Good afternoon!
What a week and what a time I had trying to get photos on to the blog. Suddenly this time I had to load one picture at a time because otherwise they popped up in reverse order...and occasionally, even when I was doing one at a time, they would pop up in random other spots like at the beginning or before the last one I posted! How can it get even worse from week to week--LOL! Good grief!
Regardless I am here. I bit later again. I think I find myself procrastinating because of the new format, to be perfectly honest. I have been busy making soup, sweeping the patio, puttering about...but it was time to tackle the new blogger again...and then I find out it's worse than last week--ROFL!
Anyways, I think I told you we had some super windy days. Blew all the red leaves off the tree to the right.
Also blew over both my coleus planters.
Really been one of those weeks. I had taken several pictures of the partridges but discovered only one worked.
The rest looked like this.
My camera on my cell phone is starting to have a mind of its own lie to me. Even when you enlarge and the picture you can see on the screen IS enlarged--that means nothing to my cell phone. Even when I manually make sure it says 7X and touch the screen to focus the enlarged picture...truth means nothing to my cell phone. Lying has become a pastime as it loses it's circuit brains. So now I don't know what I will end up with for pictures. Wasting time is fine when I am taking pictures of a stationery object, but photos of critters and little boys are fleeting moments. They just don't make things to last in the tech world. Why would they? They make more money this way. *sigh*
Tuesday I finished switching over to winter clothes and packing up the summer stuff.
Wednesday I woke up with this mysterious rash on my left forearm.
I did a video call with Ian. Went through the personal plan from Dr. Kessler and the general plan she has for people with fibro/autoimmune diseases. That night Leah and I had a long video call. I hadn't had the chance to tell her about the appointment and the plan. Made an order for the supplements and vitamins I'll need to try.
Even though I ordered them all at once, I plan to introduce them slowly--one or two at a time--to see how I react to them. I often do have reactions so I want to be able to track down any culprits. ;)
I am going to be shifting over to this new Kessler Plan over the next month or so. Eliminating dairy is something I have never been able to do altogether. That will be difficult, but I am going to gradually cut back until I am dairy free in the next few weeks. There are other things, too, of course. I go back in four months to see her and check in.
Then I had hauled out all the leftover cards we've accumulated over the years. Leah wanted a few birthday and Christmas cards so we went through the cards, too, on our video call. :)
Here's all the birthday cards.
I decided that I had enough leftover from several of the years that if I combined two sets I'd have enough for a year. They wouldn't all be the same, but they would be handmade, anyways.
And Leah wanted just a few to have around because she doesn't regularly send out birthday cards.
Then--Christmas cards.
I had decided that, even though they are Christmas cards, there are quite a few of them I could just use for just winter cards to send letters, you know?
So, my snail mail pals, you may be getting letters tucked inside of past Christmas cards.
If ever there was a year to spread around some extra holiday cheer 2020 is the one, right?
Then I bagged up all the birthday and Christmas cards we didn't want to use, added envelopes, wrote "free" on the zip lock bags, and walked them down to the entryway of the building that night before I went to bed.
They were all gone the following day. :)
Meanwhile--the rash got worse and bumpier.
I wasn't sure if it was from the coleus bushes because that's the arm I stuck inside of them to right the planters...or it was something I picked up from when they drew blood at the clinic a few days before because that is where he held my arm...or if it was shingles...or some odd thing I was allergic to and only managed to touch on one arm? But it was red, bumpy, swollen, and itchy.
Thursday I did some laundry. (Was washing towels, etc, a lot in case this could spread--but it hasn't.)
We've had a bit of sun here and there but it has been cold. We had snow on both Friday and Saturday morning, but it melted by the afternoon. I wondered how it could melt when it was only in the 30s--LOL!
The rash got a bit worse.

I have been using aloe vera gel, anti-itch cream, diaper rash cream, and apple cider vinegar. All of those have helped so that it hasn't itched so much.
