Monday I actually finished up the silver coloring on the Christmas card fronts but have done nothing else with them yet. Hopefully will get a lot done on them this week.
Tuesday was the port removal surgery. I am sooo glad Leah came with. I had been absolutely calm and not stressed at all--my usual chatty, joking self--until I was informed I was not going to be put under. Huh? Apparently when I was given the choice of in the office with local anesthetic or to be sedated as an outpatient at the hospital...well I was informed that "sedated" does not mean you are out or put under. I think they could have been a lot more clear about that.
They would give me the relaxing/don't care/don't remember everything I figured it would be a lot like when I had my cataract surgeries. You are awake but not the entire time--or you really don't remember everything. (And that is what it was like--and I still preferred that to having it done in the office.) BUT...
...the shaky older nurse who took care of me before the surgery had to put the IV into the back of my hand. I've had that done a few times in my life...but never--ever--like what I endured that day. It was horribly painful. I am usually silent--even when people have a hard time, do it more than once, or are just not good at it. But she went on and on and on! She was digging and poking around--back and forth--and pressing and pulling down on the back of my hand (because "your vein is so wiggly") apparently trying to forcefully hold my vein still--with her shaky, trembling hands--over and over again. So sharp I finally was shouting out in pain. Blood all over the back of my hand and dripping between my fingers...but she finally finished. And started to clean up the blood.
Poor Leah! She was right there beside the bed on the other side. Not only is it hard to watch someone else in pain, but it also gave her flashbacks of a bloody IV she had put in when she was in labor with Liam.
I couldn't even speak. Silent. A bit shocked. Rolling my eyes and frowning to Leah over the nurse's head as she wiped gingerly at the blood.
When the lady finally left us alone in the room...I said to Leah--well, the worst of it is over. And it was.
The nurse was extra solicitous and kind after torturing me, at least. She knew she did a bad job and she was sorry. I just couldn't let her off the hook, though. Barely spoke to her after the IV. I did get a different really sweet girl after the surgery to laugh with. Glad of it.
Anyways, they didn't want me to be alone all night, but I was doing fine. We picked up baconaters at Wendy's for dinner and Leah did stick around for a while. She stamped the inside card panels for me with "merry and bright". I did some counting and I do need to cut out and stamp up just a few more inside panels so I can use all the 92 card fronts.

By Wednesday morning I had to remove the big patch they put over the incision. I was supposed to leave it on for two days, but I react to some adhesives and my skin was getting red and sore. It's nice that they did the inside stitches with dissolving thread and then put that surgical glue all over the top that I can just let wear off gradually, so I don't have to go get stitches pulled out!
Woke up to the sound of thunder and rain that day! I do love my thunderstorms. We've had cloudy days quite a bit this last week--with or without rain.
I got a call late Wednesday afternoon for an at home annual review visit for having a cleaner...the next morning. She does this all the time. I don't know if she is supposed to give little notice or it is just her--lol! She's tried to come the same day sometimes. She's always in a hurry, though, and a bit frazzled. I think they are more understaffed everywhere since Covid. The cleaners, too! Those companies have really taken a hit. Took about a year before I got a cleaner back--maybe it was even longer. Who could blame them. I wouldn't have wanted to be inside strangers' homes cleaning with Covid running rampant!
Thursday morning Tammy arrived. I couldn't even shower (had to wait 48 hours) and the shingles still bothers me, so I was in a lounger...but she didn't care. (Hey, if she had given me more notice I could have been cleaned up by the next day--lol!) She could see all the U-Haul boxes all over the place, so I told her about my eventual move. Since she only comes once a year I might not see her again after all these years. (I would hope I am gone by next September!) She doubted I would qualify after I move just because I will be living with family--even if I will have a separate apartment and will be paying rent. I kind of figured that.
I finally got to setting up all the letters I owe. Any extra spoons have gone towards working on the Christmas cards--lol! Sorry I have been a slower than even usual letter writer lately. Just how it goes sometimes in the daily spoon juggling. You know how I love me some good paper chatting. ;) And I am all set now! The table next to my chair...
...and on the laptop table...14 letters ready for chatting! :) :)
Friday afternoon--I had some partridges on the patio!!! I didn't have the blinds pulled over so I didn't get a picture...but that means maybe I will be feeding partridges this winter after all. ?? It has been so weird not to see them so far. They are usually back around come August or so...needing to fatten up for the long cold winter. I had thought maybe they had moved away from town...which would be a good thing, actually. Haven't seen them since. So, we'll see. All the little birds are here all the time. Allie keeps an eye on them.
Saturday was the end of the month stuff...banking, rent check, and getting my bullet journal set up for October.
Sunday been going through my orders for October. Had another hanging-string break on one of my shower brushes--again. I think I have put new string loops on them possibly three times already. They're eight years old, so it is time for some new brushes. I've always been a bar soap girl, but I am even going to try one of those loofahs on a stick and some body wash! Never too old to try new things, right? ROFL! ;)
I have been using this fun Laurel Burch cat shoulder bag for years.
People have recognized me from my crazy bright cat bag at Essentia and I'm sure will at Sanford, too. I never got compliments on a bag before I got this one. Even other patients walking by will say--love your bag! or what a fun bag! or occasionally someone will ask me where I got it. :)
I've been thinking how after I move I really need to have a tote so I can haul stuff upstairs when I am watching the boys or want to spend time on the deck in the summer or just feel like coming up to do a little crafting at their dining room table...whatever. I'd need a tote big enough to hold my laptop, kindle, tablet, letter writing supplies, craft supplies, or whatever I want to haul up with me to work on.
