Rita's Ramblings: a basically house-bound woman in Fargo, North Dakota blogging for friends, family, and anybody who finds it interesting. I talk about art or craft projects, my grandsons (Ian and Liam), the weather, movies, books, health, and whatever happens to be going on in my life. Welcome!
Monday, October 12, 2020
October 12, 2020 Monday-1pm
Good afternoon! It's a beautiful sunny fall sweater day. That tree on the right has definitely turned red. **** It was so windy yesterday that both my coleus planters were knocked over. This morning I went out to haul them upright, water all the planters, clean the bird dish, sweep the patio, prune the dying geraniums, and put out fresh seed. I made a batch of rice in the rice cooker and am currently doing laundry. Where did I get the energy? Well, I slept really long (and well) the past two nights and I took the entire weekend off--made it a pajama weekend--after the long appointment with Dr. Kessler on Friday. **** The osteopath introduction went well. I like her. We spent the entire time going over my history, family history, recent and current health issues...goodness! And I stopped at the lab to have blood drawn to check my vitamin B, D, and iron. (All okay, but vit B just barely in normal range.) **** I have a "plan" to follow. Was too shot to print it all off until yesterday (have only skimmed thusfar). But I know she wants to focus on gut health first. I likely have had leaky gut for years. Toxins and such leaking through my intestines into my entire body. Bleh! I know there are some supplements she wants me to take and diet changes. I will finally get to making a list and going through the plan today. I need to go back in two weeks for a blood pressure test again because it has been running a little higher...might need to increase the dosage on my blood pressure pills. I go back to see her in about four months. Need to schedule both those appointments, too. **** Anyways, on Tuesday Leah picked me up. We went to the pharmacy drive up to pick up my BP pills (since I switched primary doctors I was on the phone again because I never got mailed my pills). What is it with me and tpharmacies this past year--LOL! **** We brought the taboret over for Ian's classroom! It is always such a treat to see the boys! Ian's school stuff fit into the five drawers of the taboret just perfectly--four classes and a supply drawer. **** I arrived mid-afternoon--had something new I had discovered and wanted to see if the boys would like. On Amazon Prime--it's called Guess How Much I Love You. Just such a sweet and gentle kid's show!! I had only watched the first episode but I was hoping they would like it. Well, we watched it until dinnertime! They both enjoyed it--especially Ian...and Gramma, too. ;) Ian spent most of the time cuddled with me on the lounge chair. And they even wanted to watch a bit more before bed! :) **** Funny--Ian has been totally obsessed with the Slime Rancher game for months and it is a treat to have some time to do that after school. Leah texted me this picture the next day. Couldn't believe Ian had wanted to turn off Slime Rancher and watch more of Guess How Much I Love You with all the critters!! All the first episodes we watched were set in the spring and we wondered when they would get to winter shows. Dagan called on Friday evening just so that Ian could tell me that they finally got to winter shows--LOL! That makes Gramma so happy! Harder to find more gentle shows that teach you good, positive, kind lessons...kind of like Mr. Rogers, you know? **** Filling out the forms online last week for the appointment with Dr. Kessler took a lot longer than I expected...like 2 1/2 hours. She knows more about me than most people on earth--LOL! **** Otherwise, the only project I happened to start was removing all the leftover Christmas and Birthday cards from a dresser drawer they have been getting piled into for years. I found a box to put them in for now. You know how you are hunting for something and run across something else you've been meaning to do... ...well, now I have yet another project lined up. Leah and I figure that we could use some of the Christmas cards for just winter cards, you know. (And I might save some of the birthday cards to send extra ones to the boys.) The rest of them I will divide up into zip lock bags and leave in the entryway of our building for anyone to have for free. I figure that with so many of us in isolation--especially since it's a senior building--maybe more people might want to send cards and letters, you know? **** Leah said there were too many pieces of Ian's homework for the little clips to hold them all on the wall... ...so she emptied this wall thingie she had in the pantry and hung it to the left of Ian's table to try it out. Awesome! If it works well for him she will order one for him...there's a a colorful one on Amazon! **** Can you tell how much I loved school? I am always asking for update pics of Ian's classroom--LOL! **** This new blogger is like being in a foreign land, but I am learning my way around enough to get by. And I just might torture you will different fonts now that I discovered I can switch those up easily. (At least something is easy!) **** I am so glad to be able to visit you all and appreciate each and every blog comment and email...and the actual snail mail from those of you who send letters and cards. You all have made the isolation since March and this past 16 months of poor(er) health so much easier and fuller than it ever would have been. Can you imagine this all happening before the internet? We are so fortunate. **** Well, got to go hang and fold clothes...and grateful I am feeling up to it today. Till next week... **** "Behold this day, for it is yours to make." Black Elk
Ian's classroom is adorable and so well organized. One of my sisters and I used to play school when we were little. The tree is definitely red now. I have a tree in the backyard that has two red leaves. The TV show sounds sweet.
