Good afternoon!
As you saw the boys were here for a short visit. :) Discovered I had suddenly lost my BritBox account. Contacted them via email and they fixed the problem in just a few minutes--wow!
Katie came to clean. I think I chattered her ears off--LOL! So nice to have good news to share.
Worked on bookcards...folding covers and pairing them up with signatures.
I wanted variety in the number of pages. Some days aren't great energy-wise and a shorter letter would work better. Some people write longer letters than others. You know me--just plain like variety--LOL!
So I have some with 4 pages (or 16 little pages both sides)...
...some with three (12 little pages)...
...and some with two (8 little pages).
Leah came over earlier than usual and we did get the tables cleared off in the studio!! Well, as cleared off as I want them--LOL! The die cutting machine table is all set to go.
The table by the window is mostly for art journaling so I have some paintbrushes, gel medium, gesso, etc, that is right at hand all the time.
The little red-legged table got completely cleared off and we moved all the bookcard trays in there. Nice!!
And then since it was still early enough...Leah punched holes with the new wooden punch cradle and I picked out embroidery thread colors for the sewing. So the first batch was all ready to be sewn together! Whoohoo!
All the various paper scraps went home with Leah for the boys. They like to use punches, cut them up, glue them together, scribble or draw on them. So they won't go to waste.
Laundry day, sewed together two of the trays (2 & 3 pagers),
and the other bulb went out in the kitchen ceiling. I've been procrastinating about calling maintenance. I will have to do that today.
I have one last tray to sew together.
I save the embroidery thread scraps.
In the past I have cut them up into little pieces and added them to handmade paper. So cool! Looks like confetti.
Saturday & Sunday
I totally reached a wall again. Been asleep before 1am and yet don't get up until 11am-12pm. (Which is why I haven't called maintenance yet today.) This does seem like how it goes. I have a while where I can get some things done and then I crash. So, I just sleep if I need to sleep and rest if I can hardly move--LOL! That's part of the healing, I think. Annie actually prefers me to be less active--ROFL!
I loved these pics from Leah! She has my sewing machine over there and she was teaching Ian how to repair the feet on his pajamas.
Looks like Liam tried a little sewing, too.
And here's a pic of the huge snowbank from when they plowed the church parking lot behind McFamily's house. A great place to take sleds!! Even if it is crusty, icy snow--this is a magnet for the neighborhood kids.

Well, I still have zero energy. Maybe I'll call maintenance tomorrow. Yes, some days are just like that. I don't feel like getting dressed or getting my mail--just taking it easy. If I do anything I might sew together the rest of the bookcards from the first batch. I have a couple DVDs of Inspector Lewis to watch. Yes, I have had Netflix since before they had streaming and I just could never give up the DVD side. I can get things I can't on streaming and some of the newest movies or seasons in a series. After I watched Inspector Morse I wanted to watch Inspector Lewis and Netflix DVD was the only place I could find it. Shocked that it wasn't on Acorn or BritBox. That sounds about my speed for today--watching DVDs in my pajamas with Annie on the footrest. One more night in a dark kitchen won't kill me--LOL!
Till next week...
May the world stand tall and surprise us in wonderful ways. One can hope and pray.
So true, Rita. Hope and prayers are actually all we can do about the war, other than giving some money if there is any left over after the rising prices all around me! I'm glad you are allowing yourself to rest when you need to and settle in for healing yourself instead of pushing. :-)
You are sounding great which makes me smile! You are crafting again, that is always good! Sun is out here today, just finished a bunch of stuff off my list, waiting for towels to dry and then sheets and then make beds. You know fun stuff to have done! :)
I am so impressed with your productivity. No wonder you are absolutely zonked. Who wouldn't be? Just rest -- that's important. I love Lewis and Morse too. I miss them so!
Hi Rita. You have been busy. Wow - impressive. No wonder you were tired! I am so glad that you are sounding and feeling more and more like yourself these days, and my prayer is that your healing and recovering will continue. I love you ending comment. We all need to stand tall and strong with the people of Ukraine. See you again soon.
I had to pay to see Lewis. i think on Apple TV. I think I now have them at my disposal until death do us part. 🤓
Wow, you have gotten a lot done! You are smart to follow your instincts and rest when your body needs it. I enjoyed seeing Annie. She is so pretty! That's wonderful to see Ian learning to do a little sewing repair work. I taught my grandson and granddaughter how to sew on the machine when they were young too. Enjoy your shows and rest!
You have been very busy! I am sure it felt good too. My grandmother used to say that when your body tells you to sleep, listen to it and sleep. I think you did.
Admire all your work on the books. No wonder you get so very tired after all that productivity.
You've been so busy! Some downtown sounds like a great idea, and I'd always be happy to spend it with Lewis ;)
How are you? Oh my goodness, it seems I am always and forever catching up. Have you heard from Karl? I sent a card not too long ago and have another to address and stamp today. I am always worried about him. You have been busy. Our youngest Hannah has a circut machine and she makes all sorts of wonderful things. She is so talented. My talent is sending cards to anyone who gives me their address. I have several birthday cards to mail this month. So many birthdays! ALso a young lady I was following, a very wonderful 25 year old, passed away. SHe had been on hospice care and without nutritions since February 1st. SHe passed away on March 1st. Her testimony to her faith is somethign so incredible. I had hoped all those social media people took a rest from the politics and stopped by to read her story. I am sending cards to her loved ones too. Yesterday, I was lazy and spent most of the day watching Maine Cabin Masters. It is my favorite show. I hope you are doing well. I often think of you and pray for you as well. Hoping your days are good and you are not inthe deep freeze like we are. Take care
Talent and great grandchildren make your life interesting
Rest when you need to Rita! Annie's got the right idea! Hugs! deb
You (and Leah too) have had a very productive week, Rita, your studio table looks very organized and sure it's easier to work on it too. The papers are beautiful and just looking at them must bring you joy as it did me just to see them in the photos! It seems that grandson Ian may be following in the footsteps (bad pan) of his mom and grandmother as he looks very intent on that PJ repair.
Rrest is a good thing, as Annie knows too. Glad the Britbox issue was quickly resolved. I don't know if you have access to PBS Passport but I think there are some episodes of Lewis there. I didn't know it, but a donation to the local PBS station last Dec gave me access to this streaming feature after creating an account. I just watched Land Girls there (it was great).
I'm hopelessly late reading blogs, but just wanted you to know I'm here. You're always so organized and industrious - it puts me to shame! The photo of sleeping Annie made me smile.
Spring will soon arrive, and I can't wait!
I am in awe of your craft room and that die cutter is to die for. Looks like the boys had fun with your sewing machine. Sorry to read you overdid things. Please rest up and watch Lewis. I have PBS Passport, and it is on there, too. They are also showing Endeavor, which is before Morse was the real Morse.
Hi im new to Blogger im adding you so i can read more
looks like the boys enjoyed having a go at the sewing machine!
I’ve never heard of book cards, but they look lovely. And handmade paper is such a cool thing. I’m glad you are surrounding yourself with things and people that make you happy. Look at those sweet little ones sewing!
You've been so busy with the book cards. They look beautiful. I like that you sew them together with the embroidery thread. That adds a nice touch of color!
That's wonderful that Ian is starting to sew. It's a good life-long skill to have. I wonder what his next project will be.
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