day for the next 10 days, I guess. We might even hit 40 degrees--so, the snow will be slowly melting away. :(
Leah has been feeling better and better she says and made it to work this last week. Me--same old fibro flare I seem to be stuck in. Just (barely) managing to keep up with laundry, cooking, and cleaning...with a lot of procrastinating. Kind of feeling like Allie. Wasn't sleeping well or long, so was even forced into a couple of naps. ;)
I promised I would show you the Swedish dishcloths I ordered. They are really different! Hard as a rock when they dry...soft and pliable when they are wet. They will curl when they dry, as you can see with the one on the right. I really do like them!
They are so thin and so easy to wring out you could do it with one hand, yet they are very absorbent. Can just toss them in the washer. I air dry them because they dry so quickly, too. Another of those little joys in my life. :)
I worked on letters and am getting just about caught up. Re-watched Vera until I could remember the episodes so well that I thought I'd wait a good while to watch the rest--lol!
Out of curiosity I googled how many people were actually receiving some of the assistance and help from federal programs.
Social Security 71 million
SSDI 8 million
Medicare 67.3 million
Medicaid 80 million
SNAP (food stamps) 41 million
Federal Housing Assistance 10 million
WIC 12.1 million mothers with children
National School Lunch Program 30.1 million kids
Head Start 39 million kids
Veteran's benefits 6 million
It says one out of three Americans get some form of assistance...100 million.
Fell down a rabbit hole...
Total U.S. budget for 2024 -- 6.5 trillion.
Military budget for 2024--842 billion.
Trump's golfing (1/3 of his time) first month of second term--10.7 million
Trump and family's trip to the Super Bowl--estimates between15-20 million
Trump's trip to the Daytona 500 to fly over the track, drive around the track, and leave after 11 laps--estimates between 5-10 million
Just thought you might be curious, too.
Anyways, snow is melting...Allie is purring...I am procrastinating...lol! Till next week, my friends. :)