I have been thinking about you, knowing that you had the doctor's appointment coming up. I am so glad to hear that you like Dr. Kessler. It sounds like she is taking a wise approach and she has certainly taken the time to learn your background which is great! I have to take a vitamin D supplement as mine runs very low if I don't. They say D, B and iron are very commonly low in older adults so it was good to check yours.
I enjoy seeing Ian's study space too. I've always enjoyed fixing up places like that. That is wonderful you found a good show for the boys to watch and that they love it! It is hard to find appropriate programs for younger children these days.
How sweet of you to share your cards with your neighbors! I'm sure they will appreciate and enjoy them.
I do okay with the new blogger for the most part but sometimes it does act up. My last post it changed the spacing on my paragraphs and I could not fix it. I just do what I can and try not to let it get to me.
Sounds like you are finally on the right track with this new doctor. That's pretty awesome. Now all you have to do is get your BP down a bit.
Sounds like Ian really enjoyed the series. Children have so few good shows today. I support my PBS channel which now has a channel for kids only. It's my only charity I can afford to support, but I feel it's needed, since the arts have suffered so badly these last few years.
That's sweet of you to share your cards you've made in the past with others in your complex. Good for you, Rita.
Great to hear that you like your new doctor, and that she is engaged and interested in making you better. That counts for a lot. And I too like the "classroom" setting you've help create for your sweet grands. :-)
I'm so pleased that you are getting your health issues sorted. It's good that the doctor knows so much about you! Just like the good old days when the family doctor knew the whole family - these days we hardly ever get to see the same doctor on the next visit. Ian's classroom set up looks so efficient ! 'Guess How Much I Love You' was one of my Granddaughter's favourite stories - if ever I read it to her I would always end up with teary eyes! Funny how one crafting task leads to another!! I am becoming more user to new blogger, still some things that really annoy me - such as the long winded way to get back to my blog! Hey Ho! Take care, Hugs, Chrisx
I'm glad your doctor appointment went well and that there's a plan moving forward. It's encouraging to have a health partner who is easy to work with. School in these days is a different universe! The school setting looks like it's perfectly suited :)
The boys are getting so big!!! I'll have to check out that Prime show and see if the grandkids will like it. Grandma is getting a little burned out on Disney "CARS" SO glad you had a good energy day Those are rare days for sure.
Glad to read, Rita, that the osteopath visit went well and that you also like the doctor, which is so important and to find one who takes the time to listen is a double treasure too. Also enjoyed reading about the new show that you introduced to Liam and Ian and sounds like another great visit and family time, which we are so missing. I too am enjoying the snail mail correspondence, but some weeks have been running behind as we are trying to fit in as much outdoor time as possible now. It will be a long winter and a lot of time indoors later.
Appointments with new doctors can sure take a long time, huh! Exactly why I hate having to change and try not to have anything happen where one of us would need to! But it's so good that you like your new doctor and she seems to be on the right path for your care. I think Ian's little school space looks very comfortable and organised. I bet Ian would enjoy a nice big bulletin board!! If I had your address, I would send you some cheer mail... if you want to give it to me, there's a contact form on the right sidebar of my website that you can use to send me the info privately -- it goes straight to my email. I've gotten used to the new blogger, just don't like the setup... having been a web developer for many years, it irks me when companies don't make their sites easily navigable for users. Ah, well. Have a lovely and blessed week, Rita!
Happy to hear that your visit with your osteopath was a good one. Hoping that the recommendations made help you feel better. The new font you used today looks great. The tree on the right is pretty with its autumnal colors!
