Monday, December 10, 2018

12-10-2018 Monday-1:30pm

This will be brief.  
Haven't been feeling well.  
You know I am poorly if I canceled Gramma Day.
Anyways, on the mend now...I think.  
Note below the grouse that is staring inside.
She does this a lot--LOL! 
Not sure what it is that has her attention.  Not Annie because if Annie is around she scares them all away--LOL!  Sometimes I wonder if she's looking at Annie's feathery toys on the floor and thinks they might be chicks?  
Well, so much for all the things I wanted to do last week.  Best laid plans, huh?
What little did get done this week...Caroline brought groceries on Monday.  My Amazon order has been arriving in bits and pieces.  (The last biggest purchase is supposed to arrive today via UPS--will take pictures.)  Something new for my exercise days--got a balance board...
...and some resistance bands.  :) 
I did manage to finish cutting the three-tree dies on Friday, at least. 
I love my view from the studio table by the window. 
Was sleeping very poorly for several days.  For example, being up 6 times in 7 hours one night.  Not good.  Slept a bit better last night, though.  I finally took my temperature on Friday because I was running hot and cold.  Reverse temp (97 to 97.4).  Always easier when you are sick to have a below normal temp than run a high temp.  Dagan and I both do that sometimes. 
Dagan came by last night to help me out.  Had to empty the litter box (not much in there) and then refill it with the old brand I ordered from Amazon.  Annie seems to be glad to have the old familiar litter back again.
Dagan brought out trash and brought in more bird seed from the garage.  Then he sat down and told me some bad news.  He still has a job but the company has hired an efficiency expert to cut costs and they just let a whole bunch of people go--all branches.  Before Christmas, too!  That happened to Dagan once.  The Fargo branch is the smallest but took the biggest hit--20% of the employees were let go.  Plus they are going to transition 15 people of the ones who are left to work from home over the next couple of months.  Not good news.  Dagan is one of those techie people who keep all the computers talking to each other.  Makes you wonder if they are considering closing the Fargo branch altogether.  
Time will tell.
He also told me that Ian is going to start preschool full time tomorrow!  Ian misses out on a lot because most of the kids go all day.  He's much more used to the routine of school now and likes it a lot so he should really enjoy going full time.
Speaking of--Dagan brought half a dozen cupcake treats last night (yes, I ate one last night and one this morning already--LOL!)...
...with a note dictated and signed by Ian.
 Tori, it says:
"I love you Gramma, buh bye, the cupcakes are for you, and you aren't feeling very good very much of the day.  Love, Ian" 
How sweet!!  Just what Gramma needed--comfort food!  Chocolate!  :)
I quit facebook.  It says my account will be deleted in 30 days.  Wasn't 90 days, so that's good.
Hopefully this week I'll be feeling better and be more productive again.  But as you know...I never do know--LOL!
As Ian always says--
I love you, buh bye!!
Till next week.  :)
"Patience is not simply the ability to wait--
it's how we behave while we're waiting."
Joyce Meyer


Rita said...

Comment to get comments. :) :)

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hugs and feel better every day Rita. Sweet note with the cupcakes.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Hope by next week you are feeling better and have Grandma day. Until then, just get better and DO NOT overdo!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope you feel better soon! Gene made a balance board I kept tripping over it:)

Jon said...

Sending positive thoughts you way. I hope you're feeling better and getting enough sleep. Chocolate cupcakes should help!

I'm wondering if that grouse is looking at her own reflection in the glass.

DJan said...

I do hope you will be feeling better soon. If I don't get my sleep, I feel much the same as you describe. I rarely suffer from insomnia and use my trusty "Beauty Sleep" cannabis aid if I do. Sending you big hugs. Carefully. :-)

Lady Fi said...

Oh my - what a sweet letter from Ian! Hope you're feeling a lot better.

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm sorry you've been ill and hope you're back to top form soon. I'm interested in your exercise program, as I'm trying to stay faithful to exercising. I have resistance bands but no balance disc. I'll be interested in hearing if it helps your balance. That'd be nice! Your view out that window is nice. I like being where I can see outside :)

Serena Lewis said...

Finally getting a chance to catch up with blogs.

So sorry to find that you haven't been well, Rita.

How cute that one of the grouse stares inside. Wonder what she's thinking?

The balance board and resistance bands sound like a good idea.

Nice view from the window!

NO!!! How horrible that the company has let people go, especially leading up to Christmas. Not good news at all! I pray that all goes well for Dagan but I feel sad for the other employees who have already been given their marching orders. It does sound like they may be planning to close the branch. All the best to you, Dagan.

Yes, comfort food is always good when you're feeling poorly. What a sweet note.

Sending you healing vibes from DownUnder, my friend. I will be mailing off at letter this morning to you.

Love and hugs xo

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

The letter from Ian sounds like something Leo would write to his Nana (me).Exercise and me are not a good mix my body doesn't like it, still I do aqua twice a week

Bonnie said...

I sure hope you get to feeling better soon! That is such a sweet letter from Ian! Rest and take one day at a time so you can feel good for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I love that letter from Ian, including the cupcakes. Feel better soon--you don't want to miss any more Gramma days!!

Dee said...

Dear Rita, just one message: continue, please, to listen to your body and be gracious to yourself. As gracious as Ian is to you! Peace.

jinxxxygirl said...

Aaawww feel better dear Rita!!! Writing you a letter as we keep an eye out! Hugs! deb

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

I hope you are feeling better soon, and are able to enjoy the holidays with your family. You do so much for your it is time to take care of yourself. That was such a lovely letter from Ian. :)

Take good care!

Intense Guy said...

My fingers are crossed for Dagan. Ian and Liam are so durn cute.