Leah came over Friday afternoon and trimmed the bushes next to my patio better on the back and sides next to my planters. (A man had come around but he didn't do a great job.) Since she was coming over with gardening supplies she cut back my planters for me, too, because they were all dying due to it being in the 20s at night.
Leah carried my patio chair, I hauled the little tables and hose pot on my cart, and we walked them around the building and to my garage. Then Leah left to go do a Cashwise grocery pickup. I hauled the bins of summer clothes and the big watering can out to the garage and then pulled back a 45# bag of bird seed. A little while later Leah was here with groceries and I met her in the parking lot with my trusty cart. Leah and I had stayed away from each other all day because I am still in quarantine from going to the long doctor visit with Kessler.
Looks pretty bare out on the patio now.
But the birds still come to the less lush Critter Cafe.
They are all trying to fatten up for the winter. Looks like it could be a long, cold one, too!
Saturday got an email from my brother. Mom is now officially in hospice...mainly because she has fallen a couple times and she is having trouble with the swollen legs. If those issues come up their requirement is a trip to the hospital to see a doctor...unless a person is on hospice. Then they have a nurse right there for emergencies and Mom wouldn't have to go to the hospital anymore...or to a doctor's office for appointments. She hates to be rushed off in an ambulance and that has happened twice, I think.
So she is happy about that. And she should qualify to get a lift chair, rails for the toilet, and a hospital bed. Mom is getting so frail and her balance isn't as good anymore, so she sounded like she really appreciates that she could get more help. I think she'll get regular visits from a nurse and I know she already has an occupational therapist come to help with her strength and balance. I'm just glad that she is glad to get the extra help. :)
Mom and I chatted about how hard the holidays are going to be for so many people. She isn't used to being alone for Thanksgiving or Christmas. She's used to being with friends when she was in Florida or family since she moved back to Minnesota. I think it is going to be hard for her.
Myself, I have been used to being alone for the holidays for over 20 years. BUT--McFamily and I have always had our own private little Christmas get together sometime after the holidays. Hopefully we'll be able to do that in our bubble this year, but you never know. Regardless, things won't be really any different for me. But I do remember the first few years after I moved up here to Fargo/Moorhead and how different it felt to be alone. I told Dagan to go visit his dad's side on the holidays since Dagan got to see me all the time and he didn't see them very often. It was weird not to see him at first. And then when Leah came into the picture they had his dad's side and her family's side. I had spent years doing all that running and switching and driving...
I am so used to my peaceful, non-bustle, quiet, solitary holidays now that it would feel really strange to have a big Thanksgiving or Christmas on the actual day. (We don't always do a Thanksgiving after, but we have always eventually had our own little laid back Christmas.)
So there will be no change for me. I feel so badly for people who have never spent Christmas alone if this pandemic year will be the first time for them. Be sure to call them, write to them, zoom them or whatever. It will be lonely for people who are not used to being without the big family gatherings. Spread the love. :)
Can you tell that seeing snow has got me thinking winter--LOL! ;)
Well, another week flew by. If the rash has not disappeared by Thursday I won't be over to catch a bubble visit with McFamily before my BP check on Friday and more quarantine time. It has gotten better, but not sure it will disappear in just a few days. In fact, I will take a picture right now to show you. Might be hard to tell but it is less bumpy than it was. Let's see...
Yah--hard to tell, but less bumpy. Has anyone ever had anything like this before or seen it before? I am really tired of mysterious stuff happening to my body, I tell you. Enough already--LOL!
Well, the soup is smelling good. The dishwasher is churning away. Annie is hiding somewhere taking her afternoon siesta. It's only 35 degrees (1.7C) and they say 100% chance of snow again tomorrow. I don't think we will get that much, though. Seems to be dumping more to the south of us and even to the west. Critter Cafe has been busy...and probably will be till spring--LOL!
Stay safe out there!