Ian's classroom is adorable and so well organized. One of my sisters and I used to play school when we were little. The tree is definitely red now. I have a tree in the backyard that has two red leaves. The TV show sounds sweet.
Good to hear you have a plan and that you liked the new doctor! Ians classroom is way cool...he might need a big bulletin board! :)
A am leery of alternative practices, but I do hope that osteopathy is helpful to you.
I am impressed by how much you keep in touch with family and grands. It's good for all concerned.
Have a good week.
Hi Rita, So glad you found a doctor you like. Hope she can help you get feeling better. Cute pictures of your grandsons. Have a good week.
I have been thinking about you, knowing that you had the doctor's appointment coming up. I am so glad to hear that you like Dr. Kessler. It sounds like she is taking a wise approach and she has certainly taken the time to learn your background which is great! I have to take a vitamin D supplement as mine runs very low if I don't. They say D, B and iron are very commonly low in older adults so it was good to check yours.
I enjoy seeing Ian's study space too. I've always enjoyed fixing up places like that. That is wonderful you found a good show for the boys to watch and that they love it! It is hard to find appropriate programs for younger children these days.
How sweet of you to share your cards with your neighbors! I'm sure they will appreciate and enjoy them.
I do okay with the new blogger for the most part but sometimes it does act up. My last post it changed the spacing on my paragraphs and I could not fix it. I just do what I can and try not to let it get to me.
You and Annie take care! xxx
Sounds like you are finally on the right track with this new doctor. That's pretty awesome. Now all you have to do is get your BP down a bit.
Sounds like Ian really enjoyed the series. Children have so few good shows today. I support my PBS channel which now has a channel for kids only. It's my only charity I can afford to support, but I feel it's needed, since the arts have suffered so badly these last few years.
That's sweet of you to share your cards you've made in the past with others in your complex. Good for you, Rita.
Great to hear that you like your new doctor, and that she is engaged and interested in making you better. That counts for a lot. And I too like the "classroom" setting you've help create for your sweet grands. :-)
Liking one's doctor is important
The classroom looks good as long as the little ones have fun is most important.
I'm so pleased that you are getting your health issues sorted. It's good that the doctor knows so much about you! Just like the good old days when the family doctor knew the whole family - these days we hardly ever get to see the same doctor on the next visit. Ian's classroom set up looks so efficient ! 'Guess How Much I Love You' was one of my Granddaughter's favourite stories - if ever I read it to her I would always end up with teary eyes! Funny how one crafting task leads to another!! I am becoming more user to new blogger, still some things that really annoy me - such as the long winded way to get back to my blog! Hey Ho! Take care, Hugs, Chrisx
I'm glad your doctor appointment went well and that there's a plan moving forward. It's encouraging to have a health partner who is easy to work with. School in these days is a different universe! The school setting looks like it's perfectly suited :)
The boys are getting so big!!! I'll have to check out that Prime show and see if the grandkids will like it. Grandma is getting a little burned out on Disney "CARS"
SO glad you had a good energy day Those are rare days for sure.
Glad to read, Rita, that the osteopath visit went well and that you also like the doctor, which is so important and to find one who takes the time to listen is a double treasure too. Also enjoyed reading about the new show that you introduced to Liam and Ian and sounds like another great visit and family time, which we are so missing. I too am enjoying the snail mail correspondence, but some weeks have been running behind as we are trying to fit in as much outdoor time as possible now. It will be a long winter and a lot of time indoors later.
Appointments with new doctors can sure take a long time, huh! Exactly why I hate having to change and try not to have anything happen where one of us would need to! But it's so good that you like your new doctor and she seems to be on the right path for your care. I think Ian's little school space looks very comfortable and organised. I bet Ian would enjoy a nice big bulletin board!! If I had your address, I would send you some cheer mail... if you want to give it to me, there's a contact form on the right sidebar of my website that you can use to send me the info privately -- it goes straight to my email. I've gotten used to the new blogger, just don't like the setup... having been a web developer for many years, it irks me when companies don't make their sites easily navigable for users. Ah, well. Have a lovely and blessed week, Rita!
Happy to hear that your visit with your osteopath was a good one. Hoping that the recommendations made help you feel better. The new font you used today looks great. The tree on the right is pretty with its autumnal colors!
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