Years ago when I went over to watch their cats (and borrowed their car to do it while they were in Japan for a month) I was scrambling around trying to find bags I could put stuff in so I could sit and write letters, or work on cards, or read, or catch up on my laptop while I was there spending time with their lonely cats (Sammy and Annie). I knew I needed something after I move--a dedicated "upstairs" bag--lol! I can just picture me climbing the stairs with my bag of supplies...
Well, I decided to buy a Laurel Burch cat tote! Been looking at them for a couple months. Because of the zippered tops it is still guesswork as to whether a laptop would fit comfortably in which size tote without getting one that is way too big...but I have decided to go for it. I'll show you when it finally arrives. :) I'm so excited about it that I can't wait until I move to get one--lol!
Meanwhile, as far as I know Chuck has not come to pick up the stuff in my garage and I don't think Trent came over to work on the basement this weekend. Yes, more planning than actual doing--lol!
Have a few pics of the boys. One day I will see a lot more of them than just pictures and an occasional brief visit. ;) Of course, Gramma loves that wildly colorful shirt of Ian's. :)
Those square Band-Aid looking patches are for mosquito bites.
I think they are going whenever they can on Mondays to climb those walls. At least that is what I see on our shared Google calendar--lol!
The owner (friend of theirs) changes out the rock patterns on the walls every week, I think Leah said.
Anyways, it was a 90 degree day all of a sudden Sunday. Supposed to be today, too. Then we drop back to the 60s and even 50s. Spring and summer are extra unpredictable.
Got laundry done Sunday, but not put away yet. Have a fair to-do list for this week. I never know for sure how it will go. Have Keanna coming to clean on Tuesday and Friday morning I have the poke and peek bladder doctor visit. Any extra spoons will go to letter writing and working on the Christmas cards. I'm still working at trying to sleep regular hours--or regular for me-lol! Slowly making some progress, I think. All progress in my life seems to be very, very slow the past couple years--ROFL!! But it is still progress. And I think it will all turn out wonderfully in the end. Patience. Or my word for the year--Relaxation--relax. So, till next week, you dear, dear sweet folks--bless you!! *hugs*
That sounds like a terrible experience, I once agreed to let let a student nurse do it, under supervision, and she had to poke around a little, but with good humour and appropriate apologies, and it didn’t hurt anywhere close to what you have described. If she improved her technique on me it was worth it.
Glad to hear the port is out, but so sorry to hear about that awful experience with the nurse. Otherwise, it seems things are going pretty well. I like that pretty shirt of Ian's, too. :-)
I'm so sorry about your awful IV experience. I'd make sure I asked for another nurse if she shows up if you go back there.
We haven't had rain in a while. I'm still having to water the plants. Cats do like the entertaining birds, don't they!
Some nurses should not give IV's. Glad your port is out. Enjoy the nice weather today...if you ask me it is too warm!
What the hell, I would rather be out of it before such a procedure and being poked with a sharp needle thing by someone trying to find a vein, is painful and rough and can be made worse by a person who doesn't seem to care that we are being hurt and becoming bloody. Good that you don't have to have stitches removed later on.
Also I like that bag
Hi Rita. Wow, that port removal sounds rough. So glad it is over. I love your fun cat purse. Have a good and relaxing week. You deserve it. :-) See you again soon!
My arm hurt just reading about that encounter with the nurse. I feel for you.
I was surprised to read about an annual review for a cleaner. Does that mean the state or Medicare pays? Sounds like you may lose that option once you move. I hope not for your sake.
I look forward to seeing your new Laura Burch bag when it arrives. Have a super week, dear Rita.
Ohhhh Nooooo if the nurse or whomever doesn't get the IV in the first time I put a stop to it. That is ridiculous and unprofessional. So much gong on in your life but I love that bag. Thank you for all of your encouragement for my health and lovely comments. Blessing my freind. Have a wonderful day.
That IV experience sounds horrible! I have never had an IV (yet) and am certainly not looking forward to my first experience. I have had blood drawn a few times and the nurse made a comment about how big my veins were and asked if I wanted to volunteer for other nurses to practice on. No thanks!
I think getting an IV in your hand is much more painful than if it's done in your arm. I don't think I'd have been as tolerant of that nurse as you were, especially once the bleeding started. I probably would have shouted at her to stop and to get someone who could do the job. A nurse with shaky hands shouldn't be giving shots or putting in IVs. Do you think one of the boys looks more like Dagan and the other one looks more like Leah? I'm just curious. I can't tell if they resemble family members. When you get the new cat tote, be sure to show it to us. The bag you have is really cute.
Your adventure with the shaky nurse was really unnerving. I cringed while reading it. Last week when I was sent back to Cookeville for one night, the medic in the ambulance tried to put a port in my arm. He failed the first two times and it was extremely painful. I almost fainted
I love the photos of the moon, the crazy cat bag, and of course Allie. Take care and hugs, Jon
I'm so sorry you had such a painful experience! Some people have a policy of asking for another nurse after TWO tries!
I just read you letter and card and am in process of writing you back but I wanted to stop and read the update here first. Please send me your new address when you move. Ben gone by September? Does that mean you won't be moving until then?
Hi Rita -- what a week. Off blog we've already talked about your port, so I won't go into that here except I hope things are healing well. I suspect you won't be able to qualify for cleaning but it's nice you have so far. And I love your Laurel Burch. She's great, isn't she? That's a smart idea on carrying stuff up in a tote. I love how you think ahead so well!
I'm glad all went well with the port removal apart from the IV part.
I use bar soap in the shower but liquid soap at the basin for handwashing.
I've always loved your Laurel Burch cat bag even before Kya came into my life.
Climbing walls....what fun!
Enjoy your week. x
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