Monday, October 21, 2024

October 21, 2024 Monday--5am

Good morning!
I don't have a lot of seed left in the bin, but I will at least help the little birds fatten up a bit before winter.  Haven't seen any more partridges.  I'm glad really.  Don't want them to think I will be here all winter.  The little birds are very resourceful and travel all over the neighborhood.
Well, I was out of commission for a week after the chair shopping excursion.  Was just starting to feel better by the time I had the new eye doctor appointment on Thursday.  That was a failure.  

Turned out they don't take my ND Medicaid.  And then Medicare...what a joke.  The lady told us Medicare covers the eye exams...but not the refraction part.  What is the refraction part, Leah and I asked.  Well, that's the part where they flip the lenses back and forth to see which is they can get your prescription!  What is the point of an eye exam if they don't find out your prescription!?  The refraction would run about $80.  

I already know that even with my Medicaid coverage I wasn't covered for the glaucoma testing I had done quite a while back.  My (now retired) eye doctor was surprised because it runs in my family.  And now I have the macular puckers, have had cataract surgery, and MD runs in the family, I'll need to have more tests and exams that aren't covered.

We left.

I will have to call around to find a place that takes my ND Medicaid.  Searched online and have three possible places to call this week.  Was a lesson in "never assume", right?  I just figured that if Dr. Dye transferred my records he would transfer to someone who would take my insurance.  Never assume.  lol!

I wasn't up to anything (barely regular stuff) until Saturday.  I did get laundry done and worked on coloring over the weekend.  (Yes, I've never watched Star Trek New Generation, so I am popping in now and again to watch a few episodes.)
I'm getting closer to being able to put these together and be done with the very last project I need to finish before I move.
Allie spends a lot of the day watching her CatTV--lol!  Was too chilly to have the door open until it warmed up enough and the wind died down on the weekend.
Now Leah was busy last week.  She flew to Des Moine, Iowa for work early Monday morning.
Nice room!
She flew back late Tuesday evening.  Was a good conference, she said.

Wednesday, they had to move the old rocker recliner away from the corner in the living room...
...for the delivery of the new little brown lift chair!!
Here you can see what I mean about the small piece on the end of the footrest that is curled underneath so you can't see it when the footrest is down.  Ahhhh!  Perfect!
The new chair is Blink approved! :)
Dagan and Leah were busy all weekend.  They had cat doors (actually access panels) to install and a bigger access panel on the ceiling in the maintenance room for all the cable wires they had to reinstall.
This was the cable and monitor wiring progress.  All a baffling mystery to me.
Below that is the cat door with the cover still on (because they don't want Blink wandering through there until they get the carpet remnant installed on the floor).  That cat door is right next to where my washer and dryer will go.  And it leads through... come out under the stairs where the cat boxes will be.  There will be carpet remnants cut to fit on the floor that can be replaced as needed over time.
The other cat door leads from my bathroom into the maintenance room.
It will be kind of behind and to the side of where my toilet will go.
So Allie will use this to get into the maintenance/laundry room.
Here's from the maintenance room on the other side.  The hole is behind the water softener.
We're going to have the plumbers move the water softener away from the wall farther for my chubby cat and any further chubby cats--lol!
Hopefully they can move it a few inches.  There's quite a bit of room back there.
Somebody really likes my kitchen sink--lol!
Leah took measurements and sent me a picture so we could make a decision on the bathroom mirror.
I wanted a round one with black trim.  My whole apartment will be squares and rectangles, you know?  So I went online comparison shopping and found the cheapest one I could find in town.  TaDa!  Nice!  Really like it.  Should look good!

Leah sent pictures to show me how deep the windowsills are in the living room...
...and the studio!
Plenty of room for a plant or two and for cats to sit. :)
Sunday--Dagan popped by to bring in my winter clothes bins from the garage...
...and haul out some more donations for me.  (Not my Dyson or the shoes next to the box--lol!)
It is definitely time to get my winter clothes back in the closet!  Past time, actually--lol!  Been quite nippy up here some days.  Last time there will be a long trek from the garage at the backside of the parking lot with these bins!  Nice!  They'll be in the storage area right outside my front door in the basement.  

I'm so excited that the plumbers are coming back to start all the finishing work today!  Really hope to maybe have pictures next week of my new bathroom...and maybe have sinks up and running.  When they get finished it can finally get cleaned up down there.  Get rid of all that dust everywhere! Whoohoo!  

I think the earliest I might be moved would be before Thanksgiving...but at least before Christmas.  Depends on how things go, of course...but it is getting closer.  A month or two?  Been so long it seems unreal, doesn't it?  Hard to believe it is actually going to happen pretty soon.  Another totally new chapter in my life.  Huge, huge, huge change from this hermit/monkish life!

Once all the construction is done and the appliances are all installed, I will probably do a short video tour.  And maybe another one once all the IKEA furniture is together before I move.  Can you tell I am getting excited--lol!  Leah and I have been texting more again...about things like window well covers (probably can't get before this winter), automatic blinds, my fake plants from IKEA stored in the garage, shelves for the laundry/maintenance room...all kinds of little things.  Dagan always mentions that they'll be putting down my big rug so they can start putting together IKEA furniture soon.  We're getting excited!

Tuesday I go over to watch the boys while Dagan and Leah go to Liam's parent-teacher conference and then for dinner with a lady.  They want me to sit in my new chair most of the time so I can be sure it is a good one for me.  (There's a 30-day return, I guess.)  I'll be there from about 2:30-7ish.  Looking forward to spending time with the new chair!  And the boys, of course--ROFL!  I'm bringing the Henry Winkler book.  Will get to see how far the plumbers have gotten in two days.  Should be a good week!

Meanwhile, I'll be coloring cards, writing letters, and keeping out of trouble. ;)  Maybe I'll find a new eye doctor.  Been thinking about colorful frames...?  Who knows!  Have a great week.  Be sure to vote, everybody!  Till next time...  


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You have a lot to be excited about, Rita, with the new chair and the progress in your future home. How exciting to possibly move by the holiday season too. Loved the orange walls and the deep windowsills. Too bad about the eye appointments not being covered and hope you can find a doctor that will accept your coverage.

DJan said...

It is a very exciting time indeed. I appreciate the whole post, filled with excitement and plans. And boo to the eye doctor!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

My vote is before Thanksgiving! I vote it is everything you are hoping for!

Sandra said...

This is exciting and I haven't even been around for the whole time it has taken! I am excited, I bet you are off the charts. The lack of coverage for eyes, teeth and hearing is appalling. Like those things aren't important. I wish you much luck in finding a clinic that will take your Medicaid.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope you like your chair! I hope you find an eye clinic that will take Medicaid. Your move in date is getting closer!