Good morning!
Busy week. Making up foods over several days that I can nuke, doing laundry (even blankets), and Keanna came on Tuesday to clean. Warm. The false spring has continued.
Was surprised to see an Arctic hare out nibbling away next to my patio!Don't see them during the daytime very often.
Still basically white. The false spring hasn't convinced their bodies to turn brown again--lol!
I got a set of clear containers for all my various new cloth vs paper goods items. In the kitchen I have the cloth paper towels on the right and lighter colored cloth napkins on the left.
Back behind my chair in the folding table area...
...a container for the cloth hankies. Yes--now I do feel like my grandmothers who had flowered hankies in their bags--lol!
Lastly, in the studio... a darker colored set of cloth paper towels to use when painting and such. I don't think they will stay on the table, but they will be closeby.
On Thursday Dagan took me to the dermatologist appointment. Skip the photo below if you don't want to see what he did, but the lump on my face...well, he said it looked like cancer to him so he didn't want to remove it until they knew what kind it was. He took a biopsy. Looks worse now, as you can see! I'll find out the results within a week or two. Regardless, they will cut it off...and he wanted this other guy to do it because he is the best at the more "sensitive cosmetic" removals and does them all the time. So--another silver lining? I will make sure I get the guy who does the better job with scars--lol! He took quite a chunk!
Next time I will sit on my hands. It hurt so sharply getting the Novocain shot that my hand jerked up automatically and bumped his hand and the needle right out of my face--lol! I've never done anything like that before. But at the dentist you have armrests to grip--lol!
[Oh--FYI...having some quite old bandaids, I discovered that Johnson & Johnson still stuck very well but the Curads did not. Barely would stick at all. Fell right off. Tossed them all.]
Dagan told me that on Saturday they were having an IKEA Party with their friends, Chris and Robyn, and their two teenage boys, Payton and Isaac!
Before the IKEA Party Ian had a pottery class in the morning!
That is so cool! I always wanted to learn pottery.
Since I injured my wrist/arm I can't even knead bread anymore, so it will never happen. Leah made a variety of beautiful bowls several years ago. I use several of them in the studio.
I was impressed with what Ian made for his first time at the pottery wheel! Nice! For the kids the teachers will fire, glaze, and fire them again, I guess. All they will have to do is pick them up when they're ready. Be fun to see them finished!
Since I injured my wrist/arm I can't even knead bread anymore, so it will never happen. Leah made a variety of beautiful bowls several years ago. I use several of them in the studio.
I was impressed with what Ian made for his first time at the pottery wheel! Nice! For the kids the teachers will fire, glaze, and fire them again, I guess. All they will have to do is pick them up when they're ready. Be fun to see them finished!
After pottery class it was time for the IKEA Party. My garage before they packed up what they could...
You can maybe imagine how excited I was to get these first three pictures texted from Leah!! OMG!! They had already put together one of the two hutches with the glass doors on top that go side-by-side in the living room!
And they were working on the small skinny shelf unit that will go in the studio.
It is the same as this unit I have in the studio here inside the door.
They will sit side-by-side even though my current IKEA pieces in my studio that are coming with me are actually a more bluish color. The light is bad.
Here's an old sketch I made for the furniture placement. All of it was measured to make sure it would fit, but I didn't make the drawings of the actual furniture to size--lol! Way off! It will be a lot more crowded than this appears to be--lol! All this was just for the placement of what goes where. But it is finally happening!
And so it begins!
The two hutches with the glass doors are there and real!! (Can you hear me squealing with delight?!)
The greyish skinny set of drawers is together and in the studio!
And one of the two wardrobes was put together, too!
Can you tell I am excited!!
They got all that done on Saturday!!
The greyish skinny set of drawers is together and in the studio!
I plan to use the blue one I already have for pens, inks, and pen stuff. Whoohoo! This grey one will be for stamps and other card making supplies.
And one of the hutches without the glass doors on top is already in the studio! Will sit side-by-side with another one. The shelves below in the hutches will hold the many satchels.
The satchels that will go below in the living room hutches will hold writing supplies...finished cards, bookcards, supplies for letters and journaling. The satchels that will go in the studio hutches will be for card making, bookmaking, and other craft supplies. And one of the two wardrobes was put together, too!
Can you tell I am excited!!
They got all that done on Saturday!!
Happy dancing in Fargo! :)
So here's what is now put together or that I already own and am taking with me. Whoohoo! Progress!!
Ian and Liam were upstairs playing Sorry and doing things to keep busy and stay out of the way a bit, you know? A little too young to be able to keep up with helping with the furniture.
So, this coming week I have Dr. Kessler for my annual Medicare checkup on Wednesday. Not so stressful--lol! Leah is taking me to this one. I might hear about whether the face lump is cancer or not--and get the slicing scheduled, if I am lucky. We are supposed to continue with the false spring. Allie is loving it! Have a great week! :)
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