Well, it is now 12:30pm. I just spent an hour trying to add a video of Ian from Leah's dropbox--after it finally said it was copied it totally disappeared when I tried to put it on the blog. *sigh* I have no clue as to where it went. I don't think there's any way I can put videos on my blog unless they go onto youtube first...even if it tells me it's possible by giving me these options on Blogger. They lie.
So...instead of Good Morning I guess it's Good Afternoon--LOL! I totally forgot to take pictures when McFamily was here and when I was over there...and Leah's video didn't work...but what can you do. ;)
I did take a few sky shots.
We had above freezing weather on Saturday and Sunday!
Sunday it got up to 43 degrees! But on Monday morning it was 9 degrees and the exceedingly brief thaw was over--LOL! Didn't stop them from working out there on Monday.
Looks like they are either building something in the field behind the garages or using it for storage space for the building going on across the road.
This is a semi load of lumber being dropped off.
And I see lots of trucks roaming about back there.
But it's cold and the windows are closed so they're not as noisy as on a summer's day--LOL! I feel sorry for all the people who work outside up here in this weather, though. Karma, as long as her world is quiet and we have no company...is perfectly content.

This morning...we've had another dusting of snow.
This morning...we've had another dusting of snow.
It's 22 degrees, so a bit warmer.
Dark skies blanketed in gray. Caroline comes this afternoon.
Since it was so warm this weekend, McFamily came by on Sunday evening to pick up Phil.
Leah brought a pot of black dirt, soaked it, and I cut some tendrils off Phil and shoved them into the damp dirt.
Baby Phil.
I hope it takes root. They plan to just house Phil for the winter upstairs on Dagan's desk and then take him apart in the spring outside in the back yard...but Leah didn't want me to go all winter without a plant...hence the pot of dirt. ;) Phil will be thrilled to have a sunny west window for the winter, that's for sure.
I took this pic of my thermal cup when I started this blog (because I have forgotten to take many pics lately...of anything) for the ladies over at Elizabeth's for T Stands for Tuesday.
I took this pic of my thermal cup when I started this blog (because I have forgotten to take many pics lately...of anything) for the ladies over at Elizabeth's for T Stands for Tuesday.
Okay, it is now 5pm. I have been in a technological tailspin all day. First of all I tried to copy a video from Leah's dropbox. Took an hour to copy. Went to add it to this post and it vanished. No clue where it went. So, I guess there's no way I can add videos unless I get them up on youtube first.
Okay, then I went to go to Elizabeth's website so I could add a link...and all my pages went white...blank. I had had a box come up when I was moving pictures from my camera to the laptop before I started the blog--telling me my iphoto disc was almost full. ?? Never have seen that before. But I continued on, of course. After all, it said "almost" so I thought I could deal with it later, right? Well, when it went to open Elizabeth's blog post another box came up and said something about my startup disc being almost full. ?? Never have seen that before, either.
But then...all my pages went white...blank. And that was all she wrote. I was able to run a complete virus scan (that took another 2 hours and 57 minutes) but it said my McLap was clean as a whistle. But after the scan was done...I was able to shut it down and restart it...and now it's working just fine, apparently.
The reason I ran a scan is that I wondered if I had picked up something from spam...because of the technological issue I planned to talk to you about in the first place--LOL! Many of you bloggers may have noticed that I haven't commented on your blogs for like a month! This is what happened...
I didn't notice for quite a while, but eventually I was wondering why people weren't blogging...and why I was actually able to keep up so easily with my inbox. LOL! I have always had some glitches with the "follow by email" FeedBurner system. There are a few blogs that I signed up for that I never got any post notifications...ever. Even though if I try to sign up again it says I am already subscribed. And sometimes I will not get anything for like a week or two from a blogger and then suddenly get an email with multiple posts included. So, naturally, I blamed FeedBurner when I went to check on some bloggers and--yes--they had been blogging all along! Grrr!
Okay, then I went to go to Elizabeth's website so I could add a link...and all my pages went white...blank. I had had a box come up when I was moving pictures from my camera to the laptop before I started the blog--telling me my iphoto disc was almost full. ?? Never have seen that before. But I continued on, of course. After all, it said "almost" so I thought I could deal with it later, right? Well, when it went to open Elizabeth's blog post another box came up and said something about my startup disc being almost full. ?? Never have seen that before, either.
But then...all my pages went white...blank. And that was all she wrote. I was able to run a complete virus scan (that took another 2 hours and 57 minutes) but it said my McLap was clean as a whistle. But after the scan was done...I was able to shut it down and restart it...and now it's working just fine, apparently.
The reason I ran a scan is that I wondered if I had picked up something from spam...because of the technological issue I planned to talk to you about in the first place--LOL! Many of you bloggers may have noticed that I haven't commented on your blogs for like a month! This is what happened...
