Good early morning!
Yes, my hours have ended up flipped again--lol! Oh well. At least I have usually been sleeping a bit better when I do sleep. Figured I'd start the blog and see how far I get--once again--as long as I am still awake.
I did do laundry last Monday and (as suspected) never put anything away until I felt more human on Wednesday. But by Wednesday I decided to dig in and begin my 15 minute purging/reorganizing sessions.
Allie commandeered one of the smaller boxes.

It's been quite a domino process all week...and is still total chaos--lol! I began by emptying the top two shelves in the bookcase next to my desk...and then filling them with different stuff--desk stuff. On the second shelf, though, is what I saved out that I use on New Years Eve (but that got moved elsewhere).
Filled my very first moving box!! With all my crystals. Tibetan bell, etc. Used my old red towels to wrap things in.
The bathroom is finished except for the one bin. Feels great!
Besides working on sorting through the desks, bookcases, and rolly carts...I had some things arrive!
A bamboo tea bag storage case!
I love it! Looks better than I actually expected because it was not expensive.
I never did show you the new smaller binder I'll be using to redo the big brown one.
These were actually right on top of each other for size comparison but it doesn't look like it. I tried a couple of times and couldn't get the top angle right...but you get the idea. A lot smaller.
Haven't gotten started on that project yet.
Allie watched some real CatTV in the evening. Sun goes down early these days so the patio CatTV goes off the air around 4:30pm--lol!
Over the week I kept moving things and changing my mind--tweaking--LOL!
Took me three days to just label, seal, and move that first box into the bedroom...but it's a start!
I kept plugging away on my desk--a section at a time.
Kept adding to the bookcase...and moving things about. Just not sure where everything will go and what should be where. I'll know more what should be in which rolly cart and what should be in the bookcase as I actually use everything--like to set up letters and journal every day.
So, in the meantime, it is just a big mess.
Here I had most all of the hutch emptied but not the drawers below.
Discovered that I am going to need a 2-drawer file cabinet. Can put it in the closet in the studio when I move. I have the file drawer from my desk; an old metal filebox I bought in high school that holds all the marriage & divorce papers, birth certificates, and such; and in a closet somewhere I have a big bin filled with files that have to do with art & craft stuff.
I found a metal file cabinet I liked on sale at Office Max and Leah ordered it for pick it up sometime this week. I'll be able to use it right now. The first piece of "furniture" I can actually organize before I move! Exciting!
I got the third shelf emptied in the bookcase by Friday.
A lot of stuff is accumulating in the pantry that needs to be hauled to the garage for donations.
I plan to try to do that before Keanna comes on Tuesday. But if I don't get to it she and I can haul it out together.
Chaos! Every time I get the table or the countertops in the kitchen half empty they get filled up again--lol!
Allie doesn't think I am as boring on the days I am on the move off and on all day (or should I say all night long).
By Friday I got Grandpa's desk emptied!
Every drawer...
...and the hutch.
I don't remember if I showed you it has these boards that slide back and forth as you open the top to hold it open.
Was dad was born in 1920 and he remembers his dad as always having that secretary desk. I also remember it from when I was a kid. I was fascinated by it and would beg Grandpa to open it to let me see the hutch with all the cubby holes and little drawers. Kids were not allowed to touch his desk--ever. Anyways, I was thinking it is probably somewhere around 90-100 years old. It has been well loved. Grandpa used his desk all the you can tell.
By Saturday my desk was emptied!!
So now Leah can put an ad in Google Marketplace for mine.
Today I emptied the last shelf in the first bookcase.
And I have started shuffling things into the top shelf I emptied in the next bookcase--LOL!
Odd jobs come cleaning nib holders and feathers.
I've been going through old workbooks from different spiritual type self-help books. That was fun to peruse. My basic path has not changed much at all. And I think I've actually made some inner progress. Funny how some of the things you think are the absolute worst possible events can have some of the biggest lessons that change you the most in such positive the long run. Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. Every single day--good or bad--has brought me to today and who I am this day. I'm good with that. Very grateful for this life of mine.
Today I found out that Ian is sick. Temp, threw up his dinner, etc. Seems like every time they get together with family groups somebody gets sick. :( They saw both Dagan's dad & family and Leah's aunt & family over Thanksgiving. I hope Ian feels better soon and that nobody else gets it. They did have a good time, though. :)
We've had warmer weather--in the 30s--so the snow has been melting away. I watched Roadkill and Batiste S2 on PBS Passport--and am watching The Split on Hulu now. I watch an episode, go clean and sort for a while, watch another episode, repeat--LOL! That is how my week has gone since Wednesday. The mess is always worse before it gets better...but I have made a lot of progress and I am very, very happy with that. I hope to be able to show you even more progress by next Monday...but I also am not pushing myself...have done all this very slowly. When one has been just plain miserable for over a week then getting back to the usual lousy is actually quite nice. Everything is perspective, right? ROFL!!
I hope all in the US had a nice Thanksgiving. I am really in a Christmas joy kind of mood this year. So I guess I should put on some classic holiday music and start getting my Christmas cards ready, eh?
Sending a little joy from Fargo!!
Till next week. :) :)
Your day started super early, Rita, and your photos do show all the progress you have been making. It sort of puts me in the mood to do some of the same and I always have at least 1 donation bag ready to go, but could do more if I was as diligent as yourself. Your excitement on the future move is evident, my friend. Glad to read that the weather is improving, but not so good news about Ian and hope he will be feeling better soon. I also like tea and the bamboo case looks very nice, my tea bags are kept in a plastic container and at times a bit harder to sort through. Hope the week ahead goes well for you.
You have accomplished a huge amount! Even if it takes longer, it still gets done and you are so far ahead of where you were. Thanks for the lovely update and you do sound quite happy with life right now. Love you, dear friend!
Happy Monday Rita! Sounds like you are busy! Keep on keeping on.
You accomplished an awful lot. I am a sloth, or maybe a slob, by comparison. Your Allie likes boxes as do most cats. Ours disdains them, silly felid that she is.
Isn't it nice to have a goal? It keeps me going when I need to accomplish things, rather than just wanting them. If the boys weren't home schooled, they would probably have colds/stomach bugs almost constantly rather than only after family gatherings. A lot of children are sent to school sick these days. Colds, strep throat, and tummy ailments run rampant.
Hi Rita. I love this post. You inspire me to get going on purging and packing for our move next summer. I will start after Christmas for sure. I have been bringing home copy paper boxes from school. So glad you are feeling the Christmas spirit. I love that desk you inherited from your grandfather. I love that! My Christmas cards are almost ready. My goal is to deliver them to the post office on or before December 1. Have a great week, Rita. See you again soon.
Oh i do hope you do not have to part with your Grandpa's desk Rita! You know i think everyone's immune systems are behind from the quarantine.. Things we normally would have been exposed to on a regular bases we were not.. So i think our immune systems have some catching up to do.. Hugs! deb
You have been busy! Your grandpa's desk is a gem and it would be a real shame to have to part with it - both the physical desk and the memories that go with it.
You're making great progress! I'll have to check and see if those shows are available to me. I don't have PBS Passport but do have PBS Masterpiece. So many streaming options!
It's highs in the upper 50s and 60s here! So different from the weather you get.
Hi another busy week. I am so impressed on your purging and getting things organized. I do the same myself but you have outdone yourself. I like having a file cabinet too. I hope Ian is batter by now. Can't believe today is Dec. 1 already. Have a great week.
You are really getting a lot accomplished with organizing and purging things. Out of chaos comes order. I really should do some thorough cleaning and purging after the holidays. I bet it feels good to get that first moving box packed!
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