Monday, February 10, 2025

February 10, 2025 Monday--5am

Good morning!
My good IBS days left once again. *sigh*  So it was a quieter week.  Funny...when I told Dr. Failing about it he said I was the second patient who was struck with constipation out of the clear blue.  Nice to know I'm not the only one--lol!

We've had some light snow.
Critter Cafe is always a lot more busy when it is really cold and there is snow on the ground.
Tuesday night through Wednesday we got a decent amount of snow...finally!  Not a lot, but enough to turn the world sparkly white.
I made calls this week.  Have an appointment with a new lady urologist for a poke n' peek at my bladder.  Wednesday the 26th.  Leah suggested I try someone new--maybe a lady.  Then I have the dermatologist on March 6th.  Annual checkup on March 12th and dentist checkup on April 3rd.  You always have to wait quite a while to get in to see anybody these days.  In fact, they got a couple of dermatologists to come in to help out.  If I was going to see the guy I saw before, he was booked up into December!

Wouldn't you know, I just told Dr. Failing I hadn't had to take naps for a couple of weeks.  Have needed to nap three days this week.  Oh well.  Such is life.

This is Allie every time she hears people in the hallway.  Her ears are much better than mine.  I can't hear a thing unless they are talking in the hallway--near my door--lol!
The partridges come at dusk.
The fun thing I have discovered this last week is that there are YouTube videos where you can watch beautiful things or see gorgeous scenery while listening to very peaceful, calm music.

I think it lowers my blood pressure and takes my mind off the state of our country...and it puts Alie to sleep.
Maybe that is why I am taking peaceful naps?!  LOL!  I've been avoiding even the headlines for days at a time.  Very, very happy to be watching Vera solve murders.  The night of the snowstorm I peeked out the patio door blinds to see how much snow we'd gotten and watched two arctic hares bound away!  Made me very happy to see them.  Has been no sighting during daylight hours this winter, but I suspected they were stopping by from the tracks in the snow...when we have had any snow. 

So, not much happened this week...but it was a calmer week on the whole.  Just started season five of Vera.  There are I am looking forward to another calm week.  I hope.  Although I do peek at the headlines every 3 or 4 days...and there's always something--lol!  I can't live through this with my head in the sand, I guess.  Just can't.   Till next week, my friends.  :)


Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That's a lot of appointments you have coming up, hopefully they go well! Love the fact that you saw a couple of hares too!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It seems that you can find just about anything on You Tube!

Ann said...

I stopped reading the newspapers and watching news shows years ago. I do get an email that has local news stories in it and I occasionally will read something that catches my eye.
That's crazy that a doctor is scheduling as far out as December. What is someone supposed to do if they really need to see a doctor right away.

Boud said...

I have some calming YouTube channels, too, the chiming bowls, Marion's World, The Last Homely House. Those are presented by women from where I grew up, Marion with the true northeast accent!

Sandra said...

No, we can't breath with our head in the sand. I limit my exposure, too. I should pick up on Vera again. I like the series. We got maybe twoo inches, just enough to cover the ground. I am not a napper, never have been. I don't think there are arctic hares in the Twin Cities area, too far south for them.

jinxxxygirl said...

I know its a scary time... i try not to watch too much too....he is like a bull in a China shop.. Glad your getting all the important appts out of the way this year... We had a week of near 90F degree temps and now our highs are in the 40's... brrr... after a warm spell the cold feels particularly cold ! Hugs! deb

Margaret said...

I love Vera but don't have Brit Box so I can't watch the latest seasons. I already pay too much for cable so I don't want to add a bunch of streaming services. Sigh. Sorry about your constipation, so miserable. We're having a cold spell but the snow has gone away for now. Whew!

DJan said...

Same here. I try to avoid the news but it's really hard when I go to NYT to do my puzzles. It's a sad time in the world.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You have lots of appointments coming up! Nice to see the Arctic Hares!!

Deb in Utah said...

Hi Rita. Lots of unsettling things in the news right now so you are smart to avoid it. I sometimes play those peaceful videos in my classroom as students are working. I hope that things go well with all of your doctor/dentist appointments. Have a good week. See you again soon!