I didn't notice for quite a while, but eventually I was wondering why people weren't blogging...and why I was actually able to keep up so easily with my inbox. LOL! I have always had some glitches with the "follow by email" FeedBurner system. There are a few blogs that I signed up for that I never got any post notifications...ever. Even though if I try to sign up again it says I am already subscribed. And sometimes I will not get anything for like a week or two from a blogger and then suddenly get an email with multiple posts included. So, naturally, I blamed FeedBurner when I went to check on some bloggers and--yes--they had been blogging all along! Grrr!
But then a couple nights ago I thought...spam? I wonder if I have anything in my spam folder?
768 blog notification emails in spam!! Come to find out this has been going on since October 27th. It looked like a did have a couple of spams from people I know wouldn't send me some crazy link (and I deleted them)...but those were personal emails, not blog posts. Somehow google decided that every single email that came from FeedBurner was spam. How it jumped to that conclusion, I shall never know...because the spam email wasn't from a FeedBurner address. Grrr!
So, that is why when I had McLap issues I did a complete scan. Found nothing. And now everything is working, but my dear McLap may be filled up almost to the brim over these last five years, I guess. I'll have to have Dagan help me decide what to delete and how to store some of it offline and all that hoopla.
But all this leads me to...
ONE: I want to know if anyone has received any weird spam mail from my address.
TWO: This is why most of you haven't gotten comments from me for almost a month.
THREE: I hope I will be getting all your blog posts again. If you don't see me around putting in my two-cents-worth soon please let me know. I might not be getting your posts.
FOUR: I did skim some of them...but I deleted all 768 emails over the last two days...no way I could possibly comment or actually read all of them. If there's something you really didn't want me to miss, please let me know, okay? I really wasn't being a bad blogger friend. Can't believe I didn't figure this out for a month...but that is more an indication of my technological ineptness combined with my usual fibro fog than my lack of loyalty and interest. ;)
I am now...finally...going to be able to post this...I hope. And since I am so late in the day to begin with...and I started uploading the Ian video from Leah onto youtube...I might as well wait and see if I can add a very happy ending to this cranky blog--LOL! No matter how long it takes--since I am very late blogging today, anyways.
6:45pm. My video got put in a queue for processing on youtube. That's never happened before, either. What a day! I did talk with Dagan and Leah (speakerphone) and they are pretty sure my hard drive on my laptop is full and that is causing issues and why it's gotten so slow. So next week we'll purge my laptop. Boy! Seems like I'm purging everything these days--LOL!
Ian was worth waiting for--LOL! ;)
What a day!!
I think Ian would totally agree with today's quote. ;)
May we all wake up with such pure joy!
"Few delights can equal the mere presence of one whom we trust utterly."
George MacDonald
768 blog notification emails in spam!! Come to find out this has been going on since October 27th. It looked like a did have a couple of spams from people I know wouldn't send me some crazy link (and I deleted them)...but those were personal emails, not blog posts. Somehow google decided that every single email that came from FeedBurner was spam. How it jumped to that conclusion, I shall never know...because the spam email wasn't from a FeedBurner address. Grrr!
So, that is why when I had McLap issues I did a complete scan. Found nothing. And now everything is working, but my dear McLap may be filled up almost to the brim over these last five years, I guess. I'll have to have Dagan help me decide what to delete and how to store some of it offline and all that hoopla.
But all this leads me to...
ONE: I want to know if anyone has received any weird spam mail from my address.
TWO: This is why most of you haven't gotten comments from me for almost a month.
THREE: I hope I will be getting all your blog posts again. If you don't see me around putting in my two-cents-worth soon please let me know. I might not be getting your posts.
FOUR: I did skim some of them...but I deleted all 768 emails over the last two days...no way I could possibly comment or actually read all of them. If there's something you really didn't want me to miss, please let me know, okay? I really wasn't being a bad blogger friend. Can't believe I didn't figure this out for a month...but that is more an indication of my technological ineptness combined with my usual fibro fog than my lack of loyalty and interest. ;)
I am now...finally...going to be able to post this...I hope. And since I am so late in the day to begin with...and I started uploading the Ian video from Leah onto youtube...I might as well wait and see if I can add a very happy ending to this cranky blog--LOL! No matter how long it takes--since I am very late blogging today, anyways.
6:45pm. My video got put in a queue for processing on youtube. That's never happened before, either. What a day! I did talk with Dagan and Leah (speakerphone) and they are pretty sure my hard drive on my laptop is full and that is causing issues and why it's gotten so slow. So next week we'll purge my laptop. Boy! Seems like I'm purging everything these days--LOL!
Ian was worth waiting for--LOL! ;)
What a day!!
I think Ian would totally agree with today's quote. ;)
May we all wake up with such pure joy!
"Few delights can equal the mere presence of one whom we trust utterly."
George MacDonald