Here's the end results of the Dr. Martin watercolor experiment. :)

Can't say these don't look hand-painted--hehe!
I worked on the metallic paints yesterday.
Did smooth and also more textured versions.
Messy, but fun!
Here they are dried and shimmery.
Dagan and Leah stopped by after their meeting. Dagan is still waiting for the replacement mother board to arrive. They're planning on spending the next couple weeks after the 4th cleaning and organizing home and garages. However long it takes--a top to bottom job. They've been there two years today, actually.
Leah's been taking some pictures of the cards for etsy. We're still waiting to get our new rubber stamps and the jewelry forms. There were hold-ups on the ordering. Leah's planning on getting some pictures up over the 4th so that I can start working on descriptions. So, we should finally get up some new product in July here. We're both slow--hehe!
After a cuddle session, Kama settled in under the art table late last night. This is what it really looks like without the flash...a nice dark corner to hide in.
With the flash.
Later--sound asleep.
It is so windy today that the door to the hallway is rattling and the dryer vent cover is banging against the outside of the building like someone with a hammer trying to tear down the wall. I had the livingroom windows open for a while, but it was sooo windy it was blowing away papers over by me in my chair and on the desk so I had to close them. Just have the bedroom window and porch door open. The hanging philodendron is spinning on the porch. But the sky is blue and it is a beautiful day. Supposed to get hot, so I'll probably have the place closed up and the AC on in a few hours. For now--just appreciating the fresh North Dakota air blasting and rumbling thru the apartment and shaking the building--ROFL!
Well, I have to admit that they had an unexpected and interesting ending to the evil bull monster on True Blood. Satisfying. And a cliff hanger ending to season two! So I'll be watching when season three comes out on Netflix. ;)
Today--have to do the end of the month more boring stuff. Balancing the checkbook, budget, bills, and such. Might be a good day to catch up on my magazine reading. I have had Writer's Digest, Poets & Writers, and a new-to-me magazine called (and) Memoir sitting here for a month. Too windy to read on the porch today, tho. Probably rip the pages right out of my hands! Have a wonderful day!! :):)
No silence in Fargo today!
"The trees, the flowers, the plants grow in silence. The stars, the sun, the moon move in silence. Silence gives us a new perspective."
Mother Teresa