It did dry off on the porch by the following day. I tried to sneak up on Karma as she laid out there by the door washing her face and ears.
She saw me, tho...
...and wondered what her crazy human was up to this time. No privacy. Not even when bathing. No wonder she takes off and hides under the bed or in strange spots once in a while--ROFL!
Anyways, thunderstorm with lots of lightning last night. Rain and clouds. It's only 72 degrees, but still 82% humidity--so I am still closed up with the AC on low, feeling pretty decent, and getting a few things done.
Yes! I finally got to....the file cabinet. (Can you almost hear the music from Jaws?)

All the files and such did fit on my desk--tada!
I have stacks and stacks to slowly wade through. Federal, State, and County loans...medical...all the Medicare info...bills...receipts...guarantees and instructions...
I'm not even sure I know what all is in there--LOL! But one file at a time, I will putter my way thru the stacks and, hopefully, have a ton of paperwork to shred when I'm done. ;)
After that--I can start on the cleaning and sorting of the actual desk. ;P
Meanwhile--since I was out of bookcards again and have a whole big bunch all ready to punch and sew together...
...well, I decided to punch and sew. Put together 16 of them.
My last three of the poinsettia watercolor cards from the first batch we printed and eight of the new bookcards are all matched up with an addressed envelope. Yup! Eight of the sixteen bookcards are already earmarked.
This is how I write letters most of the time these days. Not usually this many ready to go at once but, obviously, on occasion. ;) I write in segments and sometimes have 2-3 letters going at the same time. So, even if I have these all addressed and ready to start, I won't be writing to more than 2-3 at a time, if that makes any sense.
Since I can't sit to write for any length of time anymore, it changed the way I write letters--but it wasn't going to stop me! I love having the bookcards ready to go or started so that I can just pick one up and start chatting to that particular person. Since I came up with the bookcard idea I have been hooked! They are so compact and handy for me. I used to have stacks of envelopes, cards, and paper/stationery...trying to keep track of which stack of paper went with which card. (I've made handmade cards for years and would tuck the letter inside.) No wonder I love the bookcards--hehe!
Anyways, I'm all set up for writing letters for weeks! ;)
I can't stop giggling over this order that came on Friday! I had ordered a set of herb pots must have been in March or April. They've been on backorder until now. I was expecting little windowsill type pots--after all they were only $12.95 for the six pots and the seed disks. Stood a roll of paper towels next to them so you'd have a better idea of how large they are. Look at the size of these herb pots!! ROFL!
I will pot them, anyways. I think they will fill up the entire little round table on the porch--hehe! If I can keep them alive until fall, then I will worry about finding room for them inside. Good Lord! I think I might have to cook more often! ROFL!!!
Karma claimed the packaging, of course.
The last couple of months CashWise has been out of quite a few of the items I have ordered. I request "no substitutions", so when they don't have them my bill is less. I had a little extra money this month, too---so---another JetPens order came on Saturday! (I wait till the end of the month in case something unexpected comes up.)
This is a leatherette-type, refillable journal holder. I like the gold, metal corner protectors. On the smaller side than most of mine...

...with two built in thin ribbon bookmarks. The lines are a bit odd with the "header" look, but that might be just perfect for lists! (I am a notorious list maker.) Haven't decided what I want to use it for exactly but it will never go to waste around here--LOL!

And also I got this set of nibs I have been eyeing. Tachikawa Calligraphy Pen Nibs-Type C (Sharp)- 1mm.
Look at the reservoir on those! Wow!! [Please ignore the Karma hair. I didn't even see it until I saw the pictures on my laptop. Just one of those annoying things you deal with when you live with furbabies, I guess. I have her apologize to you, but she refuses to apologize...for anything.]
Anyways, I giggled at this order, too. See the teeny, tiny nib? It's a Brause 66 Extra Fine "Arrow" Calligraphy Pen Nib. I wondered if it might need a special nib holder because JetPens sells all kinds of specialty "Comic/Manga Pens". It does. Too small for any of mine, but I'll get one next time I order. Not expensive and it just looked soooo cool to play with--couldn't resist.
I do love a fine line. ;)
I hope you've been having a nice weekend. For me, I've been doing a lot the last couple days so I am gong to take the day off from the files or making anything--quietly wait for the next line of thunderstorms to roll through. ;)
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
As I was finishing this thunder cracked, the building shook, Karma sat up, and the sky opened up in torrents. Can't even see out the window.