(What cop show was that from? It's on the tip of my tongue!)
Till next week...
"How we treat each other is the only thing that matters."
Samite Mulondo
My comment to get your comments.
Sadly this has not been working well, either. :(
But I absolutely read and cherish every single word. :)
I have frequent rashes because of eczema and sensitive skin in general. I have a prescription for hydrocortisone cream. I also take a Benadryl when I'm super itchy. Are you allowed to take a Benadryl? If you've having an allergic reaction to something, it could help. Benadryl also helps me with all-around itchiness, no matter what the cause. I'm glad your mom has hospice. My experience with their nurses was that they were excellent. I recognize some of those Christmas cards. All of your cards are beautiful. Hill Street Blues, I think.
Contact with Coleus can cause dermatitis will go away on it's own. Keep the area clean and use an antibiotic cream if you have one. It should improve every day.
You are staying is so cold now...and storms are coming...I am not ready for Winter!
It just me I forgot to tell you that if you put a marker in like a MM then backspace and your photo will go right above that marker and you can write something under it after deleting the MM. I use that all the time to mark where I want a photo to go on my blog. I think the new foremat must be like the old Live Writer I used to use so I am not having a hard time with it . Hang in there!
There are some plants that will give me a rash like that. I just keep it clean and dry and use either a hydrocortisone cream or an antibiotic ointment. Eventually it goes away if I don't scratch it or get household chemicals on it.
I thought I saw that Fargo got some snow but I guess it's not cold enough to stick around yet. It looks like Rita's Café is going to stay busy this winter! That will give you and Annie some entertainment!
It sure was nice of you to share the cards you have made. I'm sure there are some people that really appreciate them. You and Annie take care and stay warm!
I had a rash similar on my leg back in Feb/Mar... And they gave me antibiotics until one doctor took me off the antibiotics that weren't helping by the way and she said keep it clean.. wash with soap and water a couple times a day and take Benadryl ... And you know what? It helped and it went away... Don't know if yours is the same but have you tried Benadryl? Always love reading what your up to... A Halloween card is on its way to you.. And your the next person on my letter writing list.. stay tuned!! Big Hugs! deb
That may have been from Hill Street Blues.
I am used to uploading photos to the place where they fit into the narrative, so that doesn't bother me. It is actually easier for me that way.
But ... when I do post a few at a time, they do seem to come up in order. I wonder if this is because they are on my computer?
Another blogger has had trouble with the order when she posts directly from the phone.
That rash does look like it may be an allergic reaction. I once had my foot react to a tape job.
Sorry about the early cold. We have had some of that, but this week is warmish. By that, I mean that there is no frost right now.
It does look better in that last photo. I do hope it clears up soon, but who knows what caused it? It's definitely not shingles, which I know all too well. Sorry to hear about the snow situation. Isn't it too early?
Stay safe here there and everywhere is the thing to do for everyone. I doo my best to stay safe some times I stuff up and fall over and endup with stitches in my head......
Hi Rita - that rash looks horrible. So glad it is getting somewhat better. Before we moved over here almost two years ago, I started getting rashes (very itchy rashes) whenever I worked out in the yard or garden. That was a really new thing for me. I asked my doctor and he said that we get more allergic
to things as we age. Glad you got all your summer things put back into the garage. So nice of Leah to be there to help you. It was also so nice of you to share your extra cards. I am wondering if you got my last snail mail letter. I hope it didn't get lost in the mail. The mail seems so much more iffy these days. We are cooling down here. There was just a touch of snow in the mountains last weekend. Don't know how long it will be before we get some here in the valley. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week. See you again soon!
That rash looks horrible. I hope by now it is clearing even more. I had a small rash (NOTHING like yours) when I cut my evergreen back one year and picked up the branches. I think the sap was the problem. Mine went away in a few days, though.
That was SO thoughtful of you to pass out free cards you saved from year to year.
I used to host Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for people who had no one else to share the holidays with. Now that I live in Wichita, I seldom have friends spend time with me on Christmas day. Sometimes I visit or get invited to before or after Christmas events, but I'm also used to being alone on that day, too. I don't do facetime, so I am truly alone on those days. Just my blog to keep me company.
The birds are fun to watch :) Introducing your supplements one at a time sounds like a wise decision. I'm sorry about your rash and hope it clears up soon. I'm glad you are all satisfied with the hospice decision. It sounds like it'll be easier for her. Soup? Yes, please ;)
I have always loaded one photo at a time on my blog. Be sure the cursor is in the spot where you want to place the image before you click on the icon to add it although I'm sure you know what you're doing. I haven't had an image jump out of place yet but it would be darned annoying.
Not good that your cell phone isn't behaving. I presume you tried switching it off and on again. I often find that rectifies any technical glitches. Hopefully the issue is only temporary.
So nice that you gave away the cards you didn't want. I'm sure they will be very appreciated.
That rash seems like it's an allergic reaction to something you've rubbed it against or touched in that area. If the guy was wearing hospital gloves, perhaps you're allergic to them? Could be shingles though I've heard that takes a while to clear away and can get quite painful. Does it blister because I think a Shingles rash starts with blisters. Calamine Lotion is also good for Chicken Pox/Shingles type rashes — relieves the itching. I hope it heals up sooner than later but you may need some cortisone or antibacterial cream.
So sorry to hear about your Mum. It's good that she is happy that she can now stay put rather than travel to hospital if something crops up.
Christmas will be tough for many. What a rough year 2020 has been so far. Life seems almost back to normal here though social distancing and patron limits in restaurants etc. are still in place.
Let's hope 2021 brings better things for everyone. :)
Hope your rash is better. Perhaps you should check it out with a doctor? Keep well!
That rash looks as if it is getting better to me, I surely hope it has continued to improve since you posted. It was a nice thought to spread the love and put your cards out for others to use. It's quite an impressive stash you got there. Oh, it's so frustrating when hardware starts playing up. I hope you can pick up a new camera with a bit more sense soon. It's always a risk buying things on eBay I know. but I always make sure the seller takes returns if something doesn't work.
Oooh! That's a nasty rash, almost certainly from the Coleus, I hope it's gone by now! You have a good pile of cards there - I have some but will be making a few more. I think most folk are going to get digital cards via the internet this year! Blogger is still playing games with my photos, putting them in wrong order! It may not be a problem to others seeing them but if I am walking around a garden I want them in order! Christmas is going to so different this year - we usually go to my middle son's house but as he only finishes teaching a few days before Christmas he isn't happy about maybe passing something on to us. At the moment a lot of the children in his school have had Covid in their families and 4 members of staff have had it! We won't be having our post Christmas party with everyone either, too many of us!! It does make me sad, but not as much as seeing others behaving irresponsibly. If they could just wait like the rest of us we could all be enjoying each other's company!!
There are quite a few folk in our retirement place that are on their own and I bless the fact that Tony and I have each other to talk to! I try to ring one or two folk each week and they are always pleased to chat for a while. Hoping to talk to one friend through her kitchen window this week, if the weather brightens up! Take care, Chrisx
That's good that your rash is healing. It looked really painful. What a great idea to bundle up the cards and give them away. It sounds like a lot of people needed and wanted cards. I'm sorry to hear about your mom going on hospice. That's a hard transition. Yet, hospice provides so many services and comfort not only to the person on it, but the entire family. Both my parents were on it and each had services tailored to what they needed.
The holidays are approaching and your perspective about spending them alone - especially for those who have never spent them alone was encouraging. We always spend Thanksgiving as a family and this will be the first year that my sister won't be joining us. She's too nervous with COVID-19 and not wanting to get it or spread it (if she or her sons are carriers). I'm not sure if my brother and his family will be coming over or not. It may be a quiet holiday for